Continued From Page 2

VICTORY NEW MODEL LAUNCH THIS WEEKEND IN LONG BEACH–The timing on this one couldn’t have been any better. Just at the daily high temperatures in Minneapolis were barely getting out of the single digits and the snow was falling… I (and my wife who is currently experiencing her first Minnesota Winter) took joy in knowing that in a matter of days, we’d be traveling back to our (old) home of Southern California to see some family and work at one of my favorite motorcycle shows of all – the Long Beach IMS Show.
In case you haven’t heard (or didn’t get the invite from the IMS folks), Victory Motorcycles is set to unveil a never-before-seen concept motorcycle at the Long Beach IMS Show Media event – this coming Friday 12/9/05 at 1pm. BMW, Ducati and Vespa are also set to unveil some pretty exciting machines as well (concepts and production bikes).
It’s at the Long Beach Convention Center— 12/9/05 – This Friday…
– Lunch is at noon
– Victory goes up at about 1pm or so
– BMW, Ducati and Vespa follow
– Reception to follow
– Doors to show open to public at 4:00 pm.
This is a pretty exciting deal for us – and we hope if you or someone on your staff is in the area – that you can make it. If not – don’t sweat it… I’ll make sure you receive the media info we’ll be handing out.
–Tony Meirovitz
Victory Motorcycles

Exclusive to American Free Press–It was described as a typical gunfight between rival motorcycle gangs by the mainstream media but the Hells Angels are all white and their adversaries, the Mongols, are all Hispanic.
Does their shoot-out at Harrah’s Casino in Laughlin, Nev., on the Nevada-California border signal the first battle in a new race war? A lawyer who was inside the casino at the time fears it does. For decades, the public has been conditioned to the violent behavior of Hells Angels; every few years, there would be stories about the bikers rolling into a small town, destroying property and engaging in violent conduct. They are not classic, middle-class Americans.But, until now, their brawls have been with other white gangs, similarly inclined toward tattoos, long hair and drug running.
What the involved lawyer and others close to the situation fear is something larger than a typical gang fight: A race war.California is being overrun by illegal aliens from Mexico. They are crowding lower-rung workers-typical of Hells Angels people-out of jobs by working at below the minimum wage and, in many cases, without costly fringe benefits imposed on American companies by government.Criminal aliens have formed their own gangs and compensate for their low incomes by mugging whites-not only the poor, but those higher on the economic ladder.
Many men in pin-striped suits cheer for Hells Angels. Many wish it would be politically correct to join in their fight.Resentment of criminal aliens who overrun California, costing taxpayers countless billions in welfare benefits and crime, has been seething for years. It is at a peak. The ingredients for a race war that goes far be yond bikers battling is frightening, observers say. By C. Parvin Foner
–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

NEW 300 DYNA FAT TIRE KIT–“New! What’s new at Big Boar? The massive 300MM Dyna Fat Tire Kit. Turn your stock Dyna into a monster with one kit. Parts included are 1 giant swing arm, longer gears for the transmission, crankshaft extension for the engine, outboard bearings for the primary, strutless steel fender, 300MM tire, spacers, gaskets, etc…
Kit includes all parts except wide wheel of your choice. 3,395.00 “

