Continued From Page 1

Cyril HuzeSpikee Grips & Pegs– Unique design from Cyril Huze with extra length for added comfort. Fits all models except those with air assisted forks.. Available for factory style or internal throttle All Spikee grips have a removable end on the clutch side for installation of an optional mirror directly on the left grip (Huze Spikee or Dreamliner Mirror). Matching footpegs.

Cyril Huze
Tel 561-392-5557

MS-200 ?Stealth? Road Muffler–Samson Exhaust? has designed and developed an amazing new ?Stealth? 31/2″ Road Muffler for 1995 to present Dresser and Road Kings. This remarkable muffler is 25% quieter than our Silver Bullet Muffler series, and provides better performance than stock, and an awesome sound, which Samson is known for.
The ?Stealth? 31/2″ Road Muffler includes a set of attractive billet end caps and a one full year warranty. We also use a double layer nickel plating to add depth for a lustrous chrome finish. This system offers a dynamic flow through air cooled technology that prevents bluing. In today?s day and age, quieter pipes, is where it?s at. The MS-200 ?Stealth? Road Muffler is priced at only $528.00 dollars.
Samson Motorcycle Products designs, markets and manufactures premium quality motorcycle exhausts at their state of the art facilities in Anaheim, CA. Every product has been thoroughly tested to improve performance, enhance appearance and give the sound customers are looking for. As the industry leader in aftermarket exhaust, every part is inspected for the highest quality standards. Samson Motorcycle Products markets products under the Samson?, Caliber? and Shogun? Brand Names. For more information visit our website

Crime Scene Choppers Introduces Polished Stainless Solo Seat–Crime Scene Choppers announces the availability of the Hard-Ass solo seat, a unique high-style solo seat that brings old school into the 21st century. The Hard-Ass is a precision investment cast stainless steel seat that is heat treated and show-polished. It comes standard with your choice of red, black or white leather inserts. The Hard-Ass is made in the USA.
The seat is designed to mount low on a bike; the pivot mount is recessed into the seat so it is all but invisible. Crime Scene Choppers also provides free plans for a seat pivot that you can download from their website.
Quality and Style
Until today your choices in chopper seating were limited to various leather and vinyl seat pads, now with the ?Hard-Ass? seat you can have a unique styling element to your bike. The focus in developing the Hard-Ass seat was to define a new style that blends old school with high tech, and to deliver a line of products that has unrivaled quality and durability. The styling was developed as a collaboration between Joe McGlynn and Mark Van der Kwaak. Mark is well known for his ?CADbikes? published on the web; Joe is a custom car builder and metal shaper from Northern California.
?The response to the seat has been extremely positive? said Joe McGlynn, owner of Crime Scene Choppers. ?We?ve shown the seat to a limited number of industry experts and to a person they are very excited about the seat and other designs we?re working on. The Hard-Ass is an awesome looking accessory for any bike, and the possibilities for folks customizing it are unlimited! Imagine a translucent candy powder coat over the polish, or a brushed finish or pinstripes.?
Hard-Ass Availability
The Hard-Ass solo seat is available through immediately. Special order upholstery is available. New products are being introduced every month, so check the website for the latest news.

BIKERNET MEDICAL UPDATE–American Medical Association researchers have made a remarkable discovery. It seems that some patients needing blood transfusions may benefit from receiving chicken blood rather than human blood.
It tends to make the men cocky and the women lay better.
Just thought you’d like to know.
Bob T.

