Continued From Page 1

ARIZONA SENATOR PUSHING HELMET LAW– Senator Julian Carroll, when he was governor decades ago, signed the first helmet law, but in recent years, lawmakers repealed that law. Now he says, because of the rising cost of health care, helmets need to be mandated again.
“Is that once they (riders) get injured, and their chance of survival isn’t that great without helmets, but if they survive, the state ends up picking up the bill,” says Sen. Carroll, D-Frankfort.
And, Carroll says many times the taxpayers end up ultimately paying more. But he says passing a helmet law isn’t very likely this session, because many lawmakers oppose the bill.
Carroll says some say helmets restrict the ability of riders to turn their heads and see traffic. Others tell him they don’t agree with his assessment of higher health costs because crash victims can’t pay for their own life long care.
“What I’m talking about is those individuals who end up getting a head injury and it’s so significant that they require hospitalization or care the rest of their lives,” says Carroll.
I find this statement below offensive and prejudice against the motorcycle community. For the lack of research you as the author of this article is very one-sided and a great disappointment in your report on this subject.. “but if they survive, the state ends up picking up the bill,” says Sen. Carroll, D-Frankfort.”
1. There is not a list of approved helmets, NO LIST-NOW LAW!
2. NHTSA and NTSB and DOT do NOT certify or approve helmets. This is left up toeach helmet manufacturer.
3. NHTSA contracts Performance Test ONLY according to of a hand full of helmets each year ( not always the case) from May through September. There are thousands of helmets in the NHTSA data base, a number of these are still being sold on the shelf today, this does NOT include counterfeit helmets. For the NHTSA and the NTSB to continue this thirty year+ BAND-AID for all the Amputee, Paraplegic, TBI, Blunt Force Trauma survivors isas antiquated as the test equipment and helmet debate they use today.
4. VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled) is the basis for motorcycle Injuries and Fatalities. This data is skewed and inaccurate as stated by both the NHTSA and the NTSB, and DOT. NOT every state has participated in collecting this data over the last thirty+ years….
–Garry Van Kirk
Bullhead City, Arizona
Supporting Our Right to Ride, Supporting Bikers In Their Time Of Need.
” You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man’s freedom.”
~Clarence Darrow~

30 mph – 46.7′ 61% Better than D O T Standard
60 mph – 162.2 ‘ 66% better
30 mph – 45.2′ 53 % Better
60 mph -188.9′ 51% Better
80mph – 328.6′ 52% Better
115 mph – 936.5′ 34% Better
See The Installation Tech on the home page of–Wrench

ROLAND SANDS DESIGN, INC. TO RELEASE “NEW BLOOD: THESTORY OF THE KRV5 TRACKER” DVD — The DVD Details the Storied Backgrounds of Both “King” Kenny Roberts and Roland Sands As TheyCollaborate to Build a MotoGP-Powered Custom Motorcycle
WHAT: Roland Sands Design, Inc. has made available media screeners of “New Blood: TheStory of the KRV5 Tracker” in preparation for the film’s Summer 2007 release.
The much anticipated DVD follows the development of a MotoGP-powered custommotorcycle and details the trials and tribulations of building such a unique andinnovative piece of history. Sands’ design of the concept bike pays tribute to early1900s Boardtrack racers. The engine supplied by legendary MotoGP race team, KennyRoberts Racing, is a 200 horsepower V5 engine – the only engine to be released fromtheir United Kingdom design facility.
The KRV5 Tracker project unites theunparalleled racing history and technical know-how of Team Roberts with thegroundbreaking design of Roland Sands. Roberts was aware of Sands’ road racingpedigree, but it was Sands’ Discovery Channel Biker Build Off episode that turnedRoberts onto Sands’ talent as a motorcycle designer and builder. After an introductionto his childhood hero at the 2005 Laguna Seca MotoGP race, Sands had one of Roberts’prized KRV5 engines on its way to his La Palma, CA studio.
The DVD also contains special features including interviews with Nicky Hayden, ArlenNess, and Long Jump World Record Breaker Trigger Gumm along with the building ofGumm’s latest jump bike.
CONTACT: For more information on “New Blood” as well as images and RSD products, pleasecontact Erika Decker at 714-228-8481 or