Postal Service Unveils 2006 Commemorative Motorcycle Stamps–What do Baseball, Batman, Brooklyn’s Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Hattie McDaniel and Harley-Davidson have in common? They’re all just a sampling of American icons that will be highlighted on 2006 Commemorative postage stamps, the Postal Service announced today.
“Our 2006 program commemorates a wide range of diverse American icons with something that will appeal to everyone,” said Postmaster General John E. Potter in describing stamps that will honor Baseball sluggers, comic book heroes, the world’s longest bridge span, the first African-American to earn an Oscar and America’s love affair with motorcycles.
On Aug. 7, during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, SD, the role of motorcycles in American culture will be recognized on four “American Motorcycles” stamps featuring digital illustrations of a 1918 Cleveland, a 1940 Indian Four, a 1965 Harley-Davidson Electra-Glide, and a circa 1970 chopper. The Cleveland, Indian and Harley-Davidson stamps are based on motorcycles in existence today. The circa 1970 chopper featured on the stamp was created by stamp artist Steve Buchanan in consultation with professional chopper builders. Although lacking various safety features such as mirrors and turn signals that are usually required under today’s laws, this chopper would have been street-legal in 1970.
With the issuance of the American Motorcycles stamps, the U.S. Postal Service recognizes the role of motorcycles in American culture with four stamps that feature digital illustrations of a 1918 Cleveland, a 1940 Indian Four, a 1965 Harley-Davidson Electra-Glide, and a circa 1970 chopper.Cleveland 1918
The single-cylinder Cleveland motorcycle depicted on this stamp was built by the Cleveland Motorcycle Manufacturing Company of Cleveland, Ohio.Advertisements claimed that this motorcycle, which featured a 2.5-horspower, single-cylinder motor, could travel 75 miles on a single gallon of gasoline and reach speeds of up to 35 to 40 miles per hour. Weighing around 150 pounds and selling for $175, the Cleveland was both lightweight and affordable, making it a popular motorcycle of its time.The model for the “Cleveland 1918” stamp artwork is a 1918 Cleveland A2 owned by Penny Nickerson of Long Island, New York.
The motorcycle depicted on this Indian stamp was made by the Indian Motorcycle Company. The 1940 entry in a series of deluxe, four-cylinder motorcycles known as the Four, this streamlined bike featured skirted fenders that partially covered the wheels, a controversial design innovation that soon became an Indian trademark.The model for the illustration featured on this stamp is a motorcycle owned by Michael and Larry Spielfogel of New York City. It is depicted in the deep red color often associated with Indian motorcycles.
Harley-Davidson 1965,With features such as whitewall tires, extensive chrome, large fenders, and spacious fiberglass saddlebags, the Harley-Davidson featured on this stamp is considered by many to be one of the company’s most iconic motorcycles. Known as the Electra-Glide, this model was first manufactured in 1965, when its new features included a push-button electric starter.The model for the illustration featured on the Harley-Davidson 1965 stamp is a motorcycle owned by George Tsunis of Port Jefferson, NY.
Chopper c.1970,The name “chopper” derives from the process of removing, or “chopping,” unnecessary or unwanted components from a motorcycle. The term often indicates an extensively customized motorcycle with such features as a stretched frame, stepped seat, and raised handlebars. Typically, the frame has been stretched with an extended-length fork leading to the front wheel.
Especially prominent during the 1960s and 1970s, choppers follow in a tradition of earlier customized motorcycles that were known as “bobbers” for their shortened, or bobbed, fenders.
The circa 1970 chopper featured on this stamp was invented by the stamp artist in consultation with professional chopper builders. Although lacking various safety features such as mirrors and turn signals that are required today, this chopper would have been legal to ride circa 1970.
The digital illustrations featured on the American Motorcycles stamps were created by Steve Buchanan of Winsted, CT. The illustrations are based on existing restored motorcycles, reference photographs, and consultation with owners and experts; however, some colors and design features have been altered for artistic purposes or to maintain historical accuracy.
–from Rogue

BIKERNET NEWS WIRELESS SECURITY TECH– Go to a second-hand store, buy a pair of men’s used work boots, a really big pair. Put them outside your front door on top of a copy of Guns and Ammo magazine. Put a dog dish beside it. A really big dish.
Leave a note on your front door that says something like “Bubba, big Mike and I have gone to get more ammunition – back in 1/2 an hr. Don’t disturb the Pit bulls, they’ve just been wormed.”
–from Buckshot
EPA SUCKS-THE LIFE OUT OF OUR BUSINESS–Our options are to Fight The EPA.The problem is that the people that this affects were not notified about itand the impact affects jobs and livelihood.
Even IF the Bikers Allowed this to happen it will not even dent the realproblem of emissions. The Motorcycles do not cause enough emissions to talkabout.
The EPA Ruling is a farce to make the public think they are doing somethingto solve the problem. In fact the major polluters have lobbyist and are spreading money around sothey do not have to comply.
It is another government agency that thinks Bikers Are A Pushover. Are American Bikers Pussies or are they going to Join in Fighting This?
We’re planning immediate meetings and compiling facts and plan to move against this.
This may be the new era of ABATE. What we started back then may have to bestarted over with a new name and people ready to Fight. I know that there are a lot of Real Bikers out there and they will cometogether to fight this bullshit.
I will keep you informed as things come together on this.

