Continued From Page 2

MOTORCYCLE HALL OF FAMERS AND FORMER RACING ACES TRADE STORIES–The Q&A panel featured American Iron Magazine and RoadBike publisher Buzz Kanter, past Formula One National Champion Mike Baldwin, expert dirt track motorcycle racer Mark Zimmerman, and Rod Pink, who was a national ranked professional dirt track motorcycle racer in the years the movie was made.
Panelists shared stories about their experiences racing from broken collarbones to scraping together the money to drive their passions. They also spoke about the state of motorcycle racing today and the differences between spectatorship in the U.S. and in Europe.
The movie was presented by the Stamford Museum & Nature Center in conjunction with its exhibit, The Motorcycle, Italian Style: Riding the Curves with MV Agusta.
The Motorcycle, Italian Style: Riding the Curves with MV Agusta, a vintage motorcycle exhibition, sponsored by Cliff’s Cycle Revolution, featuring the Gary & Connie Kohs Collection, traces the MV Agusta brand from its World War II inception to today. Transportation meets art in this spectacular salute to one of the most admired, esthetically-driven steel horses of all time. This exhibition is made possible with support from the Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism. Chica, the MV Agusta factory guard dog, guides children through the exhibition with “Chica Says?” interpretive signage.
Tots 2 to 4 years old can ride toy bikes in their special section in the Bendel Mansion, as they learn about safety on two-wheeled vehicles. The exhibition runs through Sunday, Jan. 6, 2008. For more information, visit, call 203.322.1646 ext.6521, or e-mail Free with gate admission.
The Bendel Mansion Museum Galleries are open Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Stamford Museum & Nature Center is located at 39 Scofieldtown Road, Stamford, CT (3/4 mile North of Merritt Parkway Exit 35.) For more information on The Motorcyle, Italian Style: Riding the Curves with MV Agusta, visit or call 203.322.1646 ext.6521.
Members: FREE; Non-Members: Free with gate admission: Adults $8, Seniors & Students $6, Children (4-17) $4, Under 3 FREE.

HAT LADY HANGS WITH BIKENET CONTRIBUTOR–Here is a shot of a woman who goes to the same bar I do. She is affectionally known as the Hat Lady.

BIKERNET UNIVERSITY HISTORIC ANCEDOTE–How times don’t change. Plato (427-347 BCE) on politicians (though not just politicians):
“If one sins against the laws of proportion and gives something too big to something too small to carry it–too big sails to too small a ship, too big meals to too small a body, too big powers to too small a soul – the result is bound to be a complete upset. In an outburst of hubris the overfed body will rush into sickness, while the jack-in-office will rush into the unrighteousness that hubris always breeds.”
A Slovenian proverb: “Speak the truth, but leave immediately afterwards.”
–from James Schnarr

NEW RAPIDE HEADLIGHT FROM CHRIME SCENE CHOPPERS–Crime Scene Choppers, new Rapide line features a style-coordinated air cleaner, head light and tail light. The Rapide line features a distinctive scallop design and a matching grill.
The Rapide headlight uses either a 4.5-INCH sealed beam lamp (not included) or the Crime Scene Choppers triple lamp unit with 225 watts of penetrating candlepower.

The Rapide headlight is available in two different finishes; a satin aluminum bucket with highlighted scallops and a polished brass grill, or all chrome. These are perfect on a vintage styled bike. Check out the matching LED tail light and air cleaner.
The headlight comes complete with the hand finished body and grill, stainless hardware, mounting block, gasket and wiring harness.
Rapide 4.5″ Headlight,CSC-702/CSC-703,$299 Retail, Chrome or Satin/Polished Brass

