Nail biting hey,
We have a serious case of Bonnevillittis. We don’t know which way to turn, or what to do next. I spent two days wiring the beast and still have more crap to deal with. Our AIM Sports Data acquisition system is a challenge. Nothing plugs into a Harley. We had to make brackets to run their speedo sensor off the front wheel yesterday and order another pressure sensor, so we can find out if we have oil pressure. And the tach, who knows.
If I reflect the meanderings of a madman, that’s an accurate assessment of my current demeanor. For the last three nights we’ve worked until after 2:00 a.m. I was scrambling because Berry Wardlaw is flying in this afternoon to help and tune. Can’t wait to sit down with him and pow wow about our next move and some of this staged nitrous wiring. Let’s hit the news. I need to make an airport run:
S&S OFFERS BROKEN SPOKE COVERAGE ON LINE– We put some pictures and videos online at the following link for your review. Some are from S & S night at Broken Spoke and also the 2 videos are from that night also.

JIMS MAKES V-ROD TOOLS–JIMS complete line of performance parts and tools for Harley-Davidsons hasjust expanded to include V-Rod tools. JIMS introduction to V-Rod toolsembarks with the release of the all new V-Rod Clutch Alignment Tool. Thishigh quality billet aluminum tool will accurately align the clutch platesand discs to the clutch basket during assembly and clutch services.
CallJIMS at 805-482-6913, or visit JIMS? on the web at, www.jimsusa.com formore information.
Use on V-Rod 2002 to present.
No. 1130
Suggested retail price $27.45
–JT Lepien

MURDER BY RATTLESNAKE–That’s what police in Lakewood, Colo., say two men were plotting over a debt.Suspects Herbert Beck, 56, and Lee Steelman, 34, are being held on bonds of $500,000 each, charged with conspiracy to commit murder. Investigators said they plotted to kill Matthew Sowash, owner of Amateur Poker Tour in Wheat Ridge, Colo., claiming he owed them $60,000 as part of an investment in the Texas Hold’em-style poker business.
Investigators said the plan was to build a wooden box to hold the snakes, with a lid to hold the victim by his legs.Sowash contacted the Colorado Bureau of Investigation after getting threatening e-mails.
Police said one of the suspects also wanted to kidnap Sowash’s children and use them as leverage to get the money back.
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

RIVERA PRIMO TRANSMISSION SHAFT OFFSET KITS FOR 5-SPEED BIG TWINS–Installation of these kits allows you to offset the transmission and primary so you can run a super wide rear tire. They are designed to work on either chain or belt drive primary systems.
This kit uses an extra length trans mainshaft & sprocket shaft extension to move the primary drive components to the left either 12mm (approx. _”) or 25mm (approx. 1″). This in turn moves the drive beltto the left allowing the use of a wider tire.
Retaining the stock width rear belt, the 12mm kit allows the use of a 200 rear tire. The 25mm kit allows theuse of a 230 tire on a 7-1/2″ rim.
Offset kits contain a primary spacer ring, crankshaft extender & nut, extra length transmission mainshaft,extra length main drive 5th gear w/needle bearings & seal, extra wide pulley spacer, extra length clutchpushrod, extended jackshaft (for 25mm kit only), starter jackshaft spacer (for 12mm kit only), primary-to-transmission spacers and all required mounting hardware & instructions.
These kits will work on Evo Big Twin models 1991-1999 as well as Twin Cam Softails 1999-2006 andDynas 1999-2005.
Part No. Description
3222-0001 12mm (1/2″) Offset Primary Kit
3222-0002 25mm (1″) Offset Primary Kit
For these & other fine products contact:
Rivera Primo
12450 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90602
Tel: 800-872-1515
Tel: 562-907-2600 Fax: 562-907-2606

JOHNNY HUMBLE DEFENDS BIG DOG K-9–Mr. Humble, I read your test ride of the 2007 K-9 and I understand that there may be some things that can’t be put into an article. With that said I’d like to ask a few questions about the bike. Did you happen to check Miles Per Gallon on the bike? As far as the passenger, did she feel beat after the test ride? There’s a heck of a difference between 20 mile ride and a 300 mile ride on the back for a passenger. Was it something she’d consider doing again? My wife is small, but if she ain?t happy, nobody’s Happy! Is the spacing between the gears about right or is the 6th a little too tall? As I think that you can legally go 75mph in most states. Have they choked the 2008’s down to meet emissions? I’m kind of kicking around a ?08 K-9, that’s why I’m asking about the test ride.
Thanks! Roger from Nebraska

