Continued From Page 1

WIN FREE TICKETS TO THE ARLEN NESS BIKE SHOW– Win Free Tickets and Swag for the January 27th and 28th 2007 Arlen Ness Bike Show in San Jose, CA. Enter your contact information and we will draw a name each week. Go to Arlen Ness Bike Show for more details.
Jani Albers wins 2 show tickets
Juan Gutierrez wins 2 show tickets
American Thunder Promotions produces the Arlen Ness Bike Show, the Donnie Smith Invitational Bike Show and the Donnie Smith Rochester Bike Show.

WIN A CUSTOM THUNDER SADDLE OF YOUR TATTOO!–This is what you have been waiting for. For the next 7 months will be giving away a custom Thunder Saddle each month. These saddles are the most exclusive saddles and most comfortable saddles every made. They are very cool because each saddle represents your tattoo.
The Tattoo Contest
BANDIT of Bikernet will pick the best looking tattoo of the month and we will make a custom Thunder Saddle with the Tattoo embossed on the saddle. Each saddle comes equipped with Saddlemen’s Saddle Gel. Saddle Gel makes an incredibly comfortable seat and allows you to stay on your motorcycle for longer periods of enjoyable riding.
How to Enter the Thunder Saddle Contest
Entering is easy. Just send an email to: with your:
? Name
? Telephone number
? Picture of you and your tattoo
? Year and model of motorcycle
It’s just that easy. Send a picture of yourself sporting your favorite tattoo and you could be riding around with it on your motorcycle. It is your exclusive seat that is a show stopper and conversation piece wherever you stop.
For more details and rules”> clicking here.
HIGHBARS AND WOBBLES-A MYTH– I have read your article about replacing stock height handlebars to highhandlebars on the “King”, and thought that you may be able to lend me yourexpert insight on this problem I am having. The article was posted almost 4 years ago.
I have a completely random high speed wobble (going highway speeds at 75mph) and the dealer puts the 16″ Burly Bars I have on it as the root cause.
Now knowing that this was complete BS, I gave the dealer a nice list ofthings that needed to be check (the bike is still under warranty):
Everything that needs to be checked for the wobble should include, but notbe limited to:
? Air Pressure
? Rear Wheel Alignment 0.793mm In Between Side To Side
? Tires Not Balanced
? Rim / Tire Out Of Round
? Steering Head Bearing Incorrectly Torque
? Wheel Spacers
? Wheel Bearing
? Engine Mount
? Transmission Mount
? Equal Amount Of Fluid In Both Forks
? Loose Axle Nut
? Caliper Alignment
? Neck Bearing Adjustment
? Swing Arm Pivot
? Shocks Rear Aligned Equally
? Top Of Forks Not Extending More Than 10.66mm – 12.7mm And Be Equal
? Steering Stem Nut
? Swing Arm Bushings
The dealer stopped after checking the air pressure and said that theair pressure was at 2.8 (40 psi) was the cause of the wobble since it was 1bar (14.5 psi) too high.
Now my question is this: Did you experience any random high speed wobblesince changing out the stock handlebars?
R. Corey
2005 Fatboy (FLSTFI)

Highbars don’t cause high speed wobbles. All the items on your list need to be checked periodically. Depending on the miles on your bike, you may need to replace all the rubbermounts and especially add a True-Track alignment, stabilizer system. It makes all the difference in the world for touring bikes. I have one on my King and on the Salt Shaker.–Bandit

ASSALT WEAPAN UPDATES–Let’s say we are around 68″ wheel base to start…. then we add 12″ getting 80″ wheelbase…….. after that I would figure we would need a truss type frame (like a drag bike) for structural integrity like you mentioned before. If we go a foot on each end, we are in the 90-100 inch range which would necessitate a bridge type truss system. No matter what, we can still add stanchions in the rear and a dropped double country bar in front and rear of the motor. How many hp per inch is Berry getting us and what size motor (I am figuring normally aspirated push rod?). Its all pretty easy- we just have to start at the right place!
Figure in the early days they were going 150 on little spindly frames with tiny motors and short wheelbase (and open wheels)….It was in 1969 that Payne’s Turnip Eater set several records, including hitting a top speed of over 201 mph, en route to an average of 196.512. His trap speed of 201 made Payne the first rider in history to push a non-streamliner to over 200 mph. His bike was towed up to 70 mph before he fired it up to begin the run. To save weight he used a single-speed transmission, which meant he had to slip the clutch up to about 110 mph. That year he broke the existing class record by a margin of 43 mph.
Stock Jap bikes are coming in at around 175…….
Plus you have 250mph Hayabusa’s that merely have an extended swingarm and a hopped up motor……(open wheel), but then again they say it takes 8 times more horsepower to go twice as fast….. so does this mean we need 4 times more horsepower from that same motor by the same metrics???
But seriously, lets break it all down….. we are friggin pussy’s if we cant do this easily…… heres why:
Fastest Bicycle Speed
The highest speed ever achieved on a bicycle is 268.831 km/h (167.043 mph), by Fred Rompelberg (The Netherlands) at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah, USA, on October 3, 1995. His record attempt was greatly assisted by the slipstream from his lead vehicle. Fred has been cycling professionally for nearly 30 years and during that time has held 11 world records.
Who: Fred Rompelberg
When: October 3, 1995
Where: Bonnieville Salt Flats, Utah, USA
What: 268.831 km/h (167.043 mph)
I rest my case- lets pedal Bonny!