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–When do you say, enough is enough?Good question to ponder, and yes, right off the bat.So we as builders may be pro celeb or just in our little garage, are heading to the extremes?What’s going on with the (before mentioned, many times) numbers game? If 10 is good 100 is better?People are looking around for the latest gimmick, it really reminds me of a long dead era (thank God) when we had to add everything that shines on to a bike, splash it with a gaudy 80’s paint job and call it a custom. Flame throwing, skulls, long ass sissy bars, spikes, wide ass tires, super big inch motors, moronic ultra rakes, super stretch, outer space gas tanks, one off multi themed wheels…. excess…..
Then all this is thrown into a build and called a chopper, or worse, old school, or spartan, or simple…..Where the fuck is the simplicity of it ? Everything is lost in a maze of sharp edges, esses. z’s and whatever other figures can the metal be bent into or the tube formed. We are seeing ugly assed chicks with tons of makeup and a gimmick or two to make them prettier, choppers with push up bras, fake buns and an adams apple. Lots of the bikes today look like cheap transvestites and drag queens.Is it the pressure to try appeal to the masses, or is it that the “inventive” is running so wild that everything is fair game. I have a very humble wake up call for you….Those bikes don’t cut it.
What happened to the stuff that was built to be used, flowing lines, mechanical parts being seen, and the ones that you did not want hidden? I believe it’s called “clean”.
So everything has to have an edge, or I rather call it gimmick. When we start using moms kitchen utensils or the doctors tools, it’s time to say “basta” Is bike building becoming so boring that we have to search for stuff that is actually gaudy to make our stuff stand out? Does the consumer wants to spend tens of thousands (which I aint seeing) on the latest gadgetry just to belong, or be able to be the “life of the party”? Let’s not even talk about the “costumes” the horned helmets, fuzzy sleeved shirts and all the “fashion” involved with this look at me, see me be cool, era…..I see a lot of people with talent, going astray and building bikes that are not even bikes anymore, they are rolling bag ladies, it’s the rat bike syndrome, only this time the rat bikes shine and are worth 100 grand, please……Nigga pleeze…..
Is this becoming the Ringling Bros bike building circus of oddities…… And let me stop here.
Nope, not everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. I still see and am proud to call friends, a lot of people doing cool, simple stuff (yes it’s my own version and opinion of what it’s cool) but they stay within reason.Let’s take a Biker Build Off, and nothing wrong with the shows cause I believe they are great for the industry, but….. Do we need to go that fatal step further, is it to try please a crowd and maybe win? Is it the involvement with TV that makes us try to do this weird idea work, or is it that there’s many builders that don’t have a clue and that is how they actually do it. Who knows, who cares.The bike is looking cool. Let it be….. but no, we have to add this, or that. Does it makes it go faster, run better or is needed? Nope, it’s just a gimmick a “lets try to impress” unnecessary trinket.
The heart and essence of the bobber and chopper is it’s simplicity. The simplicity reflected by the builders lifestyle. We have never been flashy people, intimidating, maybe, unique, for sure, but show offs? Nope….that’s the new rage, the new wave….Let’s see how far that wave is ridden, and we don’t end in the total darkness of the gaudy 80’s. Meanwhile I will keep doing my very simple bikes and enjoy riding them, even if I never become famous, have a Benz or a kick ass house. I still will be happy with what I build, since I build what pleases ME, not the masses.
As we are getting ready for the event in Vegas, Feb. 20th at the Hard Rock hotel, which marks the start of the traveling back and forth, so be happy, I will have more shit to write about and bitch about. I guess the plans of not going to Daytona have changed a bit, for now we will be at Willie’s Tropical Tattoos alongside Hank Young and a few of his new bikes, come by and visit…..Rincon is still my week end hideout, and I will do it as long as I can. We got to surf double overhead plus waves( a two story house and more) a couple days ago. No pretence there, no flashy shit, either you commit or you stay on the beach. How simple, how brutal, how real. The way it should be.

Here’s another free Sunset for you poor souls who are freezing your asses off, and my new shifter lever (for sale at for jockey shift, and any trans top….

See you all next week…. Stay true.
BUSH?S AND CLINTON?S–George and Laura Bush and Bill and Hilary Clinton are traveling bytrain to the Super Bowl.
At the station George and Laura each buy a ticket and watch as Bill andHilary buy just one ticket. “How are the two of you going to travel ononly one ticket?” asks George W, astonished at what he is seeing.
“Watch and learn,” answers Hilary. They all board the train. George andLaura take their respective seats but Bill and Hilary cram into a toilettogether and close the door. Shortly after the train has departed, theconductor comes around collecting tickets. He knocks on the toilet doorand says, “Ticket, please.” The door opens just a crack and a single armemerges with a ticket in hand. The conductor takes it and moves on. TheBushes see this happen and agree it was quite a clever idea, so afterthe game they decide to try a similar plan on the return trip.
When they get to the station they see the Clinton’s at the window buyinga single ticket for the return trip. To their astonishment, theClinton’s see that the Bushes don’t buy any ticket at all. “Aren’t youtaking a terrible chance by traveling without a ticket?” says Hilary.
“Live and learn,” answers Laura Bush. When they board the train theBushes cram themselves into a toilet and the Clinton’s cram into another toilet just down the way. Shortly after the train leaves the station,George W. leaves their toilet and walks over to the Clinton’s toilet,knocks on their door and says, “Ticket, please.” And you’re still tryingto figure out how the Democrats lost that election.
Chris T.

