Photo from Jay
It?s been a whacky week here at the Headquarters, but I guess that?s the norm. No change on the construction; we?ve been blown off by the guy that started the framing due to prior commitments. I contacted another guy and he?s scheduled to start early next week putting in the windows then the plasterers will follow.
Today as we were busting out some drywall for electrical work, we discovered a skeleton. It was just a bird but we knew one day we?d find something dead buried in the walls of this building.

I?m really looking forward to this weekend cause we don?t have any plans. Well, I?ll be playing with my girlies Saturday night, but other than that, no events, no memorials, no shops to visit, nada. Just a little R&R with the big guy. Tomorrow we?ll be having lunch with the guys from JIMS, we?re hoping to get them on board as sponsors of Bikernet and doing some tech articles with them, then a little Christmas shopping.
As for Bikernet, we go back and forth here trying to figure out how to make a little money so we can continue doing what we do. We have sponsors that help pay the utilities, and the Cantina to pay Digital and contributors. So, we?ve been kicking around this idea of making the Cantina only $5.00 per year. If half the people who visited Bikernet joined, we?d be pretty damned happy. Not trying to get rich, just trying to make a living. Tell us what you think about that.
OK, enough snivel and drivel, here?s the news.
COMPU-FIRE PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS– announces a new web-site featuringinformation on the new products introduced for 2005. The new products addedto the Compu-Fire line include the Gen III Starter Motor, 3Phase ChargingSystems, and Single Fire Coil Kits. The new site also has instruction sheetsfor the entire product line along with a retail price list, frequently askedquestions, and contact information. Go to http://www.compufire.com.

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– Well guys, sorry it has been kind of long since I did the news, circumstances as you know get in the way of intentions. I’m not whining or anything, but between traveling, the PR event, Discovery channel (nope not my Build Off, but it took place in PR), Michael Lichter doing a catalog and covering a few more things, the guest builders and a lot of more friends, plus, and yep, wait there’s more, all the bikes that our friends wanted to ride to Rincon this year, and the usual chaos that goes on at the shop day in day out, had me with severe cases of sleep deprivation. This is not even the top of what needed to be done, but I guess I won’t bore you with the details. I really don’t know how we all managed, but I guess we did, and to top it off, twice, my dad landed in the hospital right after the Rincon event.
Anyway, all that shit did not leave any desire in me to come home and write the news, much less something to rant about. Although there’s some material, I guess some things are better left unsaid….
Going back to Discovery Channel Biker Build off, it was a match against Roland Sands from PM and Arlen Ness, we rode around the island, and when we got to Rincon we kinda went a bit crazy with all the antics, as you might see in the photos and bit of a 4 way burnout before the announcement of the winner (I guess you will have to see the show to know) and then 5 minutes later we were already hitting the waves, such is life in PR.

There’s a lot of new things happening at the shop, little by little I will be telling you guys about it with more details. I know for now that we are going to Vegas in Feb. Building a Bobber kit bike for a major parts company and it will be featured in some more mags, and building a bike for The Horse chop off. The new series (new ???) of bob/chops are taking off, without sounding arrogant, most people really dig them, and those are the few bikes that I still enjoy seeing after I’m done. And they are even more fun when you get to go ride with your friends.
If any of the guys that came over read this, I really want to thank everyone for showing up, and I hope you guys had a great time while here. It?s cool when people get to know my home. And to my friends and family who helped, I could not have pulled it off without you…….
Christmas is around the corner, so get those gifts ready, there’s still time to get stuff in the mail, or go for a ride, (if you can). I believed after the event we would have a break, but I guess I was wrong once more. We still got shitload to do, bills to pay and all the pains that come with a biz.

Anyway, will get back to this keyboard for next week…..
Happy Holidays,
Jose ? Bikernet Caribbean Reporter

BIKERNET PRODUCT PICK OF THE WEEK–I found a great source for these glass shift knobs, and I’m retailing them on my website now.

These hand-blown, made in the USA glass shifter knobs are made of a shatter resistant, temperature-resistant (up to 1000 degrees) glass, crafted one at a time.

These knobs are available in virtually any color(s) to match or compliment any bike or hot rod paintjob.
Check out the site for complete details on what’s available, and ordering info: http://www.shamrockfabrication.com/shiftknobs_page1.htm
Thanks, Irish Rich
Visit our website: http://www.shamrockfabrication.com

Ziemer to replace Bleustein as Harley-Davidson CEO–JEFF BLEUSTEIN, 65, will retire as CEO of Harley-Davidson on April 30th, 2005. He will be replaced by Jim Ziemer.

