Continued From Page 4

BMC CHOPPERS AND DICKIES HAVE TEAMED UP TO GIVE AWAY THE FORD TRUCK AND THE BMC CHOPPER TO THE DICKIES WORKMAN OF THE YEAR…..GO TO BMC CHOPPERS.COM CHECK OUT THE NEWS FOR DETAILS—Big Mike keeps the Bikernet staff appraised of his developments from shop expansions, to new rigs, bike articles and additions to his home. If you’re a fan, this guy is on the move. He’s going to bring a bike to theBikernet headquarters in the near future for a road test. He tried to make the run to Wilmington a couple of weeks ago and sold all his bikes on the way out.
NEW BIKERNET FORUM TIPS–Even Bandit is going through a learning curve with the new Bikernet Your Shot Forum.I would explain to them that the red font is THE thing to click on to get into the subject areas. Then explain to Bikernet readers how you can click on anyone of the links in the thing to return to that level (I’m still struggling with how to explain that to a partially-tech-savvy person myself). I’d also tell them how to reply by hitting “Post Reply” at the top or bottom of the screen. It took me a few minutes to figure that out. I kept hitting the name of the contributor and going to their profile.
One thing I’d really drill into them is how to register, and to make it clear that registering for the forum doesn’t cost anything (that’s good for cheap bastards like me). I’m guessing that some people haven’t contributed because “registering” always feels like someone is going to take money from you.
Check out Stroker’s description of how to upload pictures in the “Replacing Your Shot” section. He did a good job. You could put a link just below the red “Bikernet Forum Forum Index” that says, “How to use this forum, goddamit!” Then get Stroker or someone to put together a roadmap (instructions).
Overall, this new format takes a little getting used to, but it’s really, really good.I especially like the notification in email that tells you someone has written something.

NEW TANK BAG FOR BUELL XB MODELS–MILWAUKEE (February 6, 2006) – Buell owners can expand the touring capacity of any 2003-later XB model with the new Tank Bag (P/N 91213-04YA, $109.95) from Buell Accessories. This bag is designed for a custom fit over the air box cover and is compatible with the Air Box Cover Guard on the CityX XB9SX model. The rigid body and lid maintain shape empty or full, and the polyester construction is UV- and weather-resistant. The bag expands up to four inches for additional capacity, and has a see-through map holder, waterproof zippers, reflective trim, a rain cover and a removable storage pocket. The mounting system offers easy on-and-off action.
For additional information on Buell Accessories, see your local Buell dealer or visit the Buell website at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

BUELL FRONT END TECH–So I’m in the middle of rebuilding my Sportster, (’87, 883 that’s now a Buell 1203), and I’m going with this whole tricked out race drag bike scheme. I really want to use a Buell front end, if you could tell me a little about how you went about getting one that would rock. I don’t need the crazy cool triple trees, stock ones would be fine. I was just wondering if you can use a stock Buell front end on a Sportster.
— Marc.
“marc mihelich”>
The neck stem uses a different bearing, but that’s all I’m aware of. The diameter of the stem is the difference. I just used the Buell bearings and races if he’s using the Buell neck stem. That should bolt up. The only other thing I can think of, and don’t know about, is the height of the neck. Is the Buell neck stem going to work length wise? If it does I don’t see any problems. I’ve seen several rigids built using the Buell trees so it should work. He could contact the guys at nasty bikes. They do this a lot.
Hope that helps.

NEW MEXICO BIKE SHOW–I know this would be pushing it, but there a very large Bike show in New Mexico March 17- 19th.Last year I took people choice best of show with a 2005 Screamin’ Eagle Harley. I was thinking if my bike would be ready by then I could get it into the 2006 show and it would give lots of visibility for Sucker Punch Sallys.
