Continued From Page 1

MC ADVANTAGES DISTRIBUTING STAINLESS CREATIONS EXHAUST–With the rollout of a new 2006 catalog, MC Advantages has announced that itwill distribute Stainless Creations handcrafted exhausts. “MC Advantageswill be carrying almost every style of Stainless Creations pipe,” notes KentReed, General Manager of MC Advantages. “These compliment the MC productlineup by offering many more striking designs. These are another premiumpipe to keep us positioned as a premier distributor of performanceaftermarket parts.”

Stainless Creations pipes are designed for almost every RSD and LSDapplication including many that fit Twin Cam and Evo applications innumerous different offsets. Each .065 thickness pipe is hand-polished to abrilliant shine and includes a sample of polish get them clean beforeburn-in and to keep them looking new. A separate spacer kit is alsoavailable for fitment of ’05-’06 Big Dog? models.
MC Advantages

I. The one true American- made motorcycle is the Harley Davidson, and thou shalt not put no other motorcycles before it.
II. Thou shalt not bow down and worship nor serve the God of Chrome; for, lo, he is a false god and will not get thy butt home.
III. Honor thy authorized dealer and the motorcycles thy sell, and that thy days may be long and fruitful in the land of Harley.
IV. Remember the weekend, and keep it open. For it is written, five days shalt thou labor, and for two days shalt thou ride thy Harley, drink beer, and have some FUN.
V. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s Harley, nor her manservant, nor her maidservant, nor her ox, nor her cute little butt.
VI. From the throne of thine Harley, thou shalt not stoop to wave at sinners who ride Jap-crap, for Jap-crap is known to be the handiwork of the devil.
VII. Thou shalt not pass by nor turn away from thy brother Harley rider who is in mechanical distress.
VIII. Thou shalt not pose. Verily, I say unto you, it is easier for a poser to pass his gold Visa card through the eye of a needle than to enter into the true fellowship of Harley-Davidson heaven.
IX. When riding thy Harley on the Road of Life, thou shalt not whine nor snivel, and thou shalt not suffer to ride alongside those who do.
X. Park not thy Harley in the darkness of thine garage, that it may collect dust for want of being oft ridden. Ride thy Harley with thy Harley brethren, and rejoice in the spirit of the road .
–from Tom K.

WEST TEXAS BIKER RUNS FOR OFFICE– I just received this Press Release from one of my fellow NCOM Board members who’s in the In-Country Vets M/C and the Alabama Confederation of Clubs. Jerry Kelly is also in the ICV M/C, and has thrown his hat in the ring for Public Office. I wish him and the Texas Bikers campaigning for him the best of luck as they seek to incorporate Sputnik’s Five Steps To Freedom in TX House District 79. Guys like Jerry are an inspiration!
In Liberty,
Tiger Mike,
Texas Motorcycle Rights Association II Coordinator and Vietnam War combat veteran filed for Texas House District 79 in El Paso El Paso, Texas – Jerry Kelly, Texas Motorcycle Rights Association II (TMRA-II) coordinator, Vice Chairman of the West Texas Confederation of Clubs and a Vietnam War combat veteran, filed for State Representative of Texas House District 79 in El Paso.”The Texas motorcycling community has consistently advocated the involvement of citizens in the political process; it has successfully supported many candidates for public office, testified at public hearings issues important to average working families, while also fighting to preserve the Rights of all Texans. We are now taking the initiative to run for various seats across the state.” Kelly said.
“District 79 is growing and deserves to have the representation to match that growth. I have filed for State Representative of House District 79, in order to ensure equal representation for all Texans,” Kelly said.
–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE BIKERNET ART EXHIBIT–This montage was originated from Sturgis 2004 photography.
Ride Hard,
Whiplash Biker Photog
BIKERNET DEFINITIONS–We’ve all heard about people having guts or balls. But do you really know the difference between them? In an effort to keep you informed, the definition for each is listed below.
GUTS – is arriving home late after a night out with the guys, being assaulted by your old lady with a broom, and having the guts to ask, “Are you still cleaning, or are you flying somewhere?”
BALLS – is coming home late after a night out with the guys, smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your old lady on the ass and having the balls to say, “You’re next.”
I hope this clears up any confusion on the subject.

