Two of the riders from the Discovery Ride.We have all seen the Discovery motorcycle stuff. Here we have some of the ladies who participated in Motorcycle Women. These “girls” are not only good looking, have kick ass careers and know what they want in life, plus they love Choppers. What more would you want (besides their number and a date)! I bravely encountered them to ask the following questions ( yeah I know it’s a tough job, but someone has to do it),at a Cyber cafe somewhere in the World. When they started popping up I felt like a kid who was meeting the parents on his first date. Needless to say my journalistic duty kept me glued to my seat, (and I felt like the luckiest dude in the place surrounded by babes). So yeah, they did cartwheels, went shopping, and had the cleanest bikes I’ve ever seen (on a long ride) but what the hell. They are ladies, and that’s what they do. So next time you see one of them on the road, before calling them chicks, remember, these girls have covered more miles in a week than most in a year. They have paid their dues, but most important, they have found the meaning of brotherhood…I mean sistership and respect for one another. So read on, enjoy, and take it like a man. BIKERNET: What do you ride? QIAN: Technically I ride a 2002 Sportster. BIKERNET: Why technically ? QIAN: It looks nothing like a Sportster BETSY: A 91′ Softail. I modified everything in ’97, so they call it a ” special construction”. It has an Evo motor with Delkron cases and S&S carb on a Paughco frame. Evo 3 cam, python 3 pipes, twisted spoke rims, a Le Pera custom seat, ape hangers, and a devil’s pitchfork sissy bar. The leathers I dressed her with are old bags and scraps collected in our travels.
 Betsy, the leader of the pack. BIKERNET: Wow ! It’s quite impressive when someone knows exactly what their bike has, more so, can I say a woman without sounding like a male chauvinist ?What made you start riding and why? QIAN: I got involved in motorcycles when I met Betsy, my best friend. She was the first woman who I met who rode a motorcycle and I was so impressed and had so much fun riding on the back of hers that I decided to get my own. BETSY: I’ve been riding all kind of bikes my whole life, but my first bike was bought at a girlfriends garage sale, a Honda 400. She needed the money and I wanted to help out. Not even knowing that riding it would become such a major part of my life.
 Qian, the woman of Jose’s dreams. BIKERNET: What have you done to the bikes (customize stuff) ? QIAN: I have changed and rechanged everything on the bike but the engine. I have 18″ apes, stretched gas tank, thinner Le Pera seat, tall sissy bar (who isn’t on the bike anymore) chrome grips, chopped fenders, lowered. BETSY: Oops.. I guess I already answered this question.. By the way I also defaced a fabulous ghost flame paint job and opted for flat black BIKERNET: Yeah, Flat Black rules. How much fun was the Discovery ride actually was? QIAN: The ride was exciting and a bit intimidating since it was my first trip cross country. I also had not ridden with anyone other than Betsy.
 BIKERNET: So Hollister wasn’t a long ride? I bet it was close to the Discovery mileage. QIAN: Hollister was my first long ride and by the time I was done with the DC show I was getting used to it, bugs and all. BETSY: The ride was a lot of fun for me. life is a lot of fun for me! We were all under some sort of pressure since we all had expectations of what the experience would be and how the filming would turn out. Sometimes it was a test of patience and sometimes we lost control of that. But I can say I respect every person I rode with and the crew. The ride itself was almost perfect, the scenery, the weather, the “dance” of riding with new friends. Sometimes you don’t realize how cool an experience is until you look back at it. I feel really fortunate to have been part of all this. BIKERNET: Leaving the fringe, shopping and general TV stuff aside, What can you say (or felt) about the ride that people did not get to see? QIAN: I felt there was so much great footage that was left out due to whatever reason and time. The viewers didn’t get to see us really bond, the food fights, the wonderful conversations and the spectacular scenery. We laughed the entire time. BIKERNET: I hear you, we felt the same way after the Discover Sturgis ride. I mean footage lost, the bond, the good time. No food fights though, but it’s a funny thought. Maybe a fist fight. BETSY: What people didn’t get to see? The bullshit ! The vulgar language, the “R” rated activities. And thank God for good editing. My family thanks Chad for his tasteful efforts (Chad was the editor).
 BIKERNET: So we missed the best stuff. like always, damn censors! Of all the shows yours was the coolest route of all. What was your favorite part of the trip, areas, places, roads, whatever? QIAN: My favorite part of the trip was meeting these women and the tasty ribs in Ely Nevada. BETSY: I loved Durango and the Four corners, plus all the trading posts out in the middle of nowhere. BIKERNET: What do you do for a living and how is it connected to riding motorcycles ? QIAN: I work as a photographer in Los Angeles…Sometimes I sell drugs to make ends meet (just kidding). BIKERNET: So how is it connected to motorcycles? Besides being cheaper and more fun than a shrink? QIAN: It’s not, It’s just plain fun. BETSY: Also, as photographer and I shoot various types of subjects as work and as a hobby. I have been lucky enough to shoot many motorcycles events with my friend Genevieve Schmitt of Woman Rider. BIKERNET: I’m pretty sure that the bond that formed during and after the ride was pretty strong, tell me about it? Would you do it again, or is another ride already planned? QIAN: Claudia and Michelle came out to visit us for the Love Ride weekend and we all plan to get together and ride to Sturgis next summer. BETSY: Besides what Qian said, I did some pretty strong bonds on the trip and I hope my friendship with this girls continues. I would definitely do it again, and I am working on doing exactly that. BIKERNET: So I must assume you will visit us in the Black Hills ?Tell us what went on behind the cameras? I’m sure six ladies on bikes can stir some trouble? QIAN: I plead the fifth…. BIKERNET: Ahh, Come on? BETSY: On the grounds that I would embarrass everyone, I must also plead the 5th. But…The ribs were not the only tasty things in Ely!!!