American Motorcycle Co. 1902 LLC introduces its new AMC “Choctaw” 300 Chopper(under license from the Choctaw-Apache Native American Tribe)By American Motorcycle Co. 1902 LLCA Nevada based LLC–Branscombe Richmond, Bobby Sixkiller of the Renegade TV series and star of numerous television shows and movie’s including: Walker Texas Ranger, Scorpion King, Action Jackson, Bay Watch Hawaii, and others is proud to announce the introduction of the new American Motorcycle 1902 line of motorcycles.
The AMC “Choctaw” 300 Chopper is a significant step above the competition in every way. This model has all the custom features that set this bike apart. Avon 300 x 18 rear tire w/ 120 x 21 front sitting on custom AMC rims, custom paint, heavy use of billet, inverted ball milled front end, 111 inch S&S engine putting out over 114 hp (approx.), sitting on the best air suspension, Trick Shift six speed right hand drive, high quality 4 piston brakes and custom rotors, custom Supreme Legend AMC forward controls, and so much more.
The “Choctaw” 300 Chopper takes everything a significant step ahead of the pack exceeding the industry level of detail and build quality. An awesome ride…after all this bike is the image of our company, and that image is of quality, performance, high detail, and delivering the best products to a very discriminating, and knowledgeable, buyer.
We can add custom features to the base model to make this bike exclusive to you as well, just ask for detail’s.
Learn more at:

MOTORCYCLE TRAINING WARS–I got this from a friend that was speaking about M$F and their efforts to have a monopoly on Rider Education.If they can convince states to pass the laws they want about forcing Motorcycle Riders to attend their very expensive schools they will be Guaranteed A Very Large Income For As Long As They Are In Business.
Every State in our country has a Motor Vehicle Department. One of the functions of that department is to test people to see if can safely operate a motor vehicle. The People Must Always Have That Option as Opposed To Mandatory Training.
The fact that there are those trying to make this Mandatory For Motorcyclist and Not Other Kinds Of Vehicle Operators is Prejudice and Unlawful.
Every Motorcyclist in this country Needs To Contact Their legislator and Tell Them To Vote NO On This Issue.
Most Motorcycle Rights Organizations are against Mandatory Training BUT You Need To Help By Writing Your Legislator and Let Them Know To VOTE NO! on this. Do not depend on others to do this for you.

LIFESTYLE CYCLES PLANS 2006 RIDES– We really need your feedback! The New Year is fast approaching, and LifeStyle Cycles is planning some group motorcycle rides for 2006. Check out our ideas below and tell us your thoughts. Your comments and input will help us plan even better rides for you and your friends in the months to come.
Performance Machine (
We’re also thinking about doing a big ride to the LA Calendar Show in Long Beach, Sponsored by, This is one of the biggest and best motorcycle shows in the LA area, and definitely one that is not to be missed! We’d meet up at LifeStyle Cycles in the morning and head out as a big group to the event. What do you think?
Speaking of shows, we were thinking of a ride to the Annual Las Vegas Bike Fest ! We’d leave in the morning and stop by the famous Calico Ghost Town where we can get a tour, grab some lunch and continue on out to Las Vegas! Depending on the number of interested people who respond, we’ll see if we can get some discounted hotel rooms for our group in Vegas, as well as plan a big party on the Saturday night of the show.
Santee Frames and exhaust systems are legendary in the custom bike industry and we can get a sneak peek inside this state of the art facility. After a private tour to see how custom motorcycle frames and exhaust systems are crafted, we can head out for some awesome Mexican food at the Sage Brush Cantina , a great biker-friendly hangout in Calabasas.
That’s just a few ideas we have for rides for 2006. So what do you think? Where would you like to ride to and what would you like to see? We really want to hear from you, so please respond to this email and let us know your thoughts.
Any and all comments are appreciated.
LifeStyle Cycles

