To be honest, you most likely will enjoy reading Barger’s newbook yourself and the good news is that it weighs in at a cost ofabout only 15 bucks a copy, so you can pick up one or two copiesas gifts for them and a copy for yourself to read.
Sonny Barger has written several books over the recent yearsand this book may fast prove to be his most popular book so far.In this book Barger has written a solid Philosophy for life on theHot-Topped Road. After reading this book, one can understand whySonny Barger has been called the spiritual leader of the Hell’s Angelsand is thought of as a Road-Mentor by many Brother and Sister Riders.
I wish that I had had this book to give to my sons when they turned18, then again, to be honest, I wish I had been handed this book when Iwas 18. It sure would have saved a lot of head banging and mistakesalong the Road.
Is this statement an over-statement?? I think not! But a moment of caution is do here – If you are buying or lookinginto Sonny Barger’s new book (Freedom … Credos From The Road)expecting to read a book with a “Do what you want … to whoever youwant … whenever you want to!” attitude, you best move on to the comicbook section of the store, for this attitude is not in Barger’s book.
Barger’s Philosophy can best be described as cautionary — for wisethought, for there is always a repercussion for every action .. so thinkwell before you act. True, his Philosophy is not a ‘turn the other cheek’
Philosophy —
Barger is best thought of as an American Patriot … As an American herespects his own rights as well as other’s. Even on the Highway (sect 32, p138),he recommends finding the rhythm of the Road, “The challenge to driving orriding is knowing the simple rules, finding the groove and sticking to it.”
Barger made this statement about the Hot-Topped Road, but he most likelyadheres to this Philosophy on the Road of Life as well. Barger admits he has hithis share of speed bumps in the Road of Life. He does not let these speed bumpsgo to waste. He is honest with his Brothers, Sisters and Readers about his pastcocaine use and prison time and tells he does not recommend that others makethese same mistakes.
They say the measure of a good book is … how fast a book will disappear ifyou set it down. Here, I would like to thank the good folks at the Goodall Libraryin Sanford, ME for loaning me their copy of Freedom … Credos From the Road,for my copy has grown its own legs and has disappeared.
Here we would like to recommend that you buy a copy of this book foryourself and a copy for a friend or two … but we don’t recommend that you setthem down.
We also recommend that if you would like to own a First Edition of this book,that you purchase it soon, for we are sure that this book will go through manymore Editions.
By Sonny Barger Sonny Barger Productions,
2005 Harper Collins Publishers, New York, NY
(112 pages) … Hardcover, $14.95
Images courtesy of the Bob T. collection