Sucker Punch Sally is building a bike for Rob and he’s anxious to get his hands on it. Probably won’t make a March show. They’ve got a few builds in front of his.–Bandit

STURGIS RALLY RENTALS AVAILABLE–Anyone looking for some cool places to rent for the Sturgis rally, check out Black Hills Real Estate, For more info call Mike Stevenson at 818 8919055 BIKERNET BONNE BELLE T-SHIRT ART–I came up with a drawing you might like.My take on your Bonneville WLDR effort.It’s was inspired by the classic image of the Vincent rider with a bikernet twist. –chris kallas REDHILL MOTORCYCLE WERX RIDES INTO 2006 WITH NEW WEB SITE AND HOT BABES–You have probably heard of Redhill by now and if youwant to know more about them you can hit their new Website. The new Web sitewas launched to enhance the in store experience andlet the public see another side of Redhill. It?s chockfull of content including an online store with all ofthe Redhill schwag, pictures of hot girls on Redhillbikes, bios on the shop, pictures of hot girls onRedhill bikes, builds in progress, hot girls onRedhill bikes, photo albums chock full of bikerevents, bikes for sale and oh did I mention hot girlson Redhill bikes? In addition features aregional information center that will provide riderswith all they need to know about Colorado includingride maps and information on places to stay.”We wanted our Web site to be a reflection of us. It?sfun, is all about the bikes and babes and you can buyall of your favorite Redhill gear at the click of amouse.” Said Mercedes Ross owner of Redhill MotorcycleWerx. Mercedes will regularly be posting an up to datenewsletter that highlights the antic and builds goingon at the shop as well as her “build in progress” pagethat will show her building her own bike. Scot willalso be doing net duty by posting a regular techsection that will help the regular biker out withcommon problems with their American V-Twinmotorcycles. Be sure to check out their web sitefrequently as it will be constantly changing and willhave new content virtually every week. Redhill Motorcycle Werx, located off Highway 66 inLyons, caters to all motorcycle enthusiasts, stockingeverything from t-shirts to transmissions. Theirexceptional service department has incorporated apower commander dynomometer and has an in house paintshop, Black Canyon Custom Paint. They haveparticipated in the Cherry Creek Arts Festival the”Art On Two Wheels Exhibit” for two consecutive years,bringing the art of motorcycles to the masses. Theywere recognized nationally in 2004 as a Dealernews Top100 motorcycle shop. Redhill has also been seen on allof the local Colorado television stations, featured inthe December 2005 issue of Hotbike, Southwest ScooterNews, Barnett?s, Sturgis Rally News, Quick ThrottleMagazine, Rocky Mountain Rider and Thunder Press alongwith being photographed by world renowned motorcyclephotographer Michael Lichter and featured in theOctober 2004 issue of the international motorcyclemagazine V-Twin. Most recently Redhill took 5th placeat the Ratshole Bike show in Daytona Fl. –J. Ken Conte TEXAS NATIONAL BIKE SHOW POSTER CONTEST–We need a bitchin bike for the Texas National Bike Show Poster. Here’s the rules: 1. All photos must be submitted to us by March 31st And yes it might be shot with a hot babe for the poster. Be a star and send us a photo of your bike. The Show fires up the same time as the Lone Star Rally, November 3rd, I think. Send entries to Thanks,Holly LIQUOR LICENSES WON’T BE DENIED NEAR BEAR BUTTE– Aberdeen American News, SD – PIERRE, S.D. – Legislators have refused to ban biker bars from locating near Bear Butte State Park.The House Local Government Committee killed a bill 9-3 on Tuesday that would have restricted on-sale liquor licenses from being issued to businesses within four miles of the mountain, which is sacred to American Indians. Up to 60 tribes use Bear Butte for prayer and fasting.Indians became upset last year when a Sturgis bar owner announced that he planned to build a bar and concert area near Bear Butte, catering to crowds that come for the annual motorcycle rally. A buffer zone should be established between Bear Butte and bars, said Rep. Paul Valandra, D-Mission, a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. A rowdy bar near the National Historic Landmark could produce a “carnival-like atmosphere” that would disrupt religious practices, Valandra said.However, the committee decided HB1233 would overstep constitutional bounds by violating private property rights.”