Continued From Page 3

LANE SHARING IS SAFER FOR BIKERS–In response to “Motorcyclists take pointless risk” (Letters, Nov. 7):Motorcycles legally sharing lanes when traffic is stopped or nearlystopped isactually safer for motorcycles than if they were to sit in stop-and-gotrafficwaiting to be rear-ended. This position was first offered by Harry Hurt, aUniversity of Southern California researcher in the “Hurt Report” –arguablythe most extensive report on the risks associated with motorcycling.
As a motorcycle safety instructor, I have been exposed to numerousaccounts ofrear-end collisions from motorcyclists, but have never had a firsthandaccountof an accident caused by a rider sharing lanes. As an activelane-sharing riderwith over 15 years of street-riding experience, I have never had a collisionwith another vehicle, and have never had a vehicle make a maneuver toward methat I could not predict or safely react to.
While there are a number of motorcyclists on the street who abuse thelimits ofwhat the CHP would describe as “safely” sharing lanes, to claim thatsafe lanesharing is a pointless risk is a gross overstatement.

ALBERT EINSTEIN’S BIRTHDAY–Just in case you missed it, March 14 was the anniversary of Albert Einstein’s birthday. He would have been 107.
Few people remember that the Nobel Prize winner married his cousin, Elsa Lowenthal, after his first marriage dissolved in 1919. He stated that he was attracted to Elsa because she was well endowed, and postulated that if you are attracted to women with large breasts, the attraction is stronger if there is a DNA connection. This came to be known as Einstein’s Theory of Relative Titty.
–from Richard Hodgsten

S&S RELEASES 2007 DEALER CATALOG– LA CROSSE, WI (November 29, 2006) S&S announces the release of their Dealer Catalog 18 for 2007. Catalog packets, including the Dealer Catalog, Performance Guides, Dealer Focus?, Performance Times®, and price lists have recently been shipped to authorized S&S Dealers around the world.
New products for the 2007 Dealer Catalog include the Single-Bore Tuned Induction System for a huge variety of aftermarket applications, the V107T Touring engine, newly improved T-Series engines, S&S Oil Filters, TV approved engines and components for the European market, Replacement Heads, Mobil 1 Oil, Single-Bore Throttle Body Kit, and more. Also available are the new S&S Performance Gear Drive Cams designed to fit Harley-Davidson® 2006 Dyna motorcycles and all 2007 models equipped with a Twin Cam 96 engine.
“We have some great new offerings in our newest Catalog,” said Timm Fields, Director of Sales and Marketing for S&S Cycle. “In addition to new cutting edge performance parts that we’re known for, readers will find detailed information about our Remanufacturing and Rebuild Services – being able to provide these new services will strengthen our relationship with dealers and allow the consumer to receive the best factory-supported dealer network service available in the industry.”
In addition to the Dealer Catalog, individual retail catalogs called Performance Guides are also available. These Performance Guides represent the various engine families and Proven Performance® products offered by S&S Cycle. These can be viewed and downloaded free at the S&S Cycle website or copies can be purchased online for $3.95 each.