Next Stop: Big Brother–Meet Deborah Davis. She’s a 50 year-old mother offour who lives and works in Denver, Colorado. Herkids are all grown-up: her middle son is asoldier fighting in Iraq. She leads an ordinary,middle class life. You probably never would haveheard of Deb Davis if it weren’t for her belief in the U.S. Constitution.Federal Public Transportation Pass
This is not America. When honest, law-abidingcitizens can’t commute to work on a city buswithout a demand for their ‘papers’, something is very, very wrong.
One morning in late September 2005, Deb wasriding the public bus to work. She was mindingher own business, reading a book and planning forwork, when a security guard got on this publicbus and demanded that every passenger show theirID. Deb, having done nothing wrong, declined. Theguard called in federal cops, and she wasarrested and charged with federal criminalmisdemeanors after refusing to show ID on demand.
MIKE LICHTER PHOTOGRAPHY Christmas Sale 10-25% Off–Through Tuesday, December 12.Great gifts for your motorcycling friendsAll hardcover books, posters, calendars and postcardbooks are on sale. See below for details.
Sturgis, The Photography of Michael Lichter $23.96 (20% Off)Billy Lane, Chop Fiction It’s NOT a motorcycle baby, it’s a Chopper! Price: $22.46 (10% Off)Choppers Heavy Metal Art Price: $30.00 (25% Off)Arlen Ness, King of Choppers Price: $22.46 (10% Off)Top Chops Price: $36.00 (10% Off) POSTERS All Posters: $19.96 (20% Off) 2006 CALENDARS 2006 Chopper Calendar, 12″x17″: $11.99 (20% Off)2006 Chopper-A-Day Calendar, 5″x6″: $10.39 (20% Off)2006 Arlen Ness Calendar, 12″x12″: $10.39 (20% Off) POSTCARD BOOKS Sturgis, Harleys in the Hills, 22 Oversize Postcards: $7.16 (20% Off)2-Wheelin’, Harleys Across America, 24 Oversize Postcards: $7.96 (20% Off) THAT’S A HOLIDAY WRAP–My fingers are burning. I ran across a couple of items in the news that won’t fit due to the length, but you need to check ’em out. First Geno, from the HORSE magazine sent me a release from SEMA on California Special Construction registrations. It’s incredible. I’ll post it under Special Reports (at the end of the news), under political issues. Next Darcy Betlach forwaded “Rules for 2006”. It will also be posted in special reports, but I’m not sure what category? Finally I received a complete rundown on American Performance Cycles’ 2006 line-up. If I have photos of the bikes, I’ll launch it in our Road Test/New Model Department. What else? About the Holiday Blues, CNN interviewed a doctor, on the subject, who was full of shit. We pile too much shit on our backs during this supposedly fun-filled time. The weather sucks and the pressure to attend all the functions, buy all the gifts and earn all the bucks is insurmountable. Ah, but there’s solutions. First take a day off, fire up your computer and Christmas shop on line. No traffic, crappy travel on slick roads, parking nightmares, You’ll find better prices, and all the presents will be shipped. Okay, so the shopping is done, now you can go get the tree, chase a woman (you need to warm up, right?), relax and have a drink. Oh, and screw all the gatherings. Pick one or two, with your new or seasoned girl and spend the rest of your time with her. That’s it for now. I planned to dive into our Schedule for next year, but screw it, besides it changes by the minute. It’s Jack Daniels time and time to tinker in the garage. Ride Forever, –Bandit