Can you believe it? The Holidays are caput, finished. Even at this old age, I feel a loss after Christmas tree light are unplugged. But don’t go away mad, this year promises a new, more lively spirit. There’s something in the bleak harbor air, hovering over the Bikernet Headquarters, like a typhoon season warning.
I’m rambling, but it’s true. This weekend, barely into the year, the Easyriders Show season kicks off with the ER Pomona Bike Show, with a new centerfold competition, bands, babes and all the new customs on the scene for 2008. Hang on as John Green and his lovely crew, keeps the tour alive all over the country for seven weeks runnin’. They’ll hit Pomona, then Vancouver, Sacramento, Charlotte, Memphis, Dallas and Columbus for the Invitational.
We rock from there right to Daytona for Bike week and the season is kicked off with enough action to fry eggs on all the freeways in the country. Let’s hit the news. Just thinking about the first couple of months makes my head spin. At the end of the news I’ll lay out just the first month of this year and our Assalt Weapan plans for the World’s Fastest Panhead.

STURGIS RIDER LIVE CONTEST WINNER SPEAKS OUT–Charlie, As usual another awesome show! As you can tell I really enjoy your trivia contest, and I’ve been reading Keith Ball for years and always read his commentary when he wrote in EasyRiderS .I have to get over and check out Bikernet.com, as I haven’t been on his web site for a while. The answer to the trivia question is 1996. I think was the year he started Bikernet up. Keep on Jammin ! HAVE A great NEW YEAR!

NEW CANTINA SUBSCRIBER TESTIMONIAL–By the way, I really like “Bikernet.” I’m a new subcriber. Great humor, pics, like the stories, babes, etc.
BIKERNET.COM QUOTE OF THE WEEK–Youth Will Fade…..but immaturity can last a lifetime.

VINTAGE NITRO FRENZY PLANS FOR STURGIS 2008–plans are tentative but in the works for a Vintage Nitro frenzy at Sturgis in ’08 and a racer and fan reunion at Rockingham ’08 for the east coast folks. Thoughts, plans, ideas and volunteers, old phone numbers or e addresses or vast sums of money are welcome.
contact Arlie Becker at

WE TOLD YOU GOD RODE A HARLEY–This was an actual add from Harley in the ’70s The AMF years.
Maybe that’s why the were having problems?

EXCLUSIVE DAVID MANN POSTAGE COLLECTION–Premier Postage is proud to bring you an exclusive line of U.S. postage that features the artwork of legendary biker lifestyle artist David Mann. These products are genuine U.S. postage and are perfect for collecting or using on your personal mail as a tribute to David Mann.
See the full collection today at premierpostage.com.

CUSTOM CHROME EUROPEAN SHOW COMINGThe 2008 CCE Dealer Show will be the 10th annual.We got John Reed, Jesse James and Cory Ness and many of our vendors.Are you up for a trip to Germany yourself?
PS: Very important for all puplications. The show is March 29 and 30. ONLY the 30th is open to the public. 29th is Dealer only!

BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK–TWIN CAM case boring toolThe new JIMS case boring tool takes all the guess work out of boring T/Cmotor cases to accept JIMS 4 bore cylinders, for both the 113 and 116-INCHF/W cylinder kits. Also works on other manufacturers up to 4-1/8 bore withstock cylinder stud pattern.
This tool is designed to be used in a heavyduty 15 drill press. Simply bolt your case into the angle swivel base thatis mounted to your drill press, then install the case boring fixture(utilizing cylinder stud holes), set the RPM and depth of bore – and startboring!
No.1177 – Use on all Twin Cam 88 Cases, both Alpha and Beta, 1999-05 FXD, 2000-06 FXST, 1999-06 FL.
Suggested Retail: $1,085.25
–JT Lepien