(The bill) runs against the grain of everything that we believe in this country with regards to property rights,” said Rep. Gordon Howie, R-Rapid City.Rep. Alan Hanks, R-Rapid City said lawmakers are not insensitive to the religious beliefs of Indians. “We want to make sure that Bear Butte is retained and revered for those that want to practice their religion,” he said. “The bill is just way overreaching.”Rep. Bill Thompson, D-Sioux Falls, urged his colleagues to pass the bill. “Don’t disregard the important issue of sacredness,” he said.Rep. David Sigdestad, D-Pierpont, said he did not believe that a ban on liquor licenses in the area would infringe on property rights. Rod Woodruff, owner of the Buffalo Chip Campground near Sturgis, opposed the bill. Establishing a buffer zone around Bear Butte would show a state preference to a religion, and that is not allowed by the state constitution, he said.Jane Murphy, a landowner near Bear Butte, said she hiked up the mountain three times last summer. HB1233 would help maintain the aesthetic beauty in that area of the Black Hills, she said. “Bear Butte is a treasure to the Lakota people. It’s a treasure to all of us South Dakotans who live nearby,” she said. FOUR CORNERS RUN PLANS–Got Cabin Fever? Got the Winter Blues? Well, winter is getting close to being over, and with spring around the corner a lot of bikers are making arrangements for trips to rallies across the US. The Four Corners Rally in the Rockies started pre-rally ticket sales the first of the year and we are running two times above what we sold last year. Besides that, bikers from 16 different states have already bought tickets and camp spots. What causes so many to order early and from so far away? Why come to the Four Corners, Durango and Ignacio Colorado area for a motorcycle rally? Several reasons come to mind: 1: Best riding anywhere in the US. Just make one trip from Durango to Silverton and you will be hooked. We know gas is high and we know you have a lot of rally choices, so why not come to the one that gives you the most bang for your buck?! Check out our website at –The Rally COOLBETH JOINS KING ON SCREAMIN’ EAGLE FLAT TRACK TEAM–Team Looking Forward to Exciting and Challenging 2006 Season. MILWAUKEE (February 3, 2006) – Harley-Davidson has announced that Kenny Coolbeth Jr. will join its Screamin’ Eagle Performance Parts racing team as it competes for the 2006 AMA Flat Track Championship. Coolbeth, of New Milford, Conn., will join veteran Rich King on the two-rider Screamin’ Eagle team. Coolbeth, age 28, has been racing professionally on the AMA Grand National flat track series since 1993. He was named Rookie of the Year in 1994, and has finished in the top-ten in season points for six consecutive seasons. Racing for the Mid-America Harley-Davidson team, he finished second in the AMA Flat Track Championship in 2005. He earned six podium results and won races at Lake Odessa, Mich., and Farley, Iowa. During one stretch of the season Coolbeth placed on the podium in five consecutive events. “This is a dream come true for me,” said Coolbeth. “I’ve wanted to race for the Harley-Davidson factory team since I was a kid.” Returning for his seventh season with the Screamin’ Eagle squad, Rich King, age 42, brings 26 years of professional experience to the track. King placed sixth in season points in 2005, with a win on the Springfield Mile and five other podium finishes. CUSTOM PAINTING IN ORLANDO MUSEUM–Witness Custom Motorcycle Painting by Mongo Tom to Complement the Orlando Museum of Art’s ExhibitionThe Art of the Motorcycle Saturday, February 11, 2006 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP III HEADS TO THE BADLANDS– AMD is taking its third annual Official World Championship of Custom Bike Building to Sturgis for 2006. Often regarded as the spiritual home of the custom bike lifestyle, we have always seen the Official World Championship as an important way to add value to existing industry events. As was seen at Las Vegas in November the HUGE investment in time, effort and hard cash that the custom v-twin builder community is making in competing at the world’s most prestigious bike show represents a staggering sum of money and a major logistical exercise by often quite small businesses. Therefore the decision to hold the show during Sturgis allows us to repay the enthusiasm of the competitor community by staging the World Championship at an event that many competitors will be attending anyway. Initially this is a one-year 2006-only announcement. However subject to the outcome of current discussions with a number of other organizations (we still believe in collaboration rather than self aggrandizement!). We hope to be in a position to confirm long-term venue and date plans for the Official World Championship within the next few months. Meanwhile confirmed details of dates and location (classes, prizes and all other details) for 2006 will be e-mailed to you, posted on the event website … check out the forums) and published