Ziemer, 54, is currently Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the company. He brings 35 years of experience to his new position, having served in most parts of the organization during that time.Both Bleustein and Ziemer will continue to serve on the Board of Directors, the former as Chairman of the Milwaukee-based motorcycle maker.

Bleustein has 30 years of service with the company, having joined Harley-Davidson from AMF in 1975. He was one of the group of 13 executives who took over the ailing organization from AMF in 1981.By 1987, the company had regained its position as leading heavyweight motorcycle manufacturer in the USA and the following year Bleustein became Senior Vice President. By 1990 he was Executive Vice President and in 1993 became President and Chief Executive Officer, finally becoming Chairman in 1998.
Richard Beattie, a director of Harley-Davidson, paid tribute to Bleustein’s achievements, pointing out that in each of the seven years under his leadership the company’s revenues and earnings have increased. Stockholders have seen a 400 per cent increase in their equity value.In 1996, revenue was $1.5 billion and the corresponding figure for 2003 was $4.6 billion. Net income improved over this period from $143 million to $761 million.
The final figures for 2004 are expected to see this trend continuing.The company attributes this progression to aggressive new product development, upgraded manufacturing technology and capacity, an improved dealer network, better marketing, and increased employee involvement and incentivization.

In addition to his responsibilities to Harley-Davidson, Bleustein is involved with the Florentine Opera Company, the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, the Greater Milwaukee Committee and the Medical College of Wisconsin.He also sat on an advisory committee to the US Department of Labor.Naturally, Jeff Bleustein remains an enthusiast for the Harley-Davidson marque and currently owns and rides Electra Glide and V-Rod models.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Tel: 414 343 4459
Fax: 414 343 8912

S&S WEBSITE NOW ONLINE–VIOLA, WI. S&S is pleased to announce the addition of Performance Times online. S&S is now offering free access to view and download current and past issues online at www.sscycle.com . Current subscribers to Performance Times will continue to receive this publication in the mail.
“Our web site allows us to make our quarterly magazine Performance Times available for free viewing and downloading. “says S&S Communications Manager James Simonelli . “In the past we have been limited to mailing paper copies out to subscribers, and if your dog chewed it up or something you were just out of luck, but now it’s available 24/7 – for free!”, continued Simonelli. “With that said, we feel this demonstrates that we are taking our commitment to customer satisfaction to the next level. “he added with a satisfied smirk.
Performance Times is authored and edited by Tom Johnson. It is written for performance-minded V-Twin enthusiasts and published quarterly by S&S Cycle. “Tom does an excellent job writing stories and conducting interviews with some of the leading people in the V-Twin industry. Our online access will allow more people to gain valuable information and knowledge from Performance Times.”, concluded Simonelli.
S&S Cycle has been a leading manufacturer of Proven Performance V-Twin motorcycle components and engines for over 45 years. George Smith and Stanley Stankos founded the company in 1958 in Blue Island, Illinois . Shortly after the founding of S&S, George, and his wife Marjorie (whose maiden name was also Smith), bought out Stanley Stankos and Smith & Stankos became Smith & Smith (S&S). In 1969, S&S moved from Blue Island to Viola, Wisconsin and expanded to La Crosse , Wisconsin in 2004. This 3rd generation business supplies components and/or engines to several large custom OEs including: American Ironhorse, Arlen Ness, Big Bear Choppers, Big Dog, BMC, Bourget Bike Works, Hellbound Steel, Swift, Titan, Ultra, Vengeance, & Victory (please see the S&S website for a complete listing).

