Continued From Page 3

S&S CYCLE NAMES MOBIL 1 THE OFFICIAL MOTOR OIL OF ITS PROVEN PERFORMANCE ENGINES AND THE CUSTOMER SUPPORT CENTER–S&S Cycle announced it has named Mobil 1 motorcycle oil as the official oil for S&S Proven Performance engines and the Customer Support Center, which houses the S&S Dealer Training & Certification Facility, in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
“We are very excited to team up with ExxonMobil to endorse the Mobil 1 brand,” said S&S president Brett Smith .”Like the other strategic relationships we have, it’s very important for us to endorse only the best and we know that this relationship with Mobil 1 is definitely going to be positive for our industry. We’ve used Mobil 1 for many years and now an official endorsement is very fitting for both companies. Using Mobil 1 at our Customer Support Center, which houses the Dealer Training & Certification Center, is another important step as we continue to grow and expand our operations and commitment to the industry.”
S&S and ExxonMobil are collaborating to bring Mobil 1 to the V-Twin market through a variety of distribution channels. OEMs doing business with S&S will be able to purchase Mobil 1 drum product directly from Mobil 1. Secondly, authorized S&S Dealers will have the opportunity to participate in a the S&S/Mobil 1 National Account Program, allowing them to purchase and have Mobil 1 cased goods and drum product delivered directly to their shop if minimum orders are met. And third, S&S will be stocking Mobil 1 cased goods for distribution to dealers who are unable to meet minimum requirements to participate in the National Account Program.
Delivery of cased goods is scheduled to begin in March 2006. Delivery of Mobil 1 in drums will depend on the market areas that show the greatest need. Both S&S and ExxonMobil will be working directly with OEMs to establish distribution as quickly as possible.

THE ULTIMATE SUPERBOWL FAN–A man receives a free ticket to the Super Bowl from his company.Unfortunately, when he arrives at the stadium he realizes theseat is in the last row in the corner of the stadium.He is closer to the Goodyear Blimp than the field.
About halfway through the first quarter he notices an empty seat10 rows off the field right on the 50-yard line. He decides totake a chance and makes his way through the stadium and aroundthe security guards to the empty seat. As he sits down, he asksthe gentleman sitting next to him, “Excuse me, is anyone sittinghere?” The man replies no.
Now, very excited to be in such a great seat for the game,he again inquires of the man next to him, “This is incredible!”Who in their right mind would have a seat like this at theSuper Bowl and not use it?”
The man replies, “Well, actually, the seat belongs to me.I was supposed to come with my wife, but she passed away.This is the first Super Bowl we haven’t been together at since wegot married in 1967.”
“Well, that’s terribly sad. But still, couldn’t you findsomeone to take the seat? A relative or close friend?”
“No,” the man replied, “they’re all at the funeral.”
–from Rev CarlR

BIKERNET EMPLOYEE COMPLAINT–For a couple years I’ve been blaming it on lack of sleep, not enough sunshine, too much pressure from my job, earwax buildup, poor blood or anything else I could think of.
But now I found out the real reason: I’m tired because I’m overworked.
Here’s why:
The population of this country is 273 million.
140 million are retired.
That leaves 133 million to do the work.
There are 85 million in school.
Which leaves 48 million to do the work.
Of this there are 29 million employed by the federal government.
Leaving 19 million to do the work.
2.8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama Bin-Laden.
Which leaves 16.2 million to do the work.
Take from that total the 14.8 million people who work for state and city governments.
And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work.
At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals.
Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work.
Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons.
That leaves just two people to do the work.
You and me.
And there you are sitting on your ass, at your computer, reading jokes.
Nice. Real nice.
–from Joe Lankau

GROUNDHOG DAY AT STEALTH SHOP–Well it was “Groundhog’s Day”! The way the weather has been around here I don’t think it makes a difference one way or another if he sees his shadow! It continues to be spring like in the Charlotte area.
I am sure by now most of you have seen the new “Your Shot” section. Personally I like the old “Your Shot” better, just my opinion. The new “Your Shot” gives me a headache. I guess I will catch on sooner or later?
Here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS we are concentrating on our two Shovel head projects. This past week we had an exhaust system designed by the guys at Alternative Machine. They did a great job! I think they are wicked looking.

Usually this time of year we start planning the Annual Run For Breath. After much thought and debate between “The Meanest” and myself, have decided to put the RFB on the shelf for this year. This was not an easy decision to reach. A lot of thought went into this decision. Last year it became apparent that the interest in the RFB had slowed. There were meetings where only one or two people would show up. The number of sponsors dropped and it became harder to obtain sponsors. The day of the RFB we had volunteers not show up and we were forced to scramble to find replacements at the last minute.
When you commit to doing something you don’t call in sick because your nose is running! The number of riders who signed up was down as was the number of bike show entrants.
As for the bike show, as with any bike show, there were complaints each year concerning judging. Each year we added new judges, but each year we heard the complaints. Personally I grew tired of hearing them.
Each year when the RFB was over we would hear “You know next year you should do this,” and my response would be “You know we start the RFB meetings in January, see you there.” How many of those people do you think ever showed up? You got it, NONE!
As with riding bikes, you find real quick who the posers are. Also The American Lung’s Association involvement with the RFB declined each year. The number of hours planning an event like this really add up quick and with trying to run SBW and trying to get it to really take off, I feel I need to focus my time there. We would like to thank everyone at Bikernet for all their support in the past along with all who supported the RFB in one form or another.
This summer we will have a private ride with friends to remember Justin. One of the best things to come from the RFB besides helping the kids was the friends we met and made through the run. The RFB over the years raised over $60,000.00, a great accomplishment. The RFB helped me personally deal with the worst tragedy any parent can experience, losing a child. “The Meanest” and I put our hearts and souls into the RFB and for me the RFB will always live on in my heart. We end the RFB not being sad but proud of what we did and how many we helped. I know we made Justin proud! It is time to turn the page and move on.
In closing I would just like to leave you with this; “IN Memory of Justin”It is not the begining or the end,but all the in-betweens!
Don’t forget to live all “The In-Betweens!”
Until next week, RIDE!

