Continued From Page 3

The weather is still spring like here inCharlotte and it has made for a very mild winterso far and for the bike shops here that has beengood news.

Last weekend the Easyrider Bike Show was hereand Stealth Bike Works was there. There weresome real nice bikes and for me some were overthe top with no practical purpose. All thingsconsidered it was a good show and a nice breakfrom what little winter we have had.

Here at SBW we keep working on our shovelprojects and we are looking forward to springand riding season. Winter is almost over and ithas not been as bad business wise as I hadfeared. We continue to see repeat customers andthat is a good feeling.
Starting in April, the 3rd Friday of every monthStealth Bike Works presents “Biker Night.” Wewill have food and music and we will be showingsome biker build off’s. It is going to be just atime to hang out and a chance for us to givesomething back to our customers. We have someother things in the works and we will let youknow once they are finalized.
You know to run a bike shop you really have tolove it. The hours are long, the work doesn’tend when the lights go out, you have to have apassion and love for it. I am not complainingand I would not have it any other way. I lovewhat I do and look forward to putting the key inthe door every morning. You never know what theday will bring!

Hey, I almost forgot, congratulations to mybuddy Ben Jordan on his award at the Easyriderbike show! That is one clean shovel!
Until next week, RIDE!

Whitehorse Books at The Art of the Motorcycle Exhibit in Orlando Florida–Whitehorse is delighted to provide the official book display at the Orlando Museum of Art?s new exhibit on THE ART OF THE MOTORCYCLE. If you?re headed for Daytona in March or Disneyworld and the Florida beaches anytime this Spring, you?ll definitely want to take in the show, which is based on the landmark exhibition that opened in 1998 at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City to record-breaking crowds. Showcasing 80 historic and contemporary motorcycles plus the Whitehorse display, you can buy the books and other selected gear in the museum gift shop (but not the motorcycles!) The museum is open daily and the special exhibit will be there until July 23rd.
We’re pleased to announce publication of Ian Falloon?s gorgeous, new book on the BMW R90S. Beautifully laid out with big full-color pictures, this gem will delight legends of devoted fans of this landmark motorcycle, as well as make converts of those who want to know more. Falloon tells the bikers story and shows how it evolved, including enough details to make restoring one much easier. Hardcover, 128 pages, 150 color photographs, $24.95

IS IT FLORIDA BIKE WEEK– More and more people are referring to what has been known as Daytona Bike Week to Florida Bike Week. The reason for that is the number of people who are dis-satisfied with how they have been treated in Daytona Beach are looking at other places to stay and party in Florida.
The Orlando area is pulling very large numbers as is Miami and other places in South Florida. The good news for people who have to stay in Daytona because of business is that there should be plenty of rooms available and hopefully some lower prices.
More and more tourists are still opting to stay in the surrounding areas and going into Daytona and Daytona Beach for the things they want to see like the Harley Show and of course to visit Bruce Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona. That is going to be the BIG HIT of this year and where the action is going to be.
Meanwhile groups like the Latin American Bikers are opting for Orlando. I partied with some members of this organization in the past in Key West and had a very good time.–Rogue
Latin American Bikers Association Invite: My fellow LAMA Brothers and Sisters: On behalf of LAMA – Orlando, we invite each and every one of you to come to Florida and celebrate the 65th Annual Daytona Bike Week 2006 (March 3rd – 12th). There will be numerous Bike Week events going on throughout Central Florida with a very special function being hosted by
LAMA – Orlando and
LAMA- Deltona on Saturday March 11th. It will include food, drinks, entertainment, bike show and a host of other activities. We hope that youwill all be able to attend and share in the fun. If you are not able to attend, and would like to have a souvenir of the event, LAMA – Orlando has designed a Limited Edition, LAMA – Bike Week 2006 t-shirt. It is truly stunning and commemorative.
–LAMA – Orlando

BIKERNET ART LESSON–I thought you all might get a kick out of this. An artist named Mitch “MCOTIE” on one of the bike message boards took my rough sketch of S.O.G. and “painted” it on his computer in photoshop.

I’m currently learning this program so I can hopefully do this type of work. It’s how nearly all the comic books are done now. I can’t stop looking at it….it’s just amazing….
–The Conderosa
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Horse Power Promotions
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MOTORCYCLE MEMORIAL WEB SITE–Hello all, this is an update on the Motorcyclist Memorial Web page that has been in the works just a short time. We’ve been together as a foundation for the past 13 years and finally getting the page up. Thanks Dion DiBacco for doing this bang up job.
The song “Brothers and Sisters Gone” was written and sung by Dan Waterfield who also wrote the touching and beautiful tribute thats etched on the Memorial.
Please pass this web site on to any and every motorcycle rider you know or just anyone that you may think would be interested in it. We are very proud of the Memorial and in the spirit of true brotherhood and sisterhood it is cared for 365 days a year by bikers. The official web now is
Ride safe….
MAG WELCOMES A PILLAR ALERT–This is something that USDOT ought to look into. The awareness campaign has been the rider’s burden for a long time now and all the bumper stickers in the world haven’t changed it.
–Mike Greenwald
The latest from MAG, who are hoping that the Dept of Transport will do something to alert drivers of modern cars about the `A pillar’ blind spot in many vehicles;
The Motorcycle Action Group is delighted that the Department of Transport has finally recognized that the thickness of many modern cars’ “A” pillars poses a safety issue.
MAG has argued this point for years and resisted efforts to make bikers wear fluorescent clothing and burn headlights in daytime. MAG has long considered the conspicuity of the rider to be a “red herring” which distracts attention from the real causes of accidents.
The great missing factor in the whole SMIDSY (Sorry Mate I Didn’t See You) debate is the possibility that the rider is not in the field of vision of the motorist who pulls out.
The solution to this problem lies largely with motorists taking more care and moving their heads to eliminate blind spots but also with manufacturers whose concern for car occupants has jeopardised the safety of more vulnerable road users.
MAG are campaigning for the regulations to be amended to take account of this problem.
MAG was heavily involved in the drafting of The Government’s Motorcycling Strategy which highlights the DfTs commitment to research on “A” pillar accidents.
MAG Director of Public Affairs Trevor Baird said, “MAG is delighted to find that a view we have long advanced is being taken seriously, we shall continue to campaign for changes to regulations to save riders’ lives.”
–from Rogue