in AMD soon. We are presently working on the next European Championship (being held at the end of March in Germany) so plan to have all final details for the 2006 Official World Championship at Sturgis in early August finalized shortly thereafter. All enquiries to Neil ‘ShowMaster’ Blaber at I DON’T BELIEVE IT–The news is wrapped. I usually don’t drink whiskey until it’s finished, but today it was dragging me down. News kept pouring in from all parts of the globe. We were struggling to keep up. The girls were screaming, dogs barking and cats screeching. We made it, though. Tomorrow we’re headed out to U.S. Choppers to check the Bonne Belle, 45 frame and see how our Sportster 39 mm front end will fit. The other day we tinkered with one of our Kendon Lifts. It’s light and agile, but lacked proper tool holders and I discovered that I had two Handy extentions I never used. They were tucked under a bench collecting dust. I decided to weld them in place, but there was another element of these lifts that needed help. Don’t get me wrong, they make side panels out of stainless and I have a set for our other Kendon lift. I’m going to flip them to prevent tools from slipping off. The other element involves the anchors for the tie-down straps. They move as the bike is lifted (loosen) and tighten as the bike is lowered. It’s easy to have a bike drop quickly preventing time to loosen the straps. We had one strap snap and the other try to yank my grandson’s bike off the lift. So we welded a short chunk of tubing to the front of the lift frame for a permanent and improved strapping angle (to the front). Then I ran a wider bar through that tube, anchored it in place with washers and cotter keys and used the original strap loops off the lift, with set screws brazed to the shields, to hold it firmly in place. We’re road testing it right now. Whatta ya tink? Coming up on Bikernet we have an Exile feature, a bobbed Triumph that the HORSE staff lost, a Rocky seat tech, Paul Garson’s article on Custom Controls, the hottest handlebars in the industry, a Hawaiian bike shop opening, Tom Foster’s hot rod FXR with Nikki shot by Peter Linney, and finally Larry Curik’s (Lone Star Choppers) exhaust heat wrap tech. Plus I have several fiction pieces from UD that I’ve failed to read. Maybe I’ll look at one now. Oh shit, we may launch an Aeromach tech on touring highway pegs today. I need to test them this week. All that and more will splash onto Bikernet, plus the first Girls of Bikernet feature next week in the Cantina. Hang on. In the meantime have a helluva weekend. What the hell, you worked hard all week, take Friday off. But don’t forget to come back to Bikernet. Ride forever, –Bandit>
2. 30 days to vote, voting will begin on April 1st and will end on April 30th, all submissions must be in by April fools day!
3. Bike must be available to participate in the Texas National Bike Show (all show guidelines)
4. Bike must be available for photo shoot no later than the end of May.
5. Texas National will comp a display space for the winner at the show.
6. Bike can participate in the judged class at the show, with a complimentary entry
2: Best rally party in the US. Take some time to look at our pictures on our website, see all those happy people? There is a reason they are all smiling!
3: Excellent concerts. This year we have Ron Keel and his Iron Horse Band, Great White, Bad Company plus one more big headliner that we are in negotiations with. We have afternoon concerts in the beer garden as well as concerts from our main stage at night.
4: Bike Give-a-way. This rally is known for its bike give-a-way on Sunday night and this year will be even bigger. Our main headliner for Sunday night is going to have a special bike made for him that he will autograph, pull out the winning name and will personally hand over the keys to that winner. Don’t miss your once in a lifetime chance at this bike.
5: Events, Events, Events and more Events. Some say we have so much going on that they don’t have time to ride the mountains. Can’t list them all here, check out our “events to do” page on our website.
6: All Bikes, All Bikers Welcomed. No rules on what you can wear, no rules on what you can ride. Just have fun!
7: By Bikers for Bikers! Yep, just a bunch of fun loving bikers from all walks of life trying to put on one of the last big rallies by bikers for all bikers to enjoy.
8: Attended by bikers from all over the US, Canada, and Mexico. Last year only Hawaii was not represented. (Hey guys, you can fly out and rent a bike!)
9: Other things to do besides our rally. The list is endless. Rides in every direction, Mesa Verde, lakes, wild animals, water falls, 125 year old town, famous bars, plenty of night life, parade, vendors and just lots of fun.