THE ANSWER TO MAN’S DEEPEST QUESTS– ALBUQUERQUE – Men have been trying to figure out women forever, and now University of New Mexico researchers say you don’t have look much farther than the female nose for answers.
A male scent and a woman’s subconscious response are at the root of trail-blazing research into human sexuality generating surprising and occasionally controversial discoveries.
UNM scientists say tests show that at certain times in women’s menstrual cycles, they have a subconscious preference for certain kinds of men.The biological research shows women go into heat just like animals. That’s right, everything from lady seals to lady porcupines
“Our findings are most important findings about human sexuality in a long time,” UNM biologist Dr. Randy Thornhill said.Thornhill said that heat doesn’t have anything to do with libido.New Mexico researchers claim that when a woman is fertile she doesn’t get more interested in sex, she just gets more discriminating.
“The discovery involves research we’ve done to look specifically at women’s change in preference across the menstrual cycle,” Thornhill said.
The research started with T-shirts scientists gave to men of different characteristics to wear for two nights.”And you give them special soap that doesn’t have scent in it and ask them not to smoke and have sex and use foods that are known to effect body odor to try to control the body odor that these men emit,” Thornhill said.The T-shirts were then bagged and frozen to preserve the smell of each man on each shirt.
Women in different stages of their menstrual cycle were then asked to rate the sexiness of the smell of each anonymous shirt.”What they show is a very selective kind of sexual preference or set of preferences when they’re fertile in the menstrual cycle,” the researcher said.
That preference is for the smell of men with specific kinds of faces and bodies. According to the research, this is what fertile women preferred.
“They like the body scent of testosterone-related factors in men,” Thornhill said. “It has to do with features of the lower face.
“Men’s faces are longer; that’s due to testosterone effects. Men’s faces are wider. They like the body scent of men who are socially dominant.”
Not necessarily bigger but equal in size on both sides of the body.”So women in estrus like the scent, the body scent of men, who are symmetric.”
KRQE News 13 took the results to the UNM campus and got reaction ranging from laughter to “I think it could be true” to “Is this a real study?” –Rogue BARNETT’S MAGAZINE SPECIAL TO SHOWCASE THE AMD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OF CUSTOM BIKE BUILDING–Barnett’s Magazine has confirmed details of a special issue which will showcase the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building. The issue, which will be for sale on newsstands for six weeks from February 12, and available at the V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati, will feature a range of the most spectacular custom bikes ever to appear in one issue. In addition there will be a ‘Bike Builders Parts Guide’ (press release section where product manufactures can showcase their products to industry builders and consumers) and ‘Up Close’ articles within the features showcasing a product on the bike, including parts supplied by World Championship ‘Partners’. Builders, whose bikes are included, will get their bikes featured on high quality paper in the consumer publication that has been described as ‘the best looking American V-Twin magazine on the newsstand’. Those product manufactures who submit material will be exposing their products to both the consumers and industry in this spectacular issue. Speaking about the issue, Publisher, Mark Barnett said: “We are very proud of what we have achieved so far, but remain ambitious. I believe we can still take Barnett’s Magazine to another level and being able to showcase the work of so many of the World Championship competitors, and help AMD promote and develop the event. It is a genuine win-win for all concerned.” The issue will close for ad space reservations on December 7th with ad materials due December 21st. Interested advertisers can call Penny Osiecki on 702 566 3397 or e-mail her: THE BIKERNET CHURCH PREACHER’S DOG, NOT HIS WIFE–A Baptist preacher and his wife decided to get a new dog. Ever mindful of the congregation, they knew the dog must also be a Baptist. They visited kennel after kennel and explained their needs. Finally, they found a kennel whose owner assured them he had just the dog they wanted. The owner brought the dog to meet the pastor and his wife. “Fetch the Bible,” he commanded. The dog bounded to the bookshelf, scrutinized the books, located the Bible, and brought it to the owner. Now find Psalm 23,” he commanded. The dog dropped the Bible to the floor, and showing marvelous dexterity with his paws, leafed through and finding the correct passage, pointed to it with his paw. The pastor and his wife were very impressed and purchased the dog. That evening, a group of church members came to visit. The e pastor and his wife began to show off the dog, having him locate several Bible verses. The visitors were very impressed. One man asked, “Can he do regular dog tricks, too?” “I haven’t tried yet,” the pastor replied. He pointed his finger at the dog. “HEEL!” the pastor commanded. The dog immediately jumped on a chair, placed one paw on the pastor’s forehead and began to howl. The pastor looked at his wife in shock and said, “Good Lord! He’s Pentecostal!” –from Rev CarlR BIKERNET OPENS A NEW DEPARTMENT DEDICATED TO METRIC MARVELS– My name is Chuck Shortt, I’m the owner of Rocky Mountain Custom Bikes in Colorado. You and I have met through Ray Wheeler a very close and long time friend of mine at one of the rallies we we’re at. He called me today and explained your new venture of a metric division in your company. He didn’t know much about what you will be doing and any real details but wanted me to contact you about it. I’m interested in finding out about this and would like to learn more. Ray may of told you a little about me but I’ve had a long time involvement (25 years) in