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? Toxic? BY ERIC HERRMANN–Artist Eric Herrmann?s latest painting title ?Toxic? places master builder Harold Pontarelli?s chopper in unusual surroundings. ?The chopper had a unique paint job using green muscle tissue and skulls within the design? states Herrmann. I decided to expand on the ?Toxic? theme and placed the bike in an aging refinery. Within the painting you?ll find skeletons driving the flaming semi and wandering around the refinery. Muscle tissue oozes from the ground and toxic wastes leaks from nearby barrels. As in many of Eric?s paintings, you?ll find almost twenty hidden skulls and skeletons everywhere from the clouds to the valve stem caps.
The original painting took three months to complete and has already been sold. For signed and numbered, limited edition prints available from $125.00, contact Eric at (888) 200- 6554 or check out his web-site at

EASYRIDERS MEMPHIS–Hey, here are a few of my favorite pics I snapped at the Easyriders show in Memphis on Feb 5th. Sorry if they aren’t that great. I think I had my barley goggles on when I took them. The weather was great. A lot of riders showed up on their bikes. At the entrance to the show, a very nice tribute to Indian Larry and David Mann were set up. Once inside the show, they were loads of nice bikes, plenty of vendors, food and plenty of beer. Chica and Paul Yaffe were there signing autographs. Chica is one cool dude. Hope you enjoy the pics. Thanks for the website and keep up the good work.

NEW SUN RAY HEATED TOURING SEAT FROM HARLEY-DAVIDSON–Offers Cool-Weather Riding Comfort for Rider and Passenger
MILWAUKEE (December 29, 2004) ? Add a new level of comfort and stretch the riding season with the Sun Ray Heated Seat (two models available, $699.00) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories. A full-length internal heating pad with Low, Medium and High heat settings is controlled by a button on the left side of the seat so there are no external switches to install. This comfortable seat features a 17.5-inch-wide rider position with a deep bucket profile and a 13.5-inch-wide passenger pillion. The heating element warms both seating areas, and is switched on/off with the ignition to avoid draining the motorcycle battery. An optional LED Indicator Lamp kit (P/N 53040-05, $92.95) mounts on the handlebar auxiliary switch housing (sold separately) and glows at three different intensities to indicate the heat setting.
Two Sun Ray Heated Seats are available: P/N 52130-05 fits all 1997 and later Road King models, and also fits 1997 and later FLHT and FLTR models equipped with fuel tank console P/N 71288-03 or trim piece P/N 52447-96. Sun Ray Heated Seat P/N 52127-05 fits all 1997 and later Electra Glide and 1998 and later Road Glide models.
NASCAR, DAYTONA & BIKERS– On February 20th NASCAR starts and that is good news for BIKERS.Boy I bet that got your attention didn?t it?Okay what happens when the races start can be good information on how Bike Week will go.Brevard County is the next county south of Daytona and a direct shot to Orlando. Hell the road is called the Bee Line.Well Brevard County has Cocco Beach and Port Canaveral as well as being very Biker Friendly The local newspaper quoted Rob Varley of the Tourism Bureau as saying 9,000 of the areas 10,000 rooms are available for occupancy. That should be good news for people without rooms reserved.Daytona Beach Bike Week is fast approaching and we will keep you up to date on what is going on as it happens.See Ya in Daytona

NEW FROM CRIME SCENE CHOPPERS–Crime Scene Choppers Releases Springer Plans for BuildersFat Cat? springer designed for style and ease of constructionScotts Valley, CA ? February 8, 2005 ? Crime Scene Choppers announces theavailability of blueprints for a timeless-design springer fork. The prints provide completedetails for fabricating a springer fork, all parts are shown full-scale.There are 19 pages of plans, printed full-scale on heavy bond 11? x 17? paper. Upperand lower triple trees, rockers, bushings and all parts are shown clearly. Sources, partnumbers and estimated costs are provided for all purchased materials.Crime Scene Choppers is the home of the polished stainless Hard-Ass? seat.Quality and Style
?The design aesthetic I tried for in this design?, said Joe McGlynn, owner of CrimeScene Choppers, ?was to combine the old-school look of a springer with the fat look of amodern front end?. ?It was also crucial that the plans be based around commonly availableparts and components that an average shop or home builder could fabricate themselves ? nocomplex CNC milling operations or chrome-moly welding?.Fat Cat Plans Availability
The Fat Cat Springer Plans available through http://www.CrimeSceneChoppers.comimmediately. New products are being introduced every month, so check the website for thelatest news.

