Okay, this is completely nuts. We've covered various seat installs, creations, leather etching techs, and now we have two seats built on Bikernet, so why not pick your favorite. I'll do my damnest, like these bullshit reality shows on television, to point out the various attributes of each seat and esteemed competitor, so you can make an absolutely most bitchin' educated decision. Let's get started.

The Marine seat was carefully hand crafted by a biker's wife, Shirley Zanelli, from Vegas. He's not just any biker and she's not just any seat maker. Joe Zanelli runs casinos in Prim Nevada, our stopping point on the run to Bonneville. He's been a biker forever, a pit boss, and well you don't mess with Joe. Shirley on the other hand, is a bubbly redhead from England, who researched leather seat making to build her man a custom seat. She's been carving seats ever since.

“I was contacted by Tina in regards to making a donation toward a memorial benefit run, for disabled/disadvantaged American Veterans,” Shirley said. “It's The ‘Nate’ Memorial Run.”

The event is being run in memory of a marine, killed in action in Iraq, August 1, 2005,
LCPL Daniel “Nate” Deyarmin.
www.dndfund.org/run/seat. Go here to buy a raffle ticket.
“I saw that they would also take items to raffle. So I offered to make them a seat,” Shirley added, thinking it would hopefully draw more contibutions than the hundred bucks they originally requested.”

The event is set for,
June 8, 2008
484 East Ave.,
TALLMADGE, OHIO”I would like to invite everyone who can, to attend,” Tina said. “Proceeds go to our disabled and disadvantaged veterans.” So, behind Nate's name they have raised over $50,000 during the last three years. They have housed 22 homeless veterans, made house and utility payments for veterans who were on the verge of foreclosure, paid rent, bought a furnace, and taken hundreds of CDs and hand held video games to Bethesda Naval hospital in Maryland.

“They’ve even paid for a family to travel to be with their son who was severely wounded in Iraq,” Shirley added. “Bottom line if a veteran calls, they are there to help.” All of this has been accomplished in the name of Nate.”I hope that we can raffle off this seat for a ridiculous amount of money. If you like the seat, buy a ticket.” Shirley said. “If you don’t like the seat, buy a ticket. If your lard ass won’t fit on the seat, buy a ticket. Some guy with a smaller ass will buy it from you!If you don’t own a bike, buy a ticket. You can use the frickin’ thing as a door stop.”

Any questions contact Tina Underwood at KrissyJo@aol.com330-633-1941. Shirley's company name is BadShirley Zanelli http://www.badassseats.com 702-325-3532

This is a perfect addition to the Bikernet 2008 Year of the Veteran support efforts. I should go into the competition prizes here. You cast your vote by dropping Bandit an e-mail (Bandit@bikernet.com). If you vote and buy a raffle ticket we've got something special for you (send your address), plus the seat winner will receive a hand made famous 5-Ball trophy. Okay, here's the story on the other seat.

Bandit built this crazy rigid chopper and rode it to Sturgis. Glenn Priddle and his lovely wife flew over from a small island in the Pacific and tagged along for the harried ride into the Badlands.

Bandit's bike was sorta cool, but there was something wrong with the seat. It was too flat and taller seat springs didn't help much. Glenn was in the educational throws of attempting to learn the fine art of leather seat tooling and took to it like a baby to a warm nipple. He studied with traditional saddle makers, gazed over Paul Cox's shoulder and turned the pages of leather working books and catalogs.

Another seat pan was procured from Todd's Cycle in California and shipped to this dinky island below the equator, called Australia. You can imagine the lack or resources available to a small prisoner infested island at the bleak bottom of the Pacific, but Glenn made his best effort to design a seat for the big guy, who is also a Veteran of the Vietnam war with three tours under his belt.

Glenn recognized that Bandit needed a lower sitting position and a flip at the back of his big ass to keep him securely in the saddle as he twisted the Crime Scene internal wick on that nasty balanced, 93-inch S&S Shovelhead motor to peel out of the ghetto the Bikernet Interplanetary Headquarters are sequestered in. It's a terrible plight and Glenn stepped up to help.

Glenn replicated the infamous 5-Ball Mudflap girl design from George Fleming and designed the seat to be Smoke Out West Run Ready. As much as he adores mastering a trade he can wrap his arms around, the chemical aspect of wiping leather sheets with goat piss dyes and red ant lotions to save the leather from Bandit farts and Los Angeles acid rain is daunting.

He was challenged further when Bandit asked him to add color to the George Fleming art. Glen never stepped up to the painted leather ranks and was forced to study the colored notion, especially metallic paint on leather, which is currently available in the states. To meet that challenge in Australia it takes a mixture of Little Mick's secret silver hues and Kangaroo sperm. Unfortunately Glenn is allergic to all things chemical or reeking with chrome blistering odors.

Glenn went to extreme efforts and research to guard against certain death to coat Bandit's seat with the finest, most deadly coatings and colors available to man. Then he etched and coated the bottom of the seat with a warrior's message and hand delivered the seat across the Pacific.

So there you have it. Maybe we should line up the redhead and the grubby biker from the Pacific Island and tear their emotional beings to shreds in front of a yawning and giggling studio audience. We could make 'em sweat from commercial break to commercial break. Watch the Bikernet news as we tease you with the voting results.

Hell, maybe we should have a CNN debate between the two candidates Lou Dobbs or that other guy who can't say a good thing about any goddamn thing on earth. We could ask them questions like, “Glen, do you think the animals stripped of their hides scream during the process,” said Anderson Cooper? “Do you really believe that animal torture is worth a custom seat for Bandit?”

I'll shut up. Don't forget to send your vote for Grubby Glenn or the Gambler's Redhead. We'll be counting and reporting back, and let us know if you buy a raffle ticket. The voting deadline is May 1.