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THUNDER IN AFRICA–The Harley-Davidson Owners Group Durban Chapter (HOG) and Harley-DavidsonDurban has been successful in achieving international recognition fromtheir peers as a result of the ‘Thunder in the Zulu Kingdom Rally’ in March2004. It is with this recognition that Harley-Davidson Europe and HOG haveexpressed a keen interest in hosting an International status Rally as apermanent annual event in Durban. The vision of creating a South AfricanDaytona, Sturgis style Bike Week in Durban has been embraced by bothnational and international Harley Chapters. This event has been sanctionedby Harley-Davidson, HOG Europe, the National South African HOG chapters, theSouth African Harley-Davidson dealerships and independent H-D bike clubs asan annual event, and agreed upon unanimously to remain on the South Africancalendar as an annual event.
The Harley-Davidson International representatives who attended the 2004Rally commented on what they stated as ?a rally event that truly met, if notexceeded international rally standards? and the location of the rally siteat Suncoast Casino & Entertainment World was said to be magnificent andawesome. They also committed to Harley-Davidson?s and HOG?s full support inmarketing the next rally overseas. Furthermore, it was at this stage that wein conjunction with the international representatives created the vision ofa South African Daytona equivalent in Durban. HD and Hog both expressed thesame desire to have an annual rally for the future that would be an exampleto the rest of the world.
Thundertown can be found at The site is by no meanscomplete, but will be added to all the time. There also links to Durban andour country. Feel free to post stuff on the forum !
Regards and be safe !
Scoop (aka Kai Von Pannier)
Head Honcho
Scoop Dynamics
Website Rally :
ScoopDynamics :
“Get the Scoop !”

MOTORCYCLE TOURING WITH EAGLERIDER–EagleRider of Knoxville (Knoxville Tennessee) is part of a worldwidefranchise, that specializes in Harley, ATV, Jet Ski, & Dirt Bike rentals. Wealso offer self-guided and guided tours of the Smokey Mountains, Blue RidgeParkway, Cherohala Skyway, and Dragon’s Tail (318 curves in 11 miles). Wewould like to get info. about having a link on your website. We feel theservice we offer is unique and would cater to your customer base.
Our link info. is as follows:
Randy and Melissa Carter
EagleRider of Knoxville
9918 Kingston Pike
Phone: 865-560-0088 toll free: 1-866-805-RIDE
Fax: 865-560-5654


This Saturday
One Day Only!
9am – 6pm
On January 15th Wild Fire will be cutting prices throughout the store.
Stop in to join us for some great savings during this One Day Only! Winter Blow Out Sale!Come in and say “Hi” to some old friends and take advantage of sales that you won’t want to miss out on.We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, January 15th from 9am – 6pm
One Day Only! New Vehicle Sale
Saturday, January 15th, 9am – 6pm

We’ll pay the sales tax when you purchasea new V-Rod
See our sales staff for availbilty and details.
*This offer is not valid with any other offer/discount.
“Double Denim Days”
Buy Two Pair of Genuine Harley-Davidson Jeans for Only $48!
That’s Only $24 Each!

If you buy two or more pairs of jeans from us we will take $10 off of each pair you buy.This special will only last as long as our jeans so come in today to take advantage of this very special offer before it’s too late!
*This offer is not valid with any other discount or sale
Free Seminar!!!
Maintenance 101
Wednesday, February 2, 2005

We Will be hosting a complimentary “Maintenance” seminar on Wednesday, February 2nd from 6:30-8:00pm.This seminar will cover important general maintenance checks, tips, and tricks to help keep you riding this upcoming season.Seats for this seminar are limited so please sign up now!call us at 630.834.6571 or send an email to:
January 2005
Month Long Leather Parts & Motorclothes Special

Blow out Limited Edition Leather Sale
This January is the month to gear up with leather for yourself…and your bike!Outfit yourself now and save big-time for the upcoming riding season!
Motorclothes: 25% off all Limited Edition Leather Jackets. Plus, if you buy a Limited Edition Vest or Chapsat the same time we’ll take 30% off of the additional piece.
Parts: 25% off all leather seats & saddlebags when installed by our service department.
*Limited Edition Leather is just what it sounds like. The Harley-Davidson Limited Edition pieces are made in small batches to ensure the highest levels of quality & craftsmanship. When you purchase a Limited Edition piece from Harley-Davidson you are not only buying a piece that is of the highest quality, you are also buying a one-of-a-kind. These pieces cannot be reordered, so buy now!Wild Fire has plenty of these Limited Edition pieces to choose from, come in before it’s too late!**This offer is not valid with any other discount or sale
What’s the difference between Iraq and Vietnam?
George W. Bush had a plan to get out of Vietnam.
Nick R.

ROAD RAGE OFFERED WITHSPACE AGE THERMAL COATING BASSANI has just announced availability of their awesome 2 into 1 BAGGER ROAD RAGE system finished in satin black THERMAL COAT. This record setting system has proven itself to be one of, if not the most efficient, system of its kind currently on the market. And, with the new Space Age THERMAL COATING it takes on a whole new personality in both looks and performance. Awesome and intimidating to the eye, THERMAL COAT is applied to both the inside and outside of the complete system and helps retain heat inside the pipe for improved efficiency and horsepower while reducing surface temperatures.
Bassani?s revolutionary BAGGER ROAD RAGE for Twin Cam machines features aggressive lines formed by 1 3/4? ? 1 7/8? stepped head pipes merging into a True Reverse Cone Megaphone fit with a fluted billet aluminum end cap. Precision fabricated from high grade 16 gauge steel, the system was developed specifically to produce increases in horsepower and an extremely flat torque curve.
Available exclusively from NORTH COUNTY CUSTOMS the BAGGER ROAD RAGE offers enthusiasts the ultimate in performance and style. This unique system with the high tech coating retails for $659.00. For complete details call 866-439-4287 or go to Dealer inquiries invited.

HEY SKOOTER–You say you been riding since 1968, I?ve been riding longer that you! Check me out on my trike. ? Jon Towle

Paramount Starts 2005 with New Website!Reno, Nevada – With the dawn of the New Year, Paramount Custom Cycles is notonly stepping up their game with their production motorcycles and a spot onthe Easyrider Centerfold Tour, but also by dramatically changing the face oftheir company website. has always been a very state of the art, welldesigned web page, but for 2005, PCC really took the extra steps needed tomake their mark. With the help of WolfSmith Media and Gravity HookProductions (both in Truckee, California), the new site is an ever-changing,personally interactive stop on the internet for motorcycle enthusiasts andthe general public alike.
With the use of the latest web design technology, Paramount offers theability to inspect their products with a 360? viewer, take an inside look atthe PCC facility in Reno, Nevada, listen to build tips and techniquesstraight from Aaron Greene, and search their endless archive of photos.There is also a detailed timeline describing the life and times of AaronGreene and his Paramount Custom Cycles.
With too many aspects to describe, the new PCC website is definitely worthchecking out.
See Aaron Greene on the Easyrider Centerfold Tour in 2005, check outParamount’s production motorcycles at a PCC dealer near you, visit the newsite on the web and be sure to pick a little something up.
Continued On Page 4