AMERICAN IRON & ROADBIKE MAGAZINES ARE NEW ASSOCIATE SPONSORS OF THE LA CALENDAR MOTORCYCLE SHOW SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM–The Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show sponsored by, welcomes two of America’s leading streetbike magazines, American Iron and RoadBike, as Associate Magazine Sponsors of the Show beginning this year 2006 under a newly signed 5-year agreement. Published by Tam Communications, American Iron Magazine is one of the biggest selling titles in the American V-Twin market, while RoadBike Magazine is the biggest print magazine in the fast growing Metric cruiser and streetbike market. The Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show is the biggest custom and performance streetbike show in America, and this new partnership brings together these respective market leaders to continue to grow and expand, both for the benefit of the motorcycle industry involved with both, and for their fan base of readers and attendees.
Buzz Kanter, Publisher of Tam Communications said “We are excited to have American Iron & RoadBike become involved as multi-year Associate Sponsor and Partner in the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show, one of America’s premier street motorcycle events. And certainly the most recognized and popular streetbike event on the West Coast. It will help to give our magazines a closer tie-in to our readers and advertisers located there, add more balanced coverage of West Coast bikes, builders and product companies. And it will help our continued growth as America’s favorite American V-twin and Metric Street Bike magazines. We will have special American Iron and Road Bike Readers Trophies to award in the Bike Contest, and Road Bike magazine will be title sponsor of the new RoadBike Metric Custom Class to help promote the biggest growing motorcycle segment in America.”
Jim Gianatsis of Gianatsis Design Associates, producers of the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show, as well as the popular Calendars and Website, had this to say about the new partnership, “I am really excited to have both American Iron and RoadBike Magazines join us to share with us their readership, and to help us expand the audience and market base of our Calendar Motorcycle ShowThe 15th annual Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend takes place July 15-16th 2006 at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach / Los Angeles, as it continues its extraordinary growth and success having become the biggest Custom and Performance Streetbike Show in America (and possibly the World) focused on the custom, cruiser and high performance sport / streetbike markets.
Spectator attendance reaches close to 20,000 hard core motorcycle enthusiasts at the exciting 2-day weekend. Exhibitors include 195 major motorcycle and parts manufacturers, with selected product and apparel venders added into the mix to keep it fun for the entire family. Spectators have a chance to meet top celebrity custom bike builders and attend free Iron & Lace Calendar Bike Builder Seminars, watch the the excitement of the Jardine World Record Horsepower Dyno Shoot Out, see the world’s top custom bikes in the Performance Machine Calendar Show Bike Building Championship featuring the new RoadBike Magazine Metric Class, enjoy the exciting new Metric Midway featuring Japanese Cruisers, European and Japanese Sportbikes.

SAMPLE EPA LETTER-DON’T FORGET TO WRITE– I am writing this letter with regard to the enforcement of new motorcycle emissions laws regarding custom built motorcycles.
I believe in the EPA and it’s purpose, however occasionally I do not understand the methodology employed by the agency.
By the EPA’s own studies motorcycle pollutants are accountable for less than one percent of all mobile source emissions. With this in mind, the EPA has put forth guidelines which are so stringent that it will (through enforcement) virtually eliminate an entire sub-sector of our economy if implemented. That is, the small sized motorcycle builder and hobbyist.
Considering the net pollutants produced by on-highway motorcycles, the net effect of enforcing such a law is negligible at best; perhaps not having any effect at all.
Harley Davidson maintains the largest market share in our category. If these laws go through, the EPA will have direct influence in forming a monopoly out of Harley- Davidson which is in direct conflict with the Sherman Antitrust Act. I cannot find a reason other than of a political nature to implement this law.
I feel that a feasibility study should ensue entailing cost figures to implement versus other category pollutants which have a much more severe impact on our environment. Do we have a comparative analysis to justify these new standards and the cost to implement them, compared to say, pollution credits for large factories, where we are talking in terms of TONS OF EMISSIONS per year for each factory in comparison to what a few custom motorcycles put out.
Also I would like to hear an explanation on the constitutional nature of an environmental agency determining what type and quantity of motorcycle an individual can own. I do not understand how an agency of our Government can enforce a law which has a provision where a husband dies shortly after buying his one “lifetime exempt” motorcycle that his spouse cannot sell it for five years to settle her estate! Considering a custom motorcycle sells for anywhere between $20,000 and $250,000, I would suspect that the proceeds from this might help the bereaved spouse. Furthermore is there a marketplace for this motorcycle anymore considering the strict guidelines associated with it? Thus it creates even more economic hardship.
Americans ride Harley-Davidsons and custom bikes for sport more than transportation. We can relate to the American heritage behind Harleys and the freedom that they represent. This is an icon of American culture not merely a mode of transportation. When a governmental agency steps in to take away a piece of our freedom and liberty for no known positive net effect other than to strip our freedom and cost us more tax payer dollars, we will all lose.
A more direct approach would be welcomed in the custom bike community. For example EPA approved motors. The consumers and industry would gladly floor the cost of a compliant motor standard. If the motors are compliant (and not needing periodic compliance tests (no different than current law)), then I see no need for any further interpretation of the law with regards to any other components on the motorcycle or different registration or ownership guidelines or infringements to ownership.
Very Respectfully
— Joseph Savino,
Engineer and custom motorcycle hobbyist

THE MISSING LINK–Thanks for the mention in the Sunday post but something is missing from my listing. I am grateful that you decided to include a hot link to me but the link is incomplete because it drops my dealer number.
Here’s the correct link , notice the numbers /1124190/ after the name these are what identifies my site with Amsoil and credits me with if there is a purchase.
Bob T from, Chop and Grind, has also contacted me and it appears he will be using my Amsoil too so a big THANK YOU!!!!!! to Bandit and you for hooking us up. I have every intention of being in Bonneville with some other gear heads to see how you guys do.
Me somewhere in Utah 2006.
Continued On Page 3