ITALIAN BOY’S CONFESSION–Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl”.
The priest asks, “Is that you, little Joey Pagano ?”
“Yes, Father, it is.”
“And who was the girl you were with?”
“I can’t tell you, Father, I don’t want to ruin her reputation”
Well, Joey, I’m sure to find out her name sooner or later, so you may as well tell me now. Was it Tina Minetti?”
“I cannot say.”
“Was it Teresa Mazzarelli?”
“I’ll never tell.”
“Was it Nina Capelli?”
“I’m sorry, but I cannot name her.”
“Was it Cathy Piriano?”
“My lips are sealed.”
“Was it Rosa Di Angelo, then?”
“Please, Father, I cannot tell you.”
The priest sighs in frustration. “You’re very tight lipped, Joey Pagano, and I admire that. But you’ve sinned and have to atone. You cannot be an altar boy now for 4 months. Now you go and behave yourself.”
Joey walks back to his pew, and his friend Franco slides over and whispers,”What’d you get?”
“4 months vacation and five good leads.”
–from Jester

BIKERNET SUGGESTION FOR REDUCED GLOBAL WARMING–Just when you think nothing else on earth can surprise and amaze you…….HERE IT IS !!!
Here’s something you don’t see everyday, trust and a special bond. This guy lives in Canada in a very remote area. The guy in the picture raised this moose from a firstborn to this day and the moose will not leave. A train had hit the mother and the baby Moose shot out. He took it home and nursed it. The baby moose stayed around with his horses and slept in the barn. When the moose was of size he started harnessing it with his work horses. When the horses finally died of old age the moose still would not leave so he used the moose for his work. The moose will not even leave during the rut season.
–from Katmandu

SEAT OF THE WEEK FROM DUANE BALLARD– Here is the seat for the bike being built by Jody Perewitz and Sara Liberte for the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
–Duane Ballard

I DUNNO WHAT HAPPENED?– but it went something like this:”Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creativeeffort.”
–Franklin D. Roosevelt
–Eric P

EASYRIDERS POMONA BIKE SHOW THIS WEEKEND– Jan 5-6, Great News for this weekend. It looks like it is going to rain and there is someplace important to go. No need to sit in your chair watching reruns of Bandit on Monster Garage.
Saturday we have a special Acoustic performance by Christy HemmeChristy Hemme is a professional wrestler, model and musician. She is currently working for Total Nonstop Action Wrestlinggo to www.christyhemme.com for more info on her.
National Recording Artist Jasmine Cain will be performing Sat and Sunday she has Just released a new album go to www.jasminecain.com
The Teresi Dyno Drag finals are happening.
All 6 of the Centerfold Builders will be at the show. Tevelen Rabanal, Jaxon Fyffe, The Detroit Bros, Jerry Burrow, Shannon Davidson and Christian Dotson.
Pomona is the season opener for the Easyriders Bike Show Tour. This show seems to always set the stage for the year. It is a who’s who event not to be missed.
Advance tickets available at a discount go to Easyridersevents.com for more information.

REVIEW REGARDING FIRST TECH OF 2008–I seriously think you guys can build anything!!!I just adore the crazy “lets-see-what-we-can-do” attitude that I read in so many stories!!!!You must love going to work everyday!!!
Happy New Year right back atcha, Bandit!Thanks so much for your continued support!!!

HELMET PROTESTS ARE ALIVE IN NORTH CAROLINA–Bikers are protesting the new helmet law:Great job Carolina bikers! Great job Hickory Doc in Catawba Cty and DaleCarroll in Gaston Cty. Dale: the video footage from Gastonia aired allthe way out to here in Raleigh, and is probably somewhere on the net.Great job Mark and Molly in Guilford Cty, and special thanks to Andy Jayand your staff at Carolinas Full Throttle Magazine!
So far the tally is:
Rides in 4 Counties
Total estimates range anywhere from 200 to 250. Pretty good for a NewYears Day with the cold front moving in.
3 television video footages, with TV news coverage probably hitting allNC (not sure about downeast at the beach).
Top Story of the Day in at least one TV News Station.
About 1/3rd to 1/2 of those who rode in Raleigh did not conform to theplastic safety bubble.Helmet Tickets: 0 (that will change.)
We are building momentum, and more interest has been expressed for moreliberty rides in February and March, then the Paul Revere Rides on April18th, and Patriots Day Rally on April 19th, and the SOB Rally to partywith the rebels from SC during MBBW, on ride the last Sunday of MyrtleBeach Bikeweek weekend.
I cannot imagine if we had allowed the change to the statute to beenacted without protest or complaint.
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