ELLIS DIPS INTO THE SIXES ON G2 BUELL– G2 Motorsports debuted its new S&S Cycle powered Buell, nicknamed Thunder, on Tuesday and Wednesday at South Georgia Motorsports Park in Valdosta, Ga., with spectacular results. Chip Ellis took the machine to a 7.00 on the motorcycle’s maiden voyage and followed that with a stunning 6.98-second pass in just it’s second run down the dragstrip. Ellis made one more run at 7.00 seconds as the team declared the test session a success and loaded up to head down to Gainesville to teach the Frank Hawley’s Drag Racing School.
Matt Smith, aboard the S&S powered Buell that G2 debuted at last year’s U.S. Nationals, ran a best of 7.05 seconds. Smith running the motorcycle the team named Super Tramp, said he will be making an announcement of a major sponsor very soon that will allow him to run the entire NHRA POWERade Series.

INNER CIRCLE BIKER RADIO–It’s biker radio, and it will soon be available for bikers around the globe – via the World Wide Web.
“Bikers: The Inner Circle,” a one-hour radio show that will feature interviews with real bikers from all walks of life throughout the nation, as well as a little bit of road music, will premiere on Saturday, Feb. 11. Produced by Charlie Brechtel, of the famed Charlie Brechtel Band that is most well known around this area for their Rally performances at the Buffalo Chip Campground, the show promises to be a wealth of information about motorcycle issues, and biker features.
From interviews with old-time custom bike builder Ron (Grott) Grottinelli, the owner of the Hog Farm in New York who fought Harley-Davidson Corporation in court when the company tried to strong-arm him into losing his HOG name that he had since 1969, to talking with Sturgis Mayor Mark Zeigler about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, east coast correspondent Cliff (Beeb) Bouquin said there will be a wide variety of topics covered on the show.
“It’s not polished in any way,” said East Coast correspondent Cliff (Beeb) Bouquin. “We want to interview people like Grott. Real biker builders – people who aren’t on TV. People who have been doing it long before the people on TV, and bring their story to the real bikers. We also want to do some interviews with different motorcycle clubs because a lot of bikers are interested in that stuff.”
Music, Beeb said, will also be a big part of the show, though not in the conventional way. Rather than bringing big name groups to the bikers the show will seek to play material from such bands as Carolyn Wonderland and Ross and Rotten, whom bikers may know from their experiences at the Buffalo Chip Campground. In fact, Beeb said though the Internet radio show will be based out of California where it is produced by Brechtel’s Big 7 Productions, the whole thing came together from various bikers getting to know each other through affiliations with the Buffalo Chip Campground.
Though a specific time has not yet been planned for the show, Beeb said it will air every Saturday, and will be online at throughout the week.

BIKERNET MEDICAL ARCHIVES–A man comes into the ER and yells, “My wife’s going to have her baby in the cab!” I grabbed my stuff, rushed out to the cab, lifted the lady’s dress, and began to take off her underwear. Suddenly I noticed that there were several cabs — and I was in the wrong one. —Dr. Mark MacDonald, San Antonio, TX
–from Katmandu

MRF ANNOUNCES NEW ONLINE STORE–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is pleased to announce the opening of their On-line Products Store. The store will offer MRF members and site visitors an opportunity to conveniently view and purchase MRF-related items throughout the year. These products will also be available at any MRF regional conference and the annual Meeting of the Minds.
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation continues to undertake the issues impacting our nation’s riders and has recently experienced accelerated growth which makes this an exciting and opportune time to launch the new store venue. The purchase of products supports the mission and goals of the MRF and illustrates both pride in the organization and a high level of professionalism and commitment within our ranks.
You are welcome to visit the MRF on-line store at
Ride With The Leaders by joining the MRF at or call 1-202-546-0983.

LA CHOPRODS IN LAUGHLIN– Hey were doing this thing in Laughlin with the Golden Nugget,Build or Bust and Exile. We’ll be giving away a build or bust bike kit and a chance to appear on the show.
Jay Brown
P- 310-353-2467

INDIAN NAME MAY BE UP FOR GRABS–Rumor has it that the company that bought the name from the bankruptcy courts may be looking for a buyer. Branscombe Richmond owns an Indian scooter name and is developing a line of scooters with Johnny Pag. We’ll have more reports on this effort as it proceeds.

BIKERNET PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–Found this beauty parked on Main Street ~ Daytona Bikeweek 2005 … Minip’d this pic to trigger flashbacks of that really bad acid trip you had back when you were young and dumb. Let me know if it succeeded.
Ride Hard,
Whiplash Biker Photog
Continued On Page 5