REGIONAL MOTORCYCLE MAGAZINE ENTERS NATIONAL MARKET– Swainsboro Georgia. (December 14, 2004):- Sylvia Cochran, President of ThunderWind Publishing, the parent company of Dixie Rider National Motorcycle News announced today that the publication will change its name to U.S. RiderNews with the January 2005 issue.
Cochran said the magazine will additionally increase its nationwide distribution 200% over the next 12 months.
“We’ve made several changes for 2005” said Sylvia Cochran, “We’re dropping the Dixie Darling feature and expanding our coverage of new motorcycle testing.” U.S. RiderNews will also increase editorial aimed at riders of metric cruisers, European, Japanese and Italian sportbike riders, off road enthusiasts and news concerning motorcycle competition.
Paul Phillips managing editor said “We’re doubling our coverage of racing news. A complete race schedule for AMA Superbike, flat track, motocross as well as AHDRA, and AMA ProStar drag bike schedules. Currently Dixie Rider covers a broad range of news and reviews on Harley-Davidson, Victory, Big Dog, American Ironhorse, custom motorcycles, as well as Triumph, Moto-Guzzi and Japanese cruisers.
U.S. RiderNews also plans to double the number of State Inserts by adding the states of Florida, Tennessee and South Carolina. Currently, the State Insert program is available in Georgia, South Carolina and Texas.
“The State insert program is unique in our industry” said Cochran. “State inserts are publications inserted into the national wrap and features news and stories with more local flavor.” Cochran said the unique format allows U.S. RiderNews to reach deeper into local markets and provides advertisers with the ability to directly target a State or a series of States with sharply focused ads. It also provides smaller shops an advertising outlet which is more economical than national advertising.
“Most small motorcycle businesses receive 95% of their business from customers within a 50-100 mile radius.” Cochran said. “The State Insert program allows those businesses to reach their target market economically and still advertise in a magazine with professional editorial quality and integrity.”
A business interested in national advertisers can benefit by reaching deep into local markets at a CPM rate of less than $20 per thousand. Cochran explained that to achieve the same reach using an equivalent number of small state publications would cost that same advertiser several hundred dollars per thousand readers.
Distribution of U.S. RiderNews in 2005 will increase from an average readership* of 120,000 per month to reaching almost a quarter of a million motorcyclists each month.
About U.S.Rider News. Formerly Dixie Rider. The only free, all brand inclusive, motorcycle news magazine in the United States that includes state by state inserts with a common national editorial wraparound. Published monthly in Swainsboro Georgia and distributed at motorcycle rallies and events and in motorcycle related businesses all over the United States.
*Based on industry pass-through average of 3 readers per copy.
Scott Cochran
National Publisher/Editor U.S.RiderNews
324 South Green St.
P.O. Box 726
Swainsboro Ga 30401
fax: 478-237-3761
Add me to your address book…

Bah Humbug! JOAN C.
MOTORCYCLE RIDE VOLUNTEER NETWORK–Hello,This email is to let you know about the Motorcycle Ride VolunteerNetwork [MRVN], a global effort founded in 2004 that I feel would beof interest to many of your readers and I hope you can help us reachout to them.
With the goal of making the sport of motorcycling more accessible toall, MRVN has developed an internet website, an online Delphi forum,and a phone inquiry number for those without internet access, allcreated to;
1) Reach out to disabled people who would like to experiencemotorcycling but, due to their disabilities, cannot or have not.
2) Help arrange motorcycle Riding Partnerships between VolunteerMotorcyclists and disabled enthusiasts.
MRVN is opening new chapters daily all around the world and hashundreds of members. New members join MRVN each and every day.
If you are a disabled motorcycle enthusiast who can no longer ridedue to your disability I urge you to visit the Motorcycle RideVolunteer Network to find a riding partner in your area.
If you are an experienced motorcyclist who would like to volunteer asa MRVN rider, you are needed. Help ‘Share the Wind’ with those unableto ride themselves.
The URL is;http://www.mrvnonline.org
The Delphi forum is at;http://forums.delphiforums.com/mrvn/start
MRVN’s Phone Number is 603-447-2722
“Pass the Word – Share the Wind”
Thank you for taking the time to read this message and I hope you canhelp MRVN in its efforts.
Gary K. Foote, Co-founder
Motorcycle Ride Volunteer Network

BIKERNET MISCOMMUNICATION–There is a factory in Wisconsin, which makes the Tickle Me Elmo toys. The toy laughs when you tickle it under the arm. A new employee is hired at the Tickle Me Elmo factory and she reports for her first day promptly at 08:00.The next day at 08:45 there is a knock at the Personnel Manager’s door.
The Foreman from the assembly line throws open the door and begins to rant about the new employee. He complains that she is incredibly slow, and the whole line is backing up, putting the entire production line behind schedule.
The Personnel Manager decides he should see this for himself, so the 2 men march down to the factory floor. When they get there the line is so backed up that there are Tickle Me Elmo’s all over the factory floor, and they’re really beginning to pile up. At the end of the line stands the new employee surrounded by mountains of Tickle Me Elmo’s. She has a roll of plush red fabric and a huge bag of small marbles.
The 2 men watch in amazement as she cuts a little piece of fabric, wraps it around two marbles and begins to carefully sew the little package between Elmo’s legs.
The Personnel Manager bursts into laughter. After several minutes of hysterics he pulls himself together and approaches the woman. “I’m sorry,” he says to her, barely able to keep a straight face, “but I think you misunderstood the instructions I gave you yesterday. Your job is to give Elmo two test tickles”
Continued On Page 2