Continued From Page 1

PHOENIX SEAT MAKER DISCOVERED AGAIN–Pure Kustom has been dedicated primarily to One of a kind kustom Harley paint jobs. And now we have expanded in offering one of a kind kustom hand tooled leather seats.
With over 25 years experience in design and custom painting. Rocky’s Pure Kustom assures the highest quality, from cool street Kustoms to full blown show bikes. At Pure Kustom we do it all. One of the few things that make your bike yours, is the paint and the seat. And now we do both.Our seats are some of the best in the industry. The tooling techniques that I use, will blow you away. And my coloring process and colors that I use are unheard of in the industry. And to ensure the highest quality of your job, we use only the best custom finishes from House of Kolor, DuPont ,and 3M. And on our seats, we use only the highest grade of leather available. And the acrylics that I use and our sealing process are on the cutting edge.
At Rocky’s Pure Kustom, we believe in high quality, not high quantity.

SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS E-NEWS– Oregon ROW that will make you go mmmm.
Just received this from a friend in Oregon…. she was leading a group of 14 women to the coast, the local Women in the Wind chapter out of Medford area. Hwy 42 is a two-lane scenic by-way, w/ occasional turnouts and passing lanes. It seems the group came upon a pickup hauling a trailer of hay… doing 45 in a 55 zone. First sign of a passing lane, the first group of the 14 moved to pass… the pickup, w/ 3 ‘cowboys’ inside, speeds up till the riders have to notch it up to 70-75 just to pass before the lane runs out. This was done repeatedly until the last group of three women were trying to pass (mind you, the truck continued to slow to 45, then speed up at the passing lane).. now they’re doing 80 just to pass, as they’re committed (and w/ the trailer, there’s no way to get back behind the truck in time) as the lane is running out and an oncoming car approaches from around the bend.
The two women managed to slip in front of the pickup in time, but the third couldn’t, had to make a sharp jump back into the lane to avoid a head-on, lost control (most likely on road gravel after some investigation) and lost it on the shoulder/embankment. Landed face down w/ her brand new bike on top of her (after the bike did an end-over). Miraculously, no broken bones or road rash (had helmet, leathers).
The pick-up finally managed to pull over quite a ways up the road, but told the cops that the women were passing illegally.
And now this, from Teri:Now I’m angry . I just found the Oregon State Police accident notice from the Roseburg newspaper . it reads
4:04 pm – Rollover accident on Highway 42 at Milepost 63 in Tenmile. Driver was cited for unsafe passing and was treated and released for minor injuries at Mercy Medical Center in Roseburg. The driver hit an embankment after trying to make a pass in a 2005 Harley-Davidson and flipped the vehicle.
NHTSA STUDY DISCLAIMER– “This publication is distributed by the U.S. Department of Transportation,National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in the interest of information exchange. ***The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Department of Transportation or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.*** The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. If trade or manufacturers’ names or products are mentioned, it is only because they are considered essential to the object of the publication and should not be construed as an endorsement. The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers.”
WOMAN WEILDS PITCHFORK AT BIKERS-DORK OF THE MONTH–WWMT, MI – A woman carrying a pitchfork toward passing motorcycles wasinjured Sunday when one of the vehicles hit her.The accident happened west of Hastings on Gun Lake Road near the intersectionof Glass Creek Drive in Barry County’s Rutland Township.Michigan State Police in Hastings say a Kawasaki Ninja driven by 24-year-oldTrammell Toombs of Muskegon Heights hit 43-year-old Corlissa Larsen ofHastings.
Police say Larsen was trying to slow down the group of motorcycles that waspassing by her home. She went into the road carrying a pitchfork before beinghit.The driver of the motorcycle and the woman were taken to Spectrum-ButterworthHospital. The pedestrian is in critical condition; the motorcycle driver isin stable condition.The incident is still under investigation.
ICQ 34668186

WHAT IS MILITEC-1?–The UltimateLubricant.It Increases Power,Decrease Full Consumption, and willProlong Equipment Life
MILITEC-1 is a clear golden synthetic liquid resembling an SAE 10-weight oil. When MILITEC-1 is added to the primary lubricant of any machine, it will increase operating efficiency, extend equipment life, reduce downtime and cut unscheduled maintenance.
Even though MILITEC-1 is added to the oil, it is not an oil additive. MILITEC-1 contains no viscosity enhancers or other oil augmentation compounds. It does not modify the primary lubricant in any way.
Instead, MILITEC-1 is a metal conditioner. MILITEC-1 simply uses the circulating oil as a means to reach the critical hot spots and metallic friction surfaces within the machinery. When the oil carries MILITEC-1 to these areas, MILITEC-1 exits the oil, leaving the oil completely unaffected and unchanged.