STURGIS MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM 2005 RAFFLE ANNOUNCED–February 2005 – – The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is excited to announce that tickets are now available for the 2005 raffle. It was entirely due to our sponsors, and our many dedicated volunteers, that the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum was able to experience another incredible year of growth, however we need your help if we are to continue to fulfill our mission, ?to preserve the great history of motorcycling?.
Since the Museum opened in 2001 we have been extremely fortunate to have the support of many notable industry leaders, and we?d like to add each of you to that list. Our annual raffle is our major push each year to gather substantial funding for the Museum. With the purchase of a raffle ticket you will be enabling us to create new exhibits, acquire new displays and to move forward in our mission.
The 2005 raffle prizes are:
2005 Harley-Davidson Softail DeluxeSponsored by Black Hills Harley-Davidson & Sturgis Harley-Davidson
Henry 44-40 Rifle, One of a kind commemorative
Scott Jacobs ?After the Ride” Limited Edition Giclee on CanvasDonated by Scott Jacobs-Signed, Numbered & Dedicated
There are three chances to win on one ticket. The Museum begins by drawing for the Scott Jacobs giclee. The winning ticket stub will be thrown back in with the remaining stubs and we draw for the rifle. The winning stub is once again put back in with the remaining stubs for the final spin and drawing of the Softail. One ticket, three chances to win! Plus you?ll have the satisfaction of knowing you?ve invested in motorcycling?s past, and its future.
Each raffle ticket costs $10.00, you do not need to be present to win, and the drawing is held on Saturday, August 13th 2005 at the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum on the corner of legendary Main Street and Junction Avenue in downtown Sturgis.
Tickets can be purchased on line by clicking on the banner above; mailing a check or money order to the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame, 999 Main Street, Sturgis SD 57785; or by telephone with a credit card 605.347.2001.
Your participation is important to us. We hope you?ll take a chance and make this our best fundraiser to date.
DEVIL’S DAUGHTER – Kristina Marie Update — My coverage and photos of the Easyriders/ V-Twin Bike Shows in Indianapolis, IN and Louisville, KY will appear in the June and September issues of In The Wind, respectively.
A couple of my photos of Warren Vesely owner of Scooter Shooterz Hot Rod Motorcycles, on his Discovery Build Off bike, “Executioner” appear in the current issue of Thunder Roads magazine.
My book deal is still pending, I should know the results before the end of February.
I have a new agent for my chopper related photography, Peggy can be contacted through her website:
My Creative Work can be seen here: & here:
Make note of my current contact info & give me a holla if you’d like to include me in any of your creative ventures.

New G-Mail Address:
THAT?S IT– According to Layla. That?s all the news that?s fit to print. Okay, so the guys from the Los Angeles Primedia Ivory towers have me under the iron microscope regarding the covers of Hot Bike and our first initial numbers are in. Brothers we?re looking good. Hot Bike is feeling invigorated, spruced and rechromed. What the hell. This is bikerdom.
Here?s the tip of the month. Watch for the next cover. It?s hot in lots of ways. Should I let the secret slip? Russell Mitchell is on the cover and she?s a looker. But the shit inside is what counts and we?re packin? it with more tech, features, and stuff to laugh at than ever before. Hang on.
Regarding Bikernet and the Cantina. Next week we?ll post the next chapter of Chance, another Life and time and Bikernet will continue to grow. I appreciate your patience through this adventure, so hang on. I promised not to abandon Bikernet readers and I won?t. But you may need to be patient through the process. No matter what happens I will stay with Bikernet. I?ll keep you posted.