Continued From Page 2

GREAT HAWAIIAN BIKER BUILD-OFF– On Saturday, 17 December 2005, Pacific Rim Cycle, and The Pasha Group will be host to the 50th State’s largest motorcycle rally to be held at Kapiolani Community College in the heart of Honolulu.
In association with KPOI (“The Big Kahuna”) radio, Hawaii’s premier motorcycle publication (Hawaiian Chopper) will put on “The Great Hawaiian Biker Build-Off”.
Designed as a series of motorcycle related events, which will include a magazine model search, custom motorcycle contest, tattoo contest, biker build-off, and live rock & roll by Big Dog and Analog, the event is sure to excite both bikers and the general public alike.
Beginning with a special appearance by Danny “Count Cool Rider” Koker, Jose De Miguel, and other special guests, the Marines and Sailors of Marine Corps Base Hawaii will see first hand some of the coolest custom choppers on the planet. This will not only be a chance for America’s fighting men and women to hang out with some of their motorcycle building idols, it will allow the builders to say thanks for their sacrifice on behalf of us all.
On Saturday, 17 December at 10:00am, the gates will open for the “Great Hawaiian Biker Build-Off” Rally. Participants will find plenty of parking at the venue, and will be charged a $20.00 entry fee ($15.00 pre-sale) into the festivities.
Those wishing to get their tickets in advance can visit their favorite bike shop. Tix will be on sale at Pacific Rim Cycle, South Seas Harley-Davidson, Cycle City Harley-Davidson, and Grumpy’s Custom Cycles.
To get everyone involved in the day’s activities, fans will enjoy the Hooters/Hawaiian Chopper Magazine bikini model search. Featuring some of Hawaii’s most beautiful women posing on stage for a chance to become a Hawaiian Chopper girl, the winner will also win $500.00 and be featured on the cover of Hawaii’s only biker mag.
Woody’s Chicago Style Hotdogs custom bike contest, and the tattoo contest sponsored by Island Tattoo will allow riders and custom builders to show their prized two-wheeled rides, and their hot tattoo artwork, all in search of a cool trophy to be presented.
A concert featuring two of Hawaii’s top rock & roll acts is, by itself worth the cost of an entry ticket. Classic rock band “Big Dog” will be first up followed by alternative rock band Analog. Both of these groups will delight spectators and fans with their hard driving styles of rock & roll, and will be a great way to cap off the day’s activities.
Oh, and of course, the “Great Hawaiian Biker Build-Off” will give spectators the opportunity to select the winner of the Hawaii’s first Biker Build-Off by casting a vote for their favorite chopper and builder.
In addition to all the festivities planned for the wintertime event, joining us will be celebrated motorcycle builders, Danny “Count Cool Rider” Koker of Counts Kustoms and Jose De Miguel of Caribbean Custom Cycles. These custom builders received international notoriety on Discovery Channel’s “Great Biker Build-Off”, the Speed Channel, and magazines such as, Barnett’s Motorcycle Showcase, The Horse, Street Chopper, Hawaiian Chopper and others. Both of these men are wildly popular characters of the motorcycle genre, and will prove to Islanders that motorcycles are indeed an art form.
Finally, heavy metal rock group Motley Crue has allowed us to feature their own specially built choppers on December 17th, while they entertain Hawaii’s fans at the Neil Blaisdell Center on December 14th.
These are the actual bikes that Motley Crue takes on tour with them. When the band appears onstage at the Blaisdell Arena December 14th, these bikes will not be part of the show, in fact, to see these bikes, you will have to attend “The Great Hawaiian Biker Build-Off”!
If that isn’t enough, Counts Kustoms will be displaying the “Ozzy” bike built for Rocker Ozzy Osborne. This radical custom chopper is world renown for it’s wild design and special tank.
Of course, no event would be complete without great food, drinks, and giveaways, so we will feature the cooking Hooters, Teddy’s Bigger Burgers, and Woody’s hotdogs. Add great drink specials courtesy of Rosa’s Ice Tee, and numerous prizes from companies such as, Avon Tyres, BMC Choppers, Central Coast Cycles, Harley-Davidson, Big Dog, and a host of other industry leading businesses, and we have a world-class motorcycle rally that will be the benchmark for all others held in the future.
Did I mention that Biker Santa will be on hand? Bring a toy and we will ask him to deliver it to a needy keiki (child) via the Marine Corps Reserves.
This December 17th, make KCC your destination for your weekend ride. You will be glad you came?
For more information visit . Don’t forget to enter your bike or tattoo into one of our contests, and if you are a hot babe looking to get on the cover of Hawaii’s coolest motorcycle mag, drop me an email at
–Hawaiian Chopper Magazine

BIKERNET PHOTOGRAPHY ART EXHIBIT– Why can’t life be as simple as this photo?
Ride Hard,
Whiplash Biker Photog

LONG BEACH SHOW– This year’s Cycle World booth is hosting some of the most unusual, diverse and famous motorcycles ever seen!
In the American Grand Prix Champions exhibit, there will be Kenny Roberts’ Yamaha OW48 from final Grand Prix championship in 1980 and Kenny Jr.’s Suzuki RGV500 Gamma from his 2000 world championship.
In the central exhibit, Cycle World will present American Flyers: Brought to Life. This exhibit features the like-titled magazine series such as Dale Walker’s 160hp Suzuki GS1100 racer dubbed “Frankenzuki,” and more. These American Flyers represent the passion and energy that went into perfecting their unique facets from inside to out.
Win A Toyota Tundra!
Nate Adams freestyle motocross
Demo Rides
Suzuki Giveaway
BOSS Stunt Show
Vintage Displays
The Factory
Product Giveaways
The Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA)
All show participants get a FREE MAD MAP!
Kids Cycle Center
Free Motorcycle Parking
Free Gear Check
Powersports Magazine – Free! More information about the EXCLUSIVE special events you will find at theCycle World International Motorcycle Show in Long Beach…