DREAMS BECAME REALITY AT THE 1ST ANNUAL CUSTOM CHROME ‘MADE IN STURGIS’ EVENT–Morgan Hill, CA. – August 24, 2005. Custom Chrome’s first annual ‘Made in Sturgis’ Sweepstakes was a huge success. Three lucky winners built the motorcycle of their dreams at Custom Chrome’s truck parked in the J&P lot during the Sturgis Rally and then road off into the sunset.
The winners were chosen, the ‘garage’ was set-up, and the motorcycle parts laid out. Now, the builds were ready to begin.
Brian George of Pottstown, PA was selected to build a Venom ProStreet. Kirk Taylor of Custom Design Studios and none other than Johnny Chop joined Brian to offer their expert advice and guidance.
Hyrum Zerkle of Cedar City, UT won the opportunity to build the Hardcore II and was assisted by Wayne Kemp of Wayne Kemp Kustoms. Greg Hansen from Hillsboro, OR took on the Pimp Daddy with the help and guidance of Butch, Dawn and Andy of Stinger Custom Cycles.
Anticipation was running high as Brian, Hyrum and Greg arrived at the Custom Chrome truck anxious to begin building the motorcycle of their dreams. The guys were eager to get it done and get on the open road. Two days into the build they were hauling. As they approached the sixth day of building, it was only a matter of time before we heard the roar of the engines. Working feverishly to be the first to fire it up, Hyrum won the race followed by Greg and then shortly after by Brian. Each took their new bike for a spin as the crowd cheered on.
BIKERNET BLOND MOMENT– A guy took his blonde girlfriend to her first football game. They had great seats right behind their team’s bench. After the game, he asked her how she liked the experience.
“Oh, I really liked it,” she replied, “especially the tight pants andall the big muscles, but I just couldn’t understand why they were fighting over 25 cents.”
Dumbfounded, her date asked, “What do you mean?”
“Well, they flipped a coin, one team got it and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was: ‘Get the quarterback! Get the quarterback!’ I’m like…Helloooooo? It’s only 25 cents!!!!
–from Rev CarlR

VON DUTCH 113 CUBIC INCH ENGINE GAINS CARB/EPA CERTIFICATION– CALIFORNIA custom builder Von Dutch Kustom Cycles has gained CARB/EPA certification to 2008 for its Nigel Patrick designed 113ci engine.
Von Dutch’s chief operating officer and designer Alex Mardikian emphasized how rapidly certification was awarded, mainly due to the design of the Patrick Racing engine, which comes as standard on all Von Dutch models. “In comparison with other manufacturers’ engines it’s a lot cleaner, which is why we passed so quickly,” he says.
Von Dutch produces 200 limited edition motorcycles a year in batches of between 10 and 50, and the CARB/EPA certification is part of a rolling program designed to keep the company ahead of the game. Mardikian considers the fact that his company only uses Patrick Racing motors is important. “We physically go there for every single motor that we install and it’s only 45 minutes away from us. If there is any question, if I need any training, if I need anything, it’s right there at our call.
“Most other manufacturers don’t get that kind of luxury. Nigel (Patrick)’s support to the manufacturers, the dealers, the bike builders in general is great. He’ll get on the phone and talk us through individual things. There is someone behind the motors. If you look at any one of our suppliers like Primo, Rivera, Diamond Chassis, they’re right at the back.
“You know it’s all in the relationship. If they’re not going to support it, we’re not going to deal with them.”
Mardikian is keen to draw attention to the drag racing roots of the engine, and the effectiveness of the Mikuni HSR carburetor. “It’s a drag motor and that’s why it gives you such a great feeling. It comes balanced, finished.”
He is convinced his company’s relationship with Patrick Racing will be a factor in Von Dutch Kustom Cycles’ future success. “Our focus is to build great bikes, Nigel’s is to build great motors. What more can you ask for?”
Rancho Cucamonga,
California, USA
Tel: 909 4810600
Fax: 909 481 0646

LATEST HARLEY MODEL–But wait on the 8th day GOD created HARLEY….
–From Ray Russell