 BIKERNET: Does your significant other, if any, ride too ? What does he ride? QIAN: I’m sin… BIKERNET: Due to the amount of horn dogs around, this question is being purposely deleted (for Jose’s selfish, personal advantage). BETSY: I have no significant other, not even an insignificant other. Isn’t that sad ? BIKERNET: That’s funny. I mean the insignificant part. So I’m leaving this one. I’m sure that our readers will be more than willing to become insignificant others. I will sell phone numbers for the right price.What do you like, bike wise and style wise, any plans or dreams of a certain bike, or favorite builder to do it ? QIAN: I like the way old choppers look, apes, raked out, springer front ends, tall sissy bars. I don’t like the new bikes with the bright colored paint jobs. I think the only color a bike should be is black ! BIKERNET: Wow ! Why don’t you just rip my heart out !!! BETSY: My bike! The one I have now ! It took me three bikes to work up to what I’ve always wanted. This is it.. BIKERNET: It’s never it. Come on fess up? BETSY: Well, I would like to rake the front end about 9 more degrees. Anyway, I see so many bikes around, but when I get back to mine, I always think it’s the most beautiful bike I’ve ever seen ! BIKERNET: Every year we see more and more women riding Harley’s, which I think is great and they look so good. What’s your perspective about it ? QIAN: Everything in this society is male dominated, which is sad, but I am glad to see more and more women riding. It’s a lot of fun, in fact I think everyone should own a bike ! BIKERNET: Come on, not all is male dominated, how about hair dressers, interior decorators, oops, yep you are right, sort of? BETSY: I love it. I used to feel like an oddity, a tanned women dripping in turquoise, kind of a 70’s lost child. But now it’s all hip again. If you keep your style it will come back around every 20 years or so. When I see another woman riding I know we have something in common. To some it’s more than a hobby, it’s an attitude about life. It’s a freedom thing.
 BIKERNET: Power to the sista’s!! Yeah, I saw a lot of jewelry on the show, fringe and little clothing.You travel all over the World, tell us about cool places to visit and ride? QIAN: I have only ridden in the US, but my photography has taken me all over the World. Mostly third world countries like Nepal, Tibet, Guatemala, Peru, Costa Rica and Morocco.I’ve experienced diving in Thailand, Aruba, Caymans and Bahamas. I just got my Sky diving license and plan on going to Queenstown New Zealand, the Adrenaline capital of the World, to make some jumps and ride… BIKERNET: So many places and no Puerto Rico ? How can that be? QIAN: I have actually been there. BIKERNET: Ah ha ! I bet at the airport on the way to some other island. BETSY: I’ve never ridden anything bigger than a moped in any other country. I dig adrenaline and adventure so I mix work and fun…Safaris in Africa, mountain climbing in Tibet, skiing in the Alps, bungee jumping in New Zealand, scuba in the Pacific and Caribbean islands, stuff like that. But most of the motorcycle travel has been 20 different ways to get from LA to Sturgis and back ! BIKERNET: This forum now belongs to you two, say what you want…gripes, kudos, anything ? QIAN: I’ve learned that although chrome grips look really cool they serve, absolutely, no purpose going cross country, and in fact, I’ve already damaged my fingers from gripping so hard. Chrome won’t get you home.I have duct tape covering them and I don’t really care how ugly it looks. They are never coming off. And Jose is a babe.
 BIKERNET: Try tennis racket grip tape. It works better and is less messy. BETSY: People don’t see my quiet side. I spent most of my time in my own little “casa” in the garden, with my dogs, making jewelry and leather goods… BIKERNET: So that explains all the accessorizing on the ride? BETSY: Yep. I also try to have the healthiest body and soul lifestyle I can. I love good sleep, sunshine, good friends and most important a great family ! And Jose is a babe, too !! BIKERNET: Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions. I really hope this opens some eyes, ladies as well as gentlemen. Deep inside it was all serious stuff, friendship, enjoyment and absorbing your surroundings. They watched each others backs (and we did too). But at the end the message was served, eaten and digested. Women riders are here to stay. They like the same things we do and enjoy their bikes as much. Only difference, they have some extra parts and look much better on their bikes than any guy. –Jose, Bikernet Caribbean Reporter