U.S. Choppers
2039 S. Lyon St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Appointments Only Please

“CHOPPERTOWN FROM THE VAULT” —Los Angeles, Calif. – November 1, 2006 – One World Studios Ltd. announced today that it will be releasing the much anticipated follow-up to its award-winning feature documentary, Choppertown: the Sinners continuing on the success of their unprecedented insider look at biker culture.
“After the incredible worldwide success of Choppertown over the past six months, we decided it was time to head back to our vault and create a new experience for our fans,” said Scott Di Lalla, who along with Zack Coffman created, produced and directed Choppertown. Choppertown: From the Vault will take viewers back inside the underground world of the Sinners hot rod and motorcycle club, with even more of its trademark freeway riding, bike wrenching, and bittersweet romanticism of biker brotherhood.
FTV features over two hours of all-new unseen footage and includes the film’s soundtrack Music to Wrench By as a bonus CD in every package. “We wanted to reward our fans for their loyalty and give them more than they asked for,” said Coffman. “They’ve been going into their community and organically promoting the film by holding screenings in bars, garages and living rooms all over the world. We want to be known as filmmakers that give more than asked instead of just a bare-bones experience. In the end, it’s the fans that support all of us in this industry and they appreciate us going the extra mile.”
Custom chopper builder and modern day greaser Kutty Noteboom builds his working man’s chopper from the ground up with the help of good friend Rico and the rest of his biker brothers in this intimate award-winning documentary about renowned hot rod and motorcycle club the Sinners. Featuring: Rockabilly Hall of Famer James Intveld, custom builder Cole Foster, and rebel skater Jason Jessee.
DVD Price: $24.95
Running Time: 120 minutes; color
MPAA Rating: Not rated (adult themes, strong
language, mild violence, light gunplay)
Audio: English PCM 2.0; stereo
For more information call (310) 231-9991 or email
We reviewed this DVD this week and I’m afraid I was tough on it. It doesn’t hold a candle to the first one.–Bandit

ASSALT WEAPAN STUDY CONTINUES–It would help if you can get tire diameter and engine/tranny measurements, or any other critical stuff you can think of.Rick might be able to give you/me measurement points of distance between engine mounts tranny etc.
I know your not using a Shovel, it was just convenient. Also what about the fork? Not length but other dimensions like distance between arms,trees, leg thickness, width etc. I need baseline stuff so I can get it all in scale.
–Chris Kallas

THE DURFEE GIRDER IS BACK!*–If you’re looking for a front end that is sure to set your machine apart from the crowd then you should know that “the legendary “DURFEE GIRDER” is back! The premiere custom motorcycle girder style fork of the seventies has just been reintroduced and it’s better than ever.
Designers of the original DURFEE GIRDER have managed to retain the girder’s unique styling and enhanced it’s quality, performance and reliability through the use of modern technology, materials and manufacturing techniques.
The new DURFEE GIRDER is constructed of 4130 seamless aircraft alloy tubing, TIG welded to the most exacting specifications. Available in ether round or square tubing with lengths from 2″ under to 20″ over in triple-plate chrome or powder coated finishes. Standard configuration incorporates a brake tab on the left side for use with one of the four kits to mount the;
Brembo 4 Piston
84-99 H-D
2000 – Present H-D and
Performance Machine’s original 125x4R caliper
Omitted or Dual disc configurations are also available. Each DURFEE GIRDER is machined to accept a standard _” axle and upper, lower or dual headlight mounts. The new DURFEE GIRDER offer today’s enthusiasts a welcome alternative to “glide” style forks. For complete details contact Durfee Enterprises at 503-472-9670 or logon to

STEALTH BIKERNET INVESTIGATION IN NC–The Christmas rush is on but it really doesn’t feel like Christmas around the Charlotte area. The temps have been betwwen 60-67! I think that is a good thing but “THE MEANEST” wants it to be cold?
Back here at STEALH BIKE WORKS we have been working on the shop project bike. It is coming along very nicely. It has been one Christmas party after the other and they have all been fun. Next Saturday. 12-23-06, SBW will hold it’s own shop Chrismas party. All of our customers are invited and if you are in the Charlotte areas give us a call at 704-882-0889 and stop by. We would be glad to see you!
The year end is fast approaching and it is almost time to put a wrap on 06. It is hard to believe how fast the time has past. It has been a good year for us and again I would like to thank everyone who has supported SBW through out the year. We appreciate each and everyone of you!

“THE MEANEST” and I are looking forward to Christmas this year, our grandson Alex just turned 1-year-old in October and he really doesn’t remember last Christmas but I have a feeling he will leave his mark on this one. I think he already digs bikes. When he sits on my rigid evo jockey shift bike, the first thing he does is reach for the shifter!
In the up coming week take some time to reflect on what Christmas means to you, spend time with those who are the closest to you while getting ready for the BIG day and if you get the chance go for a ride, that in itself is a GREAT gift!
Until next week, RIDE!

ACCURATE ENGINEERING ASSALT WEAPAN ENGINE UPDATE–I should be through with the Bonneville engine by the end of February or beginning of March. I have my plate full with the Discovery engines, trade show and the Crocker project. I Have my cam for Bonneville 120-inch Panhead.
We are working with S&S on some major internal components to make the dream Panhead, nitrous motor fly.–Bandit
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