H.O.G. MEMBERS WON’T “WANT TO MISS A THING”–Aerosmith and Kid Rock Set to HOG the Stage at the Harley Owners Group 25th Anniversary Concert at Miller Park
MILWAUKEE (January 2, 2008) – Today, the Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) announced that legendary rockers Aerosmith and Kid Rock will headline its 25th Anniversary concert at Miller Park, home of the Milwaukee Brewers, on Thurs., Aug. 28, 2008. The ticketed concert caps the free day-long Club H.O.G. 25 anniversary celebration that coincides with Harley-Davidson’s 105th Anniversary events during Labor Day weekend in Milwaukee.
“Camaraderie of the open road is at the core of the H.O.G. experience, so what better way to celebrate 25 years of H.O.G. history than by riding the world’s best motorcycles to Milwaukee with thousands of your closest friends,” said Mike Keefe, vice president and general manager, Harley Owners Group. “Our event also celebrates the start of the next 25 great years of riding together with H.O.G.”
Only H.O.G. members will have the opportunity to purchase the 40,000 tickets available for the 25th Anniversary concert at Miller Park. Concert tickets go on sale Wed., March 12, 2008, at 8:00 a.m. Central Time (CT) and will be sold on a first come, first served basis, including 6,000 seats on the stadium infield. H.O.G. members can purchase as many as 25 tickets for $25.00 each exclusively via H.O.G.’s members-only Web site,
H.O.G. was launched as the official riding club of Harley-Davidson in 1983. Today, the organization is the largest factory-sponsored motorcycle organization in the world, boasting more than one million members in 130 countries worldwide. H.O.G. members regularly celebrate the Harley-Davidson dream by riding together and participating in a variety of state, national and international rallies every year.
In addition to the ticketed evening concert featuring Aerosmith and Kid Rock, the free all day Club H.O.G. 25 on the Miller Park grounds will feature live musical entertainment and comedians, a ride-in motorcycle show with the chance to win awards, including the 7th Annual Willie G. Award, MDA fund-raising activities, performances by stunt riders and motorcycle drill teams, the H.O.G. Wall of Ink, exhibits and more. Admission to the Club H.O.G. 25 events preceding the concert is free to H.O.G. members and one guest. For more information about H.O.G. or ticket availability, visit http://www.members.hog.com.

MULLER GERMAN BRAKES TO BE REPRESENTED IN CINCINNATI —Could you put a note in the Bikernet News, telling the readers that we are at the V-twin expo in Cincinnati. That would be great!
Thanks again for posting it, make sure to visit us at the show, we should have a drink or two, or maybe even dinner.
Why run when you can fly.
–Gerhard Peter

FIRST GRILL-ING TECH REVIEW–I read your article about the grill for the heater in the shop. I think the art that you and Ray created should be left as such. Don’t hide it with some Fu-k-d up barbecue black. Hell send it to me and I’ll clear coat it!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously send it to your nearby powder coater and have them use clear powder coat on it. It will last forever! Say HEY to Ray for me.
–Chuck Shortt
Rocky Mountain Custom Bikes
Larkspur Co.
P.S. I’m getting together our newest Metric Custom to be completed for Laughlin in April, I’ll keep you posted on it and will send some pics as we go if you like.
Watch for the new Bikernet Metric scheduled to be launched January 15th. Who knows if we’ll make it, but we’ll give it hell. –Bandit

$500 DISCOUNT ON BOBBERS FOR AMERICAN SERVICE PROVIDERS– Brass Ball Bobbers and Choppers Thanks Active Duty Military & Hometown Service Providers.
Oklahoma City – Dar Holdsworth, President of Darwin Motorcycles and manufacturer of Brass Ball Bobbers and Choppers, is extending a $500 discount to all Bobbers and Choppers purchased in January 2008 through July 2008 for all active duty military, police, firefighters and school teachers.
Holdsworth, a Desert Storm veteran, understands the commitment and sacrifice that is required to perform America’s essential services. Whether an individual is fighting a fire or fighting for the mind of a student, each job delivers on the betterment of the country and the community.
“I know what it’s like to put it on-the-line on a daily basis and I wanted our company to give back to the men and women that are doing it today, keeping us safe and defending our freedoms,” said Holdsworth. “Our $500 service program shows our commitment to the backbone of America.” Checkout of the bikes at www.brassballsbobbers.com.

Continued On Page 2