CARIBBEAN BIKE WEEK UPDATE–Working on this years event, the website is being worked on, right now it’s a mess, but it will take shape by the end of the week, nothing fancy, just a workhorse with information…if interested in coming over let me know, we got to start sorting out the shipping, we are still working with hotels and such in San Juan, Rincon beach resort is on board already, This year will be much better since I have nothing to do with Alexis and more or less can do what I want. The town of Rincon is heavily involved with the event, we will have the whole space, local cops will take care of traffic and we have secured a parking for cars, and a one way flow in and out.If you are planning in coming over we also have houses available and small inns and hotels that can be booked totally by a group……
The shipping date has been established for November 18th, Jacksonville being the preferred port.
Planning on having a cool party at the shop and the hotel in San Juan we are working with, if anyone comes in early we can go ride.The official event dates are December 2,3 4. But the activities will start since Monday.
We have press conference and TV stuff squared up……Rincon bars will be throwing parties for us every night, waves are usually kick ass, and the sun is always shinning.
Also, even if can’t attend, we will be giving away tons of stuff, if you would like to donate apparel, let me know, it will be welcomed and you will be added to the sponsor links.We are putting a bike together that is going to be raffled away on the event, the participation of attending builders on the bike would be a cool addition, I am going to mock it up and send it to paint, but it would be cool to have parts or stuff of what each of you do best.
Let me know, it’s only a few months away…….. I don’t want to be caught at the last minute like years before.
Visit our Web Site

LUCKY DEVIL TRIUMPH–Hey check this out, Lucky Devil may go World, if we will be able to sell bikes somewhere? Scary shit going on in all these EPA reports. I have some serious questions about most of this, I am sure you do also. Let me know when we can compare notes.
Take care, Kent

BIKERNET EXTENSIVE EDITORIAL ON GAS PRICES–After filling up my truck today…… is my piggy bank.

GUN REPORT RETURNS TO BIKERNET–Maybe Mr. Bandit will display this my second Gun Nut Report; maybe not. Myopinion was a little harsh about his choice of a Walther PPK as a carryweapon in my last report, but I’m thinking he really don’t give a fuckabout my opinion anyhow. Not that I give a shit.
While on the subject(Walther PPK, not fertilizer), I would like to make a couple ofobservations:

The first rule of a gun fight is – have a gun.
One 22 short will kill you just as dead as a magnum 12 gauge slug.
Also, the PPK has a more rounded edges than even the smallest Glock, and”imprint” may be a factor depending on your carry location. “Imprint” is afancy way of saying, “outline” when carried in clothing made of lighterweight material. I have spotted carry guns on individuals at tables 30 feetaway from me when their intent was obviously one of concealment. I’ve kindamade this a game now that CCW laws have been enacted in many states.
Anyof you old time bikers probably know this shit, but maybe not everyonewho’s reading this, eh? Also I’ve never had much use for ankle holstersmyself; running while using them can be interesting and the firearm canrarely be retrieved quickly if needed.
Be discreet if you carry. Don’t talk about it to anyone unless you knowthat they are cool (discreet themselves). Don’t be making any scenes inpublic places – and try to avoid instigating any confrontations. PersonallyI think that the use of a gun in anything but a life-threatening situationis sort of “show-offy” and chicken shit – target shooting excepted ofcourse. I recommend first using conflict resolution skills (verbalpersuasion), then maybe fisticuffs and then on to knives. Never had to pulla gun out so far. Yet. Actually my main reason for carrying is when I’m waythe fuck out in the middle of nowhere with very few (or no) other people. Ifeel better carrying when I’m riding in the swamps of southern Louisiana,for example.
The best weapon at yer disposal against human beans is the brain betweenyour ears.
Okay enough serious shit for now. Have any of ya’ll ever done any targetshooting using a sawed off, pistol grip 12-guage one-handed while trying tohit a gallon milk jug full of water at 30 yards? It’s even better with 3″magnum loads, almost funnier than shooting at a stuffed purple Barney toywhile he’s singing, “I love you, you love me”. Oh the tears of laughterthat I have shed. Have some pain killers handy the next day, because thewebbing between your thumb and forefinger is gonna really be hurtin’.
Berry Wardlaw’s Larry Crow/Ruger is the shit – by the way Mr. Crow residesright here in the great state of Missouri. I have had great experience withall of the Ruger pistols that I have ever used – automatic as well aswheel gun. Never used one of their long guns yet. Some of their autopistolsare not the prettiest but they shoot straight and last forever. By the wayR.I.P. Mr. William Ruger. He died recently and was a great man in manyways. Much respect to you, Mr. Ruger. And Mr. Wardlaw you are one luckybuckaroo to walk away from that encounter with the tire falling off of thetrailer. Your number obviously ain’t up – great picture of the upside-downbike.
That’s it for now – and remember, “better to have a gun and not need it,than to need a gun and not have it”.
–Spud out in the Missouri Countryside
Continued On Page 3