BIKERNET PHOTO ART EXHIBIT OF THE WEEK–I was riding down I-95 today with the laptop on the seat trying to help a screaming pissed off customer on the other end of the cell phone and I came upon this brother. Riding south, not a care in the world, his vest flapping in the wind and as I hit the shutter button – none of it mattered.
Take it all in,
Whiplash Biker Photog

HELP CUB SCOUT PACK 761 AT–Rollin’ Sixes Choppers–Car and Bike Show,With Proceeds Benefiting Cub Scout Pack 761Hundreds of Vehicles, Door Prizes, and Family Entertainment.
Saturday, Jan. 26, 2008 Littleton Elementary School on Littleton Road, North Fort Myers.Bring A Can Food for Littleton Elementary Food Drive.
o $15.00 per vehicle includes driver, one guest, for Pre-Registered vehicles only.
o $20.00 Day of show.
o Vehicle Pre Registration must be postmarked by Friday January 11, 2008. NO EXCEPTIONS. After that date everyone pay’s $20.00 at the gate. All pre-registration entries must complete the pre-registration form. Registration form can be obtained on or by e-mailing or or by providing all of the information needed with their check. An e-mail gate pass must be displayed during entry. Cars arriving without a gate pass will be charged $20.00 per vehicle.
o Sorry, no refunds. All participants get admission into the show during show hours.
o Gates open at 8:00am.Registration will open at 9:00AM. All vehicles must be parked by 11:00AM. Car Judging begins at 12:00 noon. Packets will be given to each car when entering the show area. The packet will include the Show Vehicle Information Form. This form MUST be filled out and displayed on the front windshield during the show. Cars not displaying the Vehicle Information Form will be asked to leave the show area.
o Vehicles must arrive together to park together. No spaces can be saved due to parking constraints.
o The Awards Ceremony will be at 4:00PM. Vehicles may leave the grounds at 5:00PM once deemed safe.
o Rain or Shine the event goes on.
o For updated space availability please call Heather 239-699-3382.
o No overnight parking, NO Alcohol. Family Fun. Food and Drink will be available with all proceeds going to Pack 761.
Space is limited. Pre-Registration is highly recommended.
Visit for more detailsCar Show Registration Form (please print legibly)

JJ SOLARI BOOK PRINTED AND READY TO ROCK THE WORLD–That’s right. Solari madness is now available to the entire world. There’s terrible pet stories, funeral madness and out-of-this-world parties.
It’s sick copy like you’ve never, ever read before.
Write JJ for more info:

BIKERNET TECH OF THE WEEK, RHINO COATINGS FOR BIKES–I’m writing 1- to wish you a great and successful New Year and 2, I saw a very impressive product demonstration on TV recently.
About two years ago I goaded two of my friends to spray their bikes with Rhino Liner truck bed coating since the flat and denim black finishes were very popular anyway. One owned a Buell and the other a 1200 Sporty. Both on plastic and sheet metal the finishes were aesthetically perfect (professionally applied of course). The durability had yet to be tested.
The Buell had a low speed lay down about six months later that resulted in faint surface scratching (at 35 mph). The Sporty, after having a girder front end installed without modifying the kickstand, had a tendency to fall over standing in moderate to high wind conditions. The owner actually bragged about his bike being able to get kicked over, not get a single nick or scratch and fire up and run. It’s hit the deck 10-12 times without a single noticeable defect in the finish.
Now onto the show. Discovery Channel has a new show called Smash Lab coming on this and every Wednesday after. The preview I saw had them trying to test the true capacity of Rhino Liner and whether it could be used to protect buildings from collapsing when explosives are used.
They rigged up a pickup truck with ALOT of explosives without the liner, the results need to be seen to truly appreciate the excess of damage. Another truck with the liner and the same blast did extraordinarily well. They also hit it with buckshot at close range and as a concrete wall liner. All with varying degrees of success, but all impressive.
If you find time check it out or tape it. It’s pretty cool. And I’ve seen first hand how tough this shit really is. For the price (Both my buddies paid $150 for their skins and tins each) you really can’t beat the look, durability or protection (sparking or shearing on impact) offered by this product.
Enjoy and thanks again for the help with that ’07 Sportster clutch effort issue, my customer is very satisfied. Hope to see you and Jared Peterson at Bike Week.
–Joel R Mercado

TWO-BIT CHOPPERS DEBUTS NEW, SLIMMER HIPO BILLET AIR CLEANER– MILLIKEN, CO – Since its release three years ago, the Two-Bit Choppers HiPo Billet line of air cleaners has become the intake of choice for riders who crave maximized performance and show stopping good looks. Now we’re set to change the game again, with the introduction of a new, slimmer design option.
Nearly a full inch narrower, these new air cleaners not only provide for greater knee clearance but still offer a surplus of flow capacity for most applications. As with all of Two-Bit’s products, the HiPo Billet line is 100-percent made in the U.S.A. using only the finest materials and craftsmanship.