DEAL OF THE WEEK-’47 KNUCKLE-Departure bike works has a hot, fully rideable and restored 1947 Knucklehead for sale in their shop, in Richmond Virginia. This bike is not only restored but upgraded to be a fully rideable Knucklehead. It’s hot since it was the last, and most advanced year of the Knucklehead era. The price is only $25,000 for a bike that will never go down in value.

Any original parts that were removed for upgrades will be supplied with the bike. Contact Lee Clemens, Greg or Andrew at (804) 339-8682-cell, or (804) 231-0244-shop. Or ask for Brenda. She knows everything.
One more option. Loan me the money and I’ll buy it and pay you payments.–Bandit

NEW KNURLED CHROME HAND GRIPS FROM HARLEY-DAVIDSON–MILWAUKEE (February 6, 2006) – The new Knurled Chrome Hand Grips (P/N 56869-06, $79.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories feature a mirror chrome finish accented with comfortable knurled panels and recessed thumb grooves for superior grip. A chrome-plated dome end-cap and engraved script logo complete the custom look. These easy-to-install grips feature a “glueless” design so they may be removed for service without damage. Knurled Chrome Hand Grips fit all 1996-later Harley-Davidson models.
Pair these grips with matching Knurled Chrome Footpeg Inserts (P/N 50450-06, $28.95) that replace the ribbed rubber pad on the Slotted Chrome and Rubber Custom Footpeg Kit (P/N 43280-01).
For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

SAMSON BIG GUNS 3 WARRANTY PROGRAM–Samson Motorcycle Products designs, markets and manufactures premium quality motorcycle exhausts at their state of the art facilities in Anaheim, CA. Every product has been thoroughly tested to improve performance, enhance appearance and give the sound customers are looking for. As the industry leader in aftermarket exhaust, every part is inspected for the highest quality standards.
Samson Motorcycle Products markets products under the Samson?, Caliber? and Shogun? Brand Names. For more information visit our website

LOCATION: Tradex Centre, Abbotsford, BC
SHOW HOURS: Saturday, March 25th from 10am-10pm and Sunday, March 26th from10am-6pm
DETAILS: Over 200 custom bikes on display; more than 30 classes includingForeign, Street, British, Vintage, Radical and “Specialty?? Vendor displaysand more.
ADMISSION: Adults: $10.00, Junior/Youth (6-15): $5.00, Children (Under 6):Free
PARKING: Motorcycles FREE, Cars $3.00
Westcoast Custom Motorcycle Show Inc.
Address: #37 – 13320 116th Ave, Surrey, BC, V3R 0R8
Phone: (604) 580-0111 or 1-877-580-0111
Fax: (604) 580-0114
A production of Westcoast Custom Motorcycle Show Inc. and BCCOM Events Inc.

“BIKERS: THE INNER CIRCLE”– is more than just an internet radio broadcast; it’s the most perfect expression of the biker lifestyle that has ever touched any facet of the media. It’s perfect because it’s real.
Everyone involved in “BIKERS: THE INNER CIRCLE” is an integral part of the motorcycle community; from 30-year members of some of the most important motorcycle clubs in the world to writers and producers from the elite of the motorcycle media.
“BIKERS: THE INNER CIRCLE” is just that, the genuine inner circle of the biker world!

COME TO THAILAND–Sin Wu,Just thought I?d forward the web page for Phuket Bike Week 2006, to be held the 3rd week of April in Phuket Thailand..
One fun bike show in Phuket, Thailand, 3rd week of April, 2006.Some places where we?ll party: & can be found at:
It?s a hoot! If any bikers are travelling through the region, it?s worth a visit.
Dirty Ern

CRAZY TIMES IN BIKERDOM–The industry couldn’t be hotter. We haven’t sold this many motorcycles in 20 years. We’ve never been played on television like this before. Imagine that, bikers are celebs. A cool bike movie was just released, and if it does well, more will follow. More events are launched daily, more products, more magazines, and more motorcycle manufacturers. It’s nuts.

On the otherhand, we’ve got noise cops and the EPA leaning on us and we’re lacking a unified voice. But I’m confident that we’ll get to the bottom of it shortly. Watch our Bikernet Radio interviews for more info in the next week. During a sizzling burrito lunch today we came up with a plan regarding the noise police. We’ll ponder it over the weekend and maybe launch it in the news next week.

Enough of the serious shit. We’re headed to U.S. Choppers tomorrow to work on the Bonne Belle, 1940, 45 cubic inch chopper. Larry Settles of Settle Motorcycle Shop finished the machine work today. Tomorrow we should be able to bolt up the front end, make the final alignment checks and begin to make a roller out of that sucker, while Departure Bike Works in Richmond, VA turns that sluggish flathead into a hot rod. We’ll bring you a report next week.

In the meantime, it’s cold so find a good woman to keep you company, fire up the heater in your shop and get ready for the summer.
Ride Forever,