Las Vegas Winter Rally —On Sunday, February 20th 2005, Hawaiian Chopper Magazine, in association with The Las Vegas Hard Rock Cafe, Count’s Kustoms, and Vegas City Choppers, are presenting the first ever “Las Vegas Winter Rally”.
Joining us for a poker run and party at the Hard Rock Cafe, are Johnny “Chop” Vasko of “Johnny Chop Industries”, (formerly of Chica Custom Cycles), Roland Sands of “Performance Machines”, Hank Young of “Young Choppers”, and Jose De Miguel of “Caribbean Custom Cycles”.
Coming along for the ride is nationally syndicated radio talk show host, and star of the Emmy Award winning “sci-fi” series, Babylon Five, Jerry Doyle. Others are sure to come for this one-day event.
Registration for the poker run will be held at Count’s Kustoms at 2714 Highland Drive in Las Vegas, Nevada, and begins at 8:30am on 20 February.
The ride will begin at 10:30. Led by the celebrity builders, riders will enjoy a poker run in the crisp winter air. Taking off to the World renowned “Denver’s Choppers” in Henderson, then on to Vegas City Choppers in Las Vegas, (and one other stop to be named later), and finally, ending up at the Las Vegas Hard Rock Cafe, where riders will pick up their final card.
Enter the “Best Custom” contest sponsored by Count’s Kustoms and win a specially designed and built trophy by custom builder Shannon Aikau of Count’s Kustoms. There is no cost to enter, but all bikes MUST be Customs. “No off the rack bikes”. There will also be other great events to be announced along the way.
At the Hard Rock, check out nearly 40 vendors that will be showing their wares at from 12:00 to 6:00pm. Already signed up are Count’s Customs, Mitch Bergeron Customs, Vegas City Choppers,O School Choppers, Denver Choppers, Jim Nasi Customs, and others to be announced later.
Food and beverages will be available for purchase at all locations along the way, and a $10.00 ride fee will be charged with a portion of the proceeds going to a fund supporting the families of service members deployed in support of the War on Terror.
In addition to Sunday’s activities, a VIP party with the celebrity bike builders will be held at the Las Vegas Margaritaville on Friday, February 18th. Entry to this event will be limited to 150 people and a entry fee of 20.00 will get you in the door (ticket for entry to the VIP party will also get you on the ride).
Special room rates available at the St. Tropez Motel (located across from the Las Vegas Hard Rock Cafe). Just mention the rally at the Hard Rock Cafe for your special rate.
For more info call 808-780-2998 or email at

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–I don’t know if you guys caught the Biker Build off a couple nights ago, the one with Indian Larry and Mondo Porras? If you did not, you missed a great show. Sadly but truly the last couple weeks of Larry’s life. To some of us it was a choking moment, it was reality, then man is not amongst us anymore, but it was kind of surreal seeing him doing what he loved. As with the other shows and most of those guys who are my friends I would call them to congratulate them. Sadly this time I could not. If you take a close look at the Chain of Mystery bike, and not on TV or magazines, but in person, take some time and be able to actually enjoy it, it’s totally amazing. Just imagine if Larry was here with us (in life) what would he have come up with next, who knows? But I’m sure it would have been nothing short of spectacular.To top it off, I’m sure many of us have thought of funky ideas to incorporate on our bikes, but Larry actually doing it, and having the balls to do it for a ten day build, what else do I need to say…. He still the master.
Slowly the events are rolling in, after this weekend the trade shows will be over, and the bike scene slowly rises from the ashes and cobwebs of winter (not that it affects me at all), but by this time next week we will be in Vegas, then on to Bike Week, and after the world rushing by, it be time to start over again. I have decided to do fewer events this year and spend more time at the shop or just having time to myself. Also the Japan events are a must, since I missed them last year due to schedule conflicts, in layman?s terms, can’t be in two places at the same time. Also Hawaii will happen once more, even better, and I can’t wait to go there again. Then again from now on I might be receiving some calls to attend other places and I will let everyone know as it unfolds. Now with Bandit being a peon for Primed, the chances of us meeting at different events is greater, which will be cool. Speaking of such, I have separated myself from the PR Bike Week end, I have nothing to do with that anymore, the reasons are not important, but that is the way it is, I might have some future plans and will let everyone know in due time.