AVON TYRE INFO OF THE WEEK–If you can’t take the pressure then get off the road!Manufacturers are like broken record players – tire pressure, tire pressure, tire pressure…And there’s a good reason we sound like this. Most customers resist doing this most simple of basic bike maintenance chores – checking their tire pressure. In fact they won’t even look at their tires to see if it’s flat on one side! I’ve had customers come up to me at rallies complaining that their bike isn’t handling well. When I walk towards the bike and I’m 100 feet away I can tell why. And just to confirm I take the tire pressure. Yep, 14 pounds trying to support the weight of that bike up front instead of a good 34.
The reasons why you should run sufficient air in your tires:
1) they can support a higher load with more air
2) the tire runs cooler with more air which equals more miles which means you don’t have to buy tires as often
3) the grooves stay open better with more air so you can channel water better when the roads are wet
4) more air helps support the tire shape so it is more resistant to deformation under loads such as braking and acceleration which means your tire will better resist irregular wear patterns
5) running too low of a pressure means you might damage your expensive wheel if you go over a pot hole and there isn’t a cushion of air to protect the rim (in fact in some of Avon’s big tire sizes we have a built in rim protector to help out with the low sidewalls which provide less protection for rims)
6) when you run under inflated you wear out the sides of your tire faster than the center. If you run overinflated you wear out the center
Other things you should look for each time you check your tires – check for cuts, cracks, stones in the tire.Avoid cleaning with anything other than mild soap and water. Check tires every week when riding and every day when on a trip. Check tires when they are cold. If pressure increases more than 10% when tires are hot then add 1-2 pounds more, or reduce load or speed.
And lastly make sure you have an accurate digital gauge if possible. Invest in your tires and see how your mileage increases and your pocketbook saves.

–Sukoshi Fahey (Ms.)
Sales Manager, North America
Hoppe & Assoc. (Avon Tyres)
800 624-7470 toll free

BRUCE ROSSMEYER & STEVEN TYLER ANNOUNCE”THE STEVEN TYLER SIGNATURE SERIES”10 LIMITED EDITION CUSTOM MOTORCYCLES–DAYTONA, FL (September 14, 2006) – Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler and Bruce Rossmeyer, CEO of 13 Harley-Davidson? locations, including the World’s Largest Harley-Davidson? dealership located at Bruce Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona, along with guidance of Rossmeyer’s personal custom motorcycle designer, Tim Gabel, have teamed up to design and produce “The Steven Tyler Signature Series,” a one-of-a-kind collection of Steven Tyler-inspired, custom designed motorcycles.
Limited to ten unique, custom motorcycles, the exclusive Steven Tyler Signature Series is designed to capture and exemplify Tyler’s love for motorcycling and his unique, artistic flair.
The series, manufactured by Hellbound Steel Motorcycles with Tyler’s personal style in mind, will feature several firsts in the custom motorcycle industry, including a specially designed logo and Steven Tyler signature components. The collection will also showcase a powerful, baritone-producing, Harley-Davidson? 1690cc Twim Cam 103? engine which screams louder than Tyler himself and other top quality components. The bikes will be individually serial numbered 1-10 and be NADA listed.
Each motorcycle of the Steven Tyler Signature Series will retail at $80,000.00 and includes a private reception for the motorcycle buyers with both Rossmeyer and Tyler, including round trip air to Daytona Beach, FL during the 2007 Bike Week for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Available on a first come – first serve basis, The Steven Tyler Signature Series will only be available at Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Harley-Davidson located at Destination Daytona. With only 10 produced for sale, six remain available for purchase. To inquire about purchasing one of these once-produced custom motorcycles, contact Shelly Rossmeyer Pepe at 1-866-642-3464 or log-on to / click on “The Steven Tyler Signature Series” link.
Bruce Rossmeyer currently owns thirteen Harley-Davidson locations, including the famed Ft. Lauderdale and Daytona Beach locations and the new World’s Largest Harley-Davidson dealership in Ormond Beach. At the Harley-Davidson dealerships, owned by Bruce Rossmeyer, the dealers are the lifelines to the customers. Employees at the stores provide clients with the knowledge, service and information necessary to get riders on the road. Bruce Rossmeyer’s World’s Largest Harley-Davidson dealership is located at 1637 North U.S. Highway 1, Ormond Beach, FL, 32174. For more information, please call (386) 671-7100 or visit

HIGHBARS TO THE STARS–I read the king report and started ordering my parts. I followed your instructions which were very clear. I went with 13-inch Tolmars which after re reading the King report decided bars to the stars was more like it. 18-inch 1.5s looked good and were ordered. I must say was a lot easier the second time around. I some how left enough wires and brake cable behind the headlight that it was a perfect fit. I just wanted to thank you for the article .