TIRE SIZE TECH QUESTION TO BIG BOAR– I read an article in your tech area on wide tire fender modifications for a Shovelhead and have some question on rim & tire sizes for my 1976 FXE Shovelhead that my save me some time and money.
Here’s a little info on my build before we get to my questions to give you an idea of what I am trying to do.
I took my stock 1976 FL swing arm and removed all the mounting tabs, (brake anchor, Shock mounts, passenger pegs) except for the chain guard mounts. I drilled 7/8″ holes in the center of the swing arm to accept my new shock mount slugs like you use to do to lower your bike and use the stock 12″ shocks. I removed the brake side rotor flange off my stock 76 rear hub and machined a sprocket spacer so I can mount the Flat Exile combination Sprocket Brake rotor on the right side to replace the dish shaped stock sprocket and clean up the left side. I also removed all the rear FL fender lips and wiring harness mounts to accept the wider tire.
What width of 16″ tire & rim combination can I run with the modified FL fender and still clear the chain 150/160? Also If I decide to use my stock 16x 3.00 rim what is the widest tire I can mount on the rim.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
David Smith
Here’s what Aaron at Big Boar said. “You need a 4-inch width rim max. If you decided to use the stock rim the biggest tire you could run would be a 150mm . And a 150, not a 160, will clear your chain.
By the way. We answer tech question within 24 hours on in the It’s Your Shot Area.–Bandit

BE CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU ASK FOR-YOU MIGHT GET IT–A man and his wife were sitting in the living room and he said to her,
“Just so you know, I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependenton some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, justpull the plug.”
His wife got up, unplugged the TV and threw out all of his beer.
–from Buckshot

MIAMI POLICE TAKE NEW TACK ON TERROR–MIAMI — Police are planning “in-your-face” shows of force in public places, saying the random, high-profile security operations will keep terrorists guessing about where officers might be next.
As an example, uniformed and plainclothes officers might surround a bank building unannounced, contact the manager about ways to be vigilant against terrorists and hand out leaflets in three languages to customers and people passing by, said police spokesman Angel Calzadilla. He said there would be no random checks of identification.”People are definitely going to notice it,” Deputy Police Chief Frank Fernandez said Monday. “We want that shock. We want that awe. But at the same time, we don’t want people to feel their rights are being threatened. We need them to be our eyes and ears.”
Howard Simon, executive director of ACLU of Florida, said the Miami initiative appears aimed at ensuring that people’s rights are not violated.
— By CURT ANDERSON : Associated Press Writer
–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

HORSEPOWER PROMOTIONS GIVES THANKS FOR 2005– Horse Power Promotions would like to thank all of you that joined us on our 2005tour. If you missed out and only read about our events in your favorite motorcycle magor caught the event coverage on Speed Channel’s American Thunder don’t worry becausewe have added several new events to our line up for 2006.
The motorcycle madness begins in Oklahoma City at the Cox Convention Centeron April 1st and 2nd 2006. Oklahoma Motorcycle Madness will be packed witheverything for the motorcycle enthusiast. The countries hottest bike builders from thewell known to the unknown will be showing their newest creations.
Be sure to check outthe Ego Tripp custom bike show and the Ultimate Bikini Calendar Challenge.
The second stop will be at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, CA onApril 14th and 15th for the Quick Throttle Expo. Quick Throttle Magazine and HorsePower Promotions are putting together a huge motorcycle marketplace just in time forLaughlin and the entire riding season. Premier bike builders, non stop music, custombike show and Miss Quick Throttle Bikini Challenge.

The madness continues when the tour makes its way into Santa Maria, CA onMay 19-21st for the 3rd All American Motorcycle Madness at the Santa Maria FairPark. Three days of non stop action includes motorcycle racing, stunt shows, live music,custom bike show and Santa Maria style Bar-B-Q. Weekend registration packageincludes admission for all three days, tent camping, event t-shirt, run pin, poker run, toolkit and raffle tickets for a chance to win an enclosed motorcycle trailer from CentralCoast Trailers, custom built motorcycle and a WILD clothing $1,000 shoppingspree all for only $65. The American Dream Bike will be built live during the event bymaster builder Mitch Bergeron and The Count of Counts Kustoms. The end result will begiven away to some lucky person on Sunday afternoon.
The West Coast custom motorcycle world comes alive on June 24th and 25thduring the Rose Bowl Bikefest in Pasadena, CA. The summer kick off event will soonlive up to motto “The Grand Daddy of Them All.” The Rose Bowl Marketplace will bejumping with vendors, bikes, babes and more. Mark you calendars now!!! San Francisco is the town; Cow Palace is the place for the Grand National SuperShow on October 14th and 15th.
This season ending show promises to have the best ofthe best in bikes, vendors and manufactures. The Cow Palace will come alive with musicon the Hardcore 5150 stage, stunt shows, Ultimate Bikini Challenge, BMC choppergiveaway.
For more info visit or call (805) 686-2007
Vendor info (805)896-7675 or email

LUCKY DEVIL T-SHIRT SALE–Hey we are having a T- shirt sale over the holidays. . . . until they are out of stock. I just about have the bugs worked out on the keyless ignition for the Road king and then I can get back on to some fabrication projects ( what I live for !! ). Hope all is well out there !
— The Devil
Continued On Page 4