See you soon…
Jose ? Caribbean Reporter

BIKERNET BLOND JOKE -RIVER WALK–There’s this blonde out for a walk.She comes to a river and sees another blonde on the opposite bank.
“Yoo-hoo!” she shouts, “How can I get to the other side?” The secondblondelooks up the river then down the river and shoutsback,
“You ARE on the other side.”
NEWS FROM ROGUE ? TAKE A MINUTE–National ID Cards Coming Up For A Vote This Week — Threats to gun owners’ privacy are a huge concern
Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
The National ID card is back in the news, as Congress is getting set once again to debate the issue.
You will remember that late last year, Congress passed (and the President signed) legislation which starts us down the road to a National ID card. In the name of preventing alien terrorists from operating in this country, the so-called Intelligence Reform bill gave federal bureaucrats unprecedented new powers to force changes in state-issued driver’s licenses — including, possibly, the addition of computer chip technology that can facilitate the tracking of all U.S. citizens.
Now, the House will be debating new legislation, H.R. 418, that was recently introduced by Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI). In considering this bill, the U.S. House will vote on whether to empower the federal government to determine who can get a driver’s license — and under what conditions.
Since you need a driver’s license to purchase a gun from a dealer, this will give BATFE the expanded ability to impose even greater forms of gun control — something which it has long coveted. This will become even more apparent if an anti-gun Democrat like Hillary Clinton wins the presidency in 2008.
H.R. 418 is, unfortunately, supported by many Republicans who believe that repealing our liberties will somehow make us “secure.” But GOA joined a large coalition of citizen-activist organizations this week in opposition to H.R. 418. In a letter to Congress, the coalitionstated:
“Standardization of driver’s licenses has long been recognized as a bureaucratic back-door to implementation of a national ID card. With its required linking of databases and ability of the Secretary of Homeland Security to require a prescribed format, HR 418 takes us well along that road. Concerns are further heightened when the bill fails to even provide lip service to privacy concerns, and proposes to share all of our data on the driver’s license database with Canada and Mexico.”
Realizing government’s tendency towards mission creep, no one should be surprised if this database grows to contain far more information than that which is relevant to driving. HR 418 requires that the database shall contain “at a minimum,” all information contained on the driver’s license as well as driving history. There is no limit to what other information may eventually be contained in the database — something which should definitely concern gun owners.
H.R. 418 is being touted as a way of cleaning up some of the problems with the law that was enacted last December. But this bill is still an attack on states’ rights. It still takes us down the road to a National ID card. And it would still do nothing to keep real terrorists from operating in our country.
ACTION: Please contact your Representative and urge him or her to oppose H.R. 418. You can use the pre-written message below and send it as an e-mail by visiting the GOA Legislative Action Center at (where phone and fax numbers are also available).
—–Pre-written letter—–
Dear Representative:
H.R. 418 would give the federal government open-ended authority to determine who may and may not get a driver’s license — and under what circumstances.
Since I need a driver’s license to purchase a gun from a dealer, BATFE would finally have its long-coveted tool to impose gun control on targeted groups — particularly under a liberal anti-gun administration.
If you believe in the Second Amendment, please vote against this anti-gun monstrosity.

BIKERNET STEALTH REPORT–The first meeting for the 7th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” was held last week.We had some big announcements to make!This year the run will feature the first “biker build off” to come to the Charlotte area. Two of the top guns here in the area will square off. Jeff Clark and his crew from The Cycle Xchange (TCX) will go up against Russell Smith and his crew from Down South Customs! Jeff and Russell both are two of the best guys you will ever meet.
“The Meanest” and I will meet with Russell and Jeff today and Mark Infield from Full Throttle Magazine to discuss the details. The crowd in attendance that day will pick the winner. We try to bring something new each year for the RFB and this is one of the most exciting announcements to date. People have been calling daily for details!
Another announcement was that Mr. Bandit has agreed to do the best of show award again this year.The awards Bandit comes up with are out of this world! Speaking of awards if anyone out there would like to step up and make a few, it would greatly be appreciated. You can contact me through Your Shot. Thanks in advance for any and all consideration. At last count we need a total of 51 awards. Also if any of you out there would like to be a sponsor for this great cause let me know. We are always looking for new sponsors. Sponsorship fees are only a $100. You recieve 2 t-shirts and your name is listed on the back of the t-shirt.
It is amazing how the RFB continues to grow and spark interest each year. What started out as just a poker run has grown into what it is today. I often wish that there was never a reason to do the RFB but I guess we have tried to make something good out of a tragedy. So on it goes.
In the upcoming weeks, watch for more upcoming news on the RFB. The 7th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” will be held here in Charlotte July 24th.
Until next time!
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