For more information contact:
Two-Bit Choppers LLC
Milliken, CO
(970) 587-5867
–Justin @ Two-Bit Choppers

THE BUCKSHOT PRODUCT REVIEW– How many times have ya tried to squeeze that last few drops of dead dinosaur inta yer gas tank an’ only succeeded in dribblin’ it down yer paint job like slobber from a droolin’ dog? Yeah, I thought so. I’ve tried pullin’ the little rubber boot on the nozzle back, but then it won’t shut off by itself, an’ before ya know it, gas is sprayin’ all over like a shook-up beer. Not only is that bad fer yer wax job, but every drop ya spill is just more money in the OPEC boys’ pockets. Plus, if yer like me, ya just hate buyin’ another rattle-can of Rustoleum ta do a re-paint on yer scoot every time ya fill up!

The other day, I ran across a handy little gadget that’s helped me solve the problem of gettin’ my tank full while keepin’ gas off my paint. It’s called Big Al’s McCuff. Ya just slip it on the nozzle before ya stick the nozzle in yer tank, an’ it lets ya fill up right ta the brim without spillin’ a drop. If you’ve got a hotrod, a boat, or most anything that takes gasoline, the McCuff will work on it, too. It even comes with its own carryin’ case. Their website;, has a press release an’ a video showin’ ya the McCuff in action.
I took the McCuff ta the gas station, followed the instructions, an’ it worked just like it’s supposed to. (It’ll also save me a bundle on rattle-cans an’ maskin’ tape!)
The McCuff retails for $23.95, but if ya head on over ta their website, they’ll make ya a special deal on yours! Or call ’em at 1-888-762-2833.

BELT DRIVE LIFESAVER STILL AVAILABLE–New longer 5/16 cap screws and spacers are onlyrequired on some application with 1 1/4-inch or greater offsetpulley inserts. Installer needs to check and verify fastener lengthrequirements before performing installation.
The lockplate plus _-inch long spacers total _ thickness.You should have a minimum of the same amount of thread deptas the original capscrew plus the additional _-inch of screwfastener.
The Lockplate is intended to be installed after thecrankshaft nut has been properly torqued to specification. Theoriginal pulley insert bolts must remain in place until the belt isin place and the crankshaft nut fully torqued.
Remove the original bolts, fit the new Lockplate assemblyonto the nut with spacers if necessary and install the new longerbolts. They are available for BDL or Primo Belt drives.
Kirk’s Customs
84 Collington Dr.
Lynchburg, VA 24502
Cell: (434) 426-7530

MMA OF ARIZONA CALL TO ACTION–Bikers are losing this poll by a large margin. Online Poll Question:Should Kentucky enact a helmet law for motorcycles?Yes, all motorcyclists should wear a helmet.No, motorcyclists should have the choice to not wear a helmet. –from Take a second, dial this up and vote for Freedom.–Renegade BIKERNET COLORADO WEATHER REPORT–2008 has just begun and it’s been a little rough. A lot of negative shit on the home front. If your not a skier the weather in Colorado has sucked for about 6 weeks now. As you might be able to tell I’m not a winter person. Got home from work today and there was a package from you guys on the door step. Man that was way too cool, sort of made everything just a little more bearable. Just wanted to say thanks……….Will MAXINE SAYS THIS ABOUT MINORITIES– We need to show more sympathy for these people. They travel miles in the heat. I’m not talking about illegal Mexicans; Doesn’t it seem strange that many Democrats and Republicans are willing to lavish all kinds of social benefits on illegal’s, but don’t support our troops and their families with sufficient healthcare, rehabilitation facilities, retraining and education when they return. –from Ross P.
They risk their lives crossing a border.
They don’t get paid enough wages.
They do jobs that others won’t do or are afraid to do.
They live in crowded conditions among a people who speak a different language.
They rarely see their families, and they face adversity all day, every day.
I’m talking about our troops!
Continued On Page 3