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JOKER MACHINE SERIES 2000 FORK LEG CAP COVERS– A cool reverse teardrop shaped design that covers the top of the OEM hex bolt found on 1987 to Present Wide Glide front ends.Precision CNC manufactured from billet aluminum and fully chrome plated!Attach in seconds onto your existing fork hex bolt with a secure set screw!
Item #: 03-55
Series 2000 Fork Caps(pair)

MEMO FROM THE BIKENET BOOT REPAIR SHOP– A woman went into a bar in Waco and saw a cowboy with his feet propped up on a table. He had the biggest boots she’d ever seen.
The woman asked the cowboy if it’s true what they say about men with big feet are well endowed.
The cowboy grinned and said, “Shore is, little lady.Why don’t you come on out to the bunkhouse and let me prove it to you?”
The woman wanted to find out for herself, so she spent the night with him.
The next morning she handed him a $100 bill.
Blushing, he said, “Well, thankee, ma’am. Ah’m real flattered. Ain’t nobody ever paid me fer mah services before.”
“Don’t be flattered. Take the money and buy yourself some boots that fit.”
–from Manny M.

HARLEY-DAVIDSON AND BUELL ACTIVITIES AT UPCOMING IMS EVENTS– Visitors to the Harley-Davidson display at IMS events may enjoy checking out the new 2008 models, including the FXDF Dyna Fat Bob and the new additions to the Softail family, the Rocker and Rocker C. Attendees may also enter for a chance to win a $100 gift certificate or a free Rentals coupon, good for a one-day motorcycle rental at Authorized Harley-Davidson Rental dealerships. The Buell display features the new 2008 Buell 1125R, the first liquid-cooled Buell motorcycle.
At Long Beach in December, visitors will be able to view the tricked-out 2007 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail Classic, which was customized live at the Automotive Rhythms Urban Restylin’ Salon at the Washington D.C Auto Show. Also, Long Beach will be the last IMS event this year to provide Harley-Davidson demo rides of 2008 motorcycles to visitors with a valid motorcycle license and proper riding gear.

Buell and Pirelli Offer Chance to Win a Customized Buell Motorcycle
Buell Motorcycle Company and Pirelli Tires will be giving away a Pirelli-themed, custom-painted Buell 1125R, a new liquid-cooled motorcycle for 2008. Anyone interested may go to to register. The contest began Nov. 9, 2007, and will run through Feb. 18, 2008. The winner will be announced approximately Feb. 29, 2008. For more information, visit the Buell display at future IMS events for takeaway information.Photo: Enter for your chance to win a Pirelli-themed, custom-painted Buell motorcycle.