the bike industry. I’ve owned 2 motorcycle businesses, sold one and am still operating one with great success. In fact you had one of our bikes on your front page of Bikernet a couple of weeks ago—The Black Victory Custom Bagger. As well I’ve had a strong presence in the metric cruiser and sport bike industry in my career. I’ve road raced, done the Salt Flats thing, been up the Pikes Peak hill climb, raced the AMA Daytona 200, built and fabricated one off parts as well as built custom metric bikes tell the cows came home and the list goes on. Just about every word out of my mouth has something to do with a motorcycle. So if you can get away and would be interested in talking with me, I would be very interested in your future plans. –Chuck Shortt WILDWIND MOTORCYCLE TOURS OFFERS SUPER BOWL SPECIAL– SEDONA, AZ-WildWind kicks off Super Bowl Week, January 27 to February 3, with a special series of custom rides sure to get this party started. Riders can get out of the bitter winter, on a bike, and into summery Arizona. Phoenix in wintertime is a biker’s paradise; it’s like riding on a tropical island-without the humidity! Fly in for the Super Bowl, stay and play all week, or the week after the big game. Our expert guides explore the Valley of the Sun, visiting the best of the beautiful Sonoran Desert. Cruise the twisties to Canyon Lake and the famed 1880s town of Tortilla Flats, visit the Superstition Mountains, a gold mine ghost town, and an authentic recreation of the Wild West at Rawhide. Ride into the biker town of Cave Creek, visit the hotspots of Tempe and Scottsdale, swim or tube in the Salt River, and much more. Tours to Tucson, the red rock wonderlands of Sedona, and the notorious mining town of Jerome are optional. Half-day, full-day and overnight programs are available. WildWind builds custom rides to suit your desires. For more details and pricing, contact WildWind MC Tours at 602-690-2864; visit AMAZING, HAMSTER HAS HEALTHY BABY BOY– Can you let everyone know that we had a healthy new baby boy today. Carter Anthony Bake 7lb 11oz 20-in long 12-2-2007 –Nick bake REPORT FROM MAXTON MILE–Here are a few pics and some details from the Maxton Mile (ECTA land speed meet) this weekend.First pass was just motor(140 rear wheel horse power), set a record at 161 mph (standing start 1 mile. Second pass started to spray the nitrous and alky (238 RWHP) and the alky pump lost the armature seal and failed, done for the weekend. Felt fairly confident that she would have run 200. This is a street ridden, fully legal and licensed, runs on pump gas Harley. Did 250 street miles during break-in.This was the last meet of the year, we will run it at the first meet of 2008 (April). We will be taking it to bike week in March to display. –Wayne STURGIS KIDS AND CHROME EFFORT FOR 2008 GETTING UNDERWAY–“2008 Kids & Chrome Bike “The Dakota” by BaggerWorks Reveal” will be featured on Bikernet in the near future. Please feel free to contact either Stacey Sharp, Kids & Chrome Event Coordinator, at the Robert Sharp Agency, 605/342-5226, or me Darla Crown, 605/391-5555, at the Children’s Home Society, with any questions you may have. Kids & Chrome Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), non-profit corporation. Your contribution will assist Kids & Chrome in furthering its mission of enriching the outreach and programs provided by Children’s Home Society, the “Kids” in the foundation’s moniker, and Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame, the “Chrome”. –Darla Crown SANTA GETS HELP FROM 5,000 BIKERS– An estimated 5,000 bikers decked their hogs with boughs of holly, sprigs of mistletoe, canes of candy, garlands, teddy bears and other holiday festoonery Sunday afternoon to participate in the 26th annual ABATE Motorcycle Toy Run. Their mission: Raise money and collect toys for thousands of needy Brevard County kids. About half the toys go the Shriners for distribution and the rest go to the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, Cocoa Police Department and other local law enforcement agencies. “I do it every year,” said Merritt Island resident Randall Bryner, who was driving his newly purchased Tuk Tuk, a three-wheeled motorized taxi from Thailand. “I like the cause and I love the ride.” The ride: From the Merritt Square Mall, they cruised west on State Road 520, then south on U.S. 1 through Cocoa, Rockledge and Melbourne, arriving at the Wickham Park Pavilion about two hours later. Sheriff’s deputies and local police escorted the riders and provided traffic control, blocking every intersection for a 20-plus mile stretch and keeping everybody off southbound U.S. 1 that wasn’t riding a motorcycle with a toy strapped to its handlebars, sissy bar or saddle bags.Gary Burton of ABATE of Brevard estimated the crowd at 4,700 to 5,000 bikers.near Rockledge Gardens onU.S. 1. To those motorists and commuters who complain about the inconvenience, Dave Eddins of Merritt Island said: “Get a life. It’s two hours out of the year. It happens every year. Plan around it.” People lined up at intersections and parking lots along U.S. 1, waving and cheering the bikers on.About 100 bikers were at the Bourbon House to cheer their riding brethren.And at Florida Memorial Gardens, a group of family and friends of Brad Buchweitz waved to the riders. Buchweitz died a year ago Sunday in a motorcycle accident — the day before he was to ride in last year’s Toy Run. Last year, ABATE of Florida estimated 6,000 motorcycles carried 10,000 bikers and passengers, who donated $4,000 and several truckloads of toys on their 25th annual Toy Run. This year, they collected an estimated 20,000 toys, from people like Charlotte Henry of Titusville. She brought an armful of toys to the Azan Shriners’ collection dropoff at Wickham Park. “It’s building on itself,” said Henry, an ABATE volunteer. “It’s an annual community event. It’s people working with people to make it better for needy children.” BY JEFF SCHWEERSFLORIDA TODAY –Rogue
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
mn hamster
Children’s Home Society
1330 Jolly Lane
Rapid City, SD 57703
605-343-2811 ext 19
605-391-5555 cell
Continued On Page 4