MORE ASSALT WEAPAN UPDATES–Too prone of a position. In case of handling problem (wind, surface condition, speed wobble) she will not have enough leverage to “muscle” control of the bike. Bring the legs more forward and down or at least have it as an optional position. Is the rear brake control going to be handlebar mounted? Mine worked great that way. Air shifter and foot shifter?
–Berry Wardlaw
This is really getting interesting it looks like Chris Kallas sketched in V-rod headlight and it seems to work like we thought. I cant tell you enough about how much help and fun having an artist involved is. This lets me look further into the plan. So here is more questions that will help me deliver a product that should be as good as the rest of this project.
1. I would assume based on the riding position that Valerie will be shifting the bike electronically with her thumb (or not with her feet mechanically anyway)
2. I would assume that same thumb will control the nos button and kill button ( it seems like they should be on the same side so there is no chance of nos on and ignition off at the same time)
3. will there be any levers on the bars and what would they do ?(would the the clutch lever be mechanical or hydro since the levers look to be lower then the upper control arm we might be able to put the reservoir in the upper control arm if needed
It looks really good to me it will be interesting to hear what Valerie thinks.
–Leo DiOrio
Rick Krost is building our frame. Feel free to contact him at U.S. Choppers. I plan to run the rear brake lever on the bars and the clutch lever. You’re right about NOS and a kill button/ignition switch. We will also run some sort of electric or air shifter. Once she lets out the clutch the first time, everything will be handled from the bars.–Bandit
I increased the sketch in size a little and it looks (however I can’t be sure) that front wheel would be a little further back when achieving the correct trail for this project. However I’m going to make this front-end with more on site tune ability than previous models.
–Leo DiOrio

NEW HEAT FUEL TANK FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON SPORTSTER–MILWAUKEE (November 27, 2006) – The new 4.5-gallon Heat Fuel Tank (P/N 62213-07, $975) for Sportsters from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories replaces the original-equipment tank with a custom-painted version that is a perfect match for the single-color front and rear fender. This Color Shop Personal Accents design features fanned flames that flow over the fuel tank and lick at the seat with dramatic effect. The tank is available in three color combinations: Vivid Black and Fire Red Pearl, Vivid Black and Silver, and Vivid Black and Deep Cobalt, and fits 2007 XL models. See dealer for fitment details.
For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

BIKERNET HOLIDAY HUMOR–You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed.On your right side is asharp drop off, and on your left side is an elephanttraveling at the samespeed as you..
Directly in front of you is agalloping kangaroo and yourhorse is unable to overtake it. Behind you is a lionrunning at the samespeed as you and the Kangaroo. What must you do tosafely get out of thishighly dangerous situation?
See answer below.Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round!
–Leo Shaw

MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE PIMP-SHIT MO-FO–Hey Bandit and crew! hope all is well with you, good here, working on race bikes for first race 2/11. The 350 Honda took a beating this year that was not evident until I got it totally apart and sandblasted ..some work to do. I’m just glad the Kaw 500 is “Turn-Key”!
I got this pic from a friend of mine down in Orlando and thought you might like it, pimp-shit mo-fo Waggner! besides da Ho’s, Santa pimp rides a springer!
Happy holidays to all of Bikernet!!!
–Charles Young

ROGUE TO SUPPORT FREEDOM FIGHTER DAVE ZIEN– I am please to inform you that I will be attending the Dave Zien Appreciation Benefit in Madison Wisconsin on January 20, 2007.
Dave has done much for motorcycling and I feel that the motorcyclist of this country should know about it. Hopefully by showing that we appreciate what he has done other politicians will follow and or continue to support us.
2007 will have many new laws and regulations submitted and those of us that fight to preserve our freedoms will have our hands full. We can be successful with people like Dave on our side.
I will cover the event and send you an article in hopes that you will be able to use it.
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
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