SOMETHING NEW THIS YEAR AT ER BIKE SHOWS– This year we will be doing Live interviews on Stage around 230 pm every Sat of the Bike Show season.
We will be featuring this time on the schedule as”2008 Centerfold Builders-Live on Stage”This is a new project that we feel could turn into a very interesting hour.
The purpose of this segment is to create the opportunity for you to introduce to the public what’s going on with your business and give people the chance to get to know you better.
We will ask any of you that are interested is participating to discuss with Bruce any agenda you may be interested in. We don’t want to turn this session into a live commercial but we do want to give builders a chance to talk to the Sponsors and Magazine editors about what’s new and interesting in the industry. Just get with Bruce at the show and fill him in on any subjects you would like to discuss so that he can do his job professionally.
Our sponsors, Magazine Editors and various other persons involved in our industry that may be at the show will also be encouraged to participate in this fun, relaxed and casual setting.
My Emcee Bruce will direct the discussions and he is very experienced in keeping things flowing on the stage.
On another note 2008 is really shaping up well for at Easyriders Events.Vendor reservations and competition applications are above expectations so far.
Let me know if there is anything we can do for you this year we are here to help.
Remember that one of our returning sponsors is so if you have any press releases or interesting information regarding your involvement with Easyriders Events please send it to Keith Ball at –John Green South Side Kustoms UPCOMING EVENTS and NEWS!– SOUTH SIDE KUSTOMS is a drop off location for TOYS for TOTS, if you can not make it to one of our events in December, please feel free to drop/mail items off at South Side Kustoms! No child should go without at Christmas! Your brand new toy donation is a symbol of hope to a child! WE ARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE WE ARE NOW A DEALER FOR V TWIN MANUFACTURING! You can call/email us for their Catalog on CD w/retail pricing book – Please provide shipping info. Or stop by their on-line catalog at South Side Kustoms SUPPORTS OUR TROOPS! As Well as Law Enforcement/Firemen/EMTs – WE Give mentioned service personel (active/reserve/gaurd/retired) a 10% off discount on parts (excludes sales/discounts/apparel/helmets) OR $1,000 off a custom built motorcycle! It’s the least we can do to say THANK YOU for doing what you do! South Side Kustoms is the Featured Shop Shirt this Month at Biker Club Tshirt, Join the monthly tshirt club and get a different shop tshirt every month. SUPER SALE! 40 Spoke Wheels 18×5.5″ and 21×21.15″ = $395 a set—THAT”S INSANE–LIMITED TIME SALE! DNA Wheels – High Quality – USA MADE – DOT APPROVED Dec 8th 2007 (Saturday) – South Side Kustoms and NY Chapter of Black Label Society Present DIMES to DOLLARS Concert Event to BENEFIT LITTLE KIDS ROCK @ CLUB W 199 Deleware Ave. (DOWNTOWN) $5.00 ALL PROCEEDS GO TO LITTLE KIDS ROCK. YOU CAN ALSO BRING A BRAND NEW UNWRAPPED TOY for South Side Kustoms Toy Drive for TOYS for TOTS. Bands = – Dopey Joe – Gorilla Punch – Sirium Geometry – Sixpin , Drink Specials/Giveaways/50-50 Raffle – Bands Start at 8pm. LITTLE KIDS ROCK is a NON-FOR-PROFIT Charity that helps keep music/music instruments in schools as well as music camps, with budget cuts in schools, music is the first thing to go. This is where Little Kids Rock steps in to help keep the music in school. Music is very important in schools, children who learn music tend to be smarter and excel better in academics. Besides without music, where will our future Eric Claptons/Jimmy Page’s come from? Dec 15th 2007 (Saturday) – South Side Kustoms 2nd Annual Christmas Party to BENEFIT TOYS for TOTS @ Holdiays Restaurant and Lounge 935 Harlem rd (near Clinton St) West Seneca NY – BRING A BRAND NEW UNWRAPPED TOY for ENTRANCE or $10 at the door! That 80’s Hair Band at 9:30 pm – Prizes/Giveaways/Door Prizes/50-50 Raffle. –Jason McCudden (Owner) HAPPY HOLIDAYS, THE NEWS IS COMPLETED FOR NOW–Life moves so quickly, more news is flying in as we wrap up this batch, and I start saving it for the Sunday Post News. Fortunately for the good of all of us, most of the news is damn positive. If nothing else life is non-stop changing and exciting. It’s moving too fast, but what the hell, climb into the kitchen and start cookin’ or stand in a fuckin’ bread line. Okay, so I’m not Indian Larry, but me and a handful of other biker mag journalists had a blast riding Sucker Punch Sally bikes. This is their new Swingarm model, called the Swinger. I’m about to launch the report, but I need to finish my Bonneville Book for Wolfgang Publishing, scramble to the IMS show this weekend in Long Beach. Then there’s the Moon Eyes Christmas Party on Saturday and the David Mann Old School Show in Ventura on Sunday. I’ve got some other fantastic plans for ’08, but I need to finalize the details before we spill our guts. Oh, and tomorrow Hiwayman and I will fight traffic across LA to the Northridge University Campus and get a tour of a wind tunnel from Stew, the mastermind behind Pegasus Fuel Injection. I can’t wait. I’ll report back. Ride Forever, –Bandit
South Side Kustoms
146 Barnard St.
Buffalo, Ny 14206
website –
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