Roger, The article I wrote was as comprehensive and honest you will find. If the passenger wasn’t comfortable, I promise I would have said so. My wife is used to riding her own Sportster as well as being a passenger on my Heritage Springer and she said she felt just as comfortable on the K-9 as she had on the back of my Springer. We did over 300 miles on that bike and she didn’t have any complaints. Trust me, if she would have been uncomfortable, she would have been bitchin’ and moanin’ louder than the exhaust.
I was averaging around 35 mpg, but I did ride it a little hard. While triple digits aren’t legal, they are easily reached on this bike even with a passenger. To tell you the truth, when I came back home she watched the bank account like a hawk anticipating a draft to Big Dog Motorcycles.
Thanks for taking the time to write and thanks for visiting Bikernet! We truly appreciate it.
Johnny Humble

CITY OF PORTLAND TO PAY $50,000 IN LAWSUITOVER BIKER CLUBHOUSE RAID– The City of Portland, Oregon, will pay $50,000 to settle a lawsuit brought in Federal District Court over a 2004 pre-dawn police tank raid on a local motorcycle clubhouse.
In a multi-agency operation using armored vehicles and tear gas rockets, the 5:30 a.m. raid on July 28, 2004, broke down the front door at the Gypsy Joker Motorcycle Club on NE Martin Luther King Boulevard. The police were there to execute two search and arrest warrants. Only three people were there, none of whom were the subjects of the warrants. After an extensive search resulting in damage to the walls and other structures, nothing illegal was found.
The lawsuit was brought last year by Patrick Murphy, a member of the club, Suzanne Miller, who was injured in the raid, and “Tomorrow RUS Today,” the corporation owning the clubhouse. The police pulled framed photographs off the walls and deliberately smashed them, in addition to damaging other clubhouse property. Mr. Murphy was handcuffed for five hours and released without charges, and Ms. Miller’s foot was injured in the raid. The suit alleged the police used excessive force with tanks and tear gas rockets, and that they damaged clubhouse property without a legitimate purpose.
The suit also alleged the police intended to create “a chilling effect” to discourage people from associating with club members, in violation of the plaintiffs’ First Amendment rights to freedom of association. Attorneys for the city of Portland agreed to allow a judgment against the city to settle the case. The judgment was signed last week by Judge Janice M. Stewart.
“The way the police handled this, it’s as if they were trying to scare people away from the club,” says Sam Hochberg (HOCK-berg), the Portland attorney for the plaintiffs. “Our law enforcement was acting lawlessly,” says Hochberg. “Bikers still get a bad rap from some very dated stereotypes.”
“The club had to take a stand,” says Mark Dencklau (DENK-lau), president of the Portland Gypsy Joker Motorcycle Club. “We needed to tell the police that we won’t be treated as second-class citizens. We won’t sit by and be their target anymore.”
“All we ask is for is common decency, ordinary respect for bikers and their property, and the freedom to be left alone,” says Hochberg.
–from Rogue

MARTIN BROS SPORTSTER PIPES– Martin Bros Bikes introduces a new line of sportster pipes , with 4 new distinct styles to choose from. The Trendkills ( Pictured ), SO-Dals, Blunts and Two-Downs. The sportster series will fit 04 and up sportster applications. They will come with baffles, heat shields and O2 Bungs for 07 and up applications. They are available now from Martin Bros Bikes @ 972-709-2552 or visit the Martin Bros web site @ www.martinbrosbikes.com

FROM THE WTF? FILE–Bandit, Altering a motorcycle exhaust is illegal: creating a noise blight on our neighborhoods. Motorcycle owners, and their support groups, have no regard for others rights or the law – a lawless band self centered bad boys, that seem to need attention by being obnoxious… this is totally out of control. Your “study” only supports the freedom of the lawlessness, to take the law into their own hand and disrupt the public. Noise as safety, is a joke!
I have talked to my state representative about impound laws or other punitive measures to shut down this epidemic of noise. This problem is spreading – young drivers hear that motorcycles can make all the noise they want with no penalty, now they are adding loud pipes to their Hondas and Toyotas. Your group should be lobbing for tougher laws, (this will help the few good motorcyclist left). Join in and stop this madness. You know and I know, these people will only comply if they loose their noise makers! Street racing is a thing of the past, now that if cited, their car is crushed. See how fast the mufflers fly back into those Hogs when a few are crushed. Start acting like smart… MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Terry C. Newport Beach, CA.
Terry, When car drivers quit talking on cell phones and murdering people I’ll see about a bigger muffler. Show concern for your fellow man’s safety. You don’t know what an epidemic is.
5 BALL RACING TEAM SPONSOR AND BANDIT FIGHT FOR LOUD PIPES —Jester recently contributed to the 5-Ball Racing effort, but his story paints a vivid picture of why loud pipes are essential to our survival, and why we need to fight selfish bastards, such as Terry. We need to be responsible regarding our pipes, but we still need ’em. Read what Jester had to say:
You don’t have to thank me regarding the sponsorship . It’s because of the lady makin a left in front of me that makes this more possible than if it were just up to me. Hell, I’m still alive and on two feet. My injuries are healing better than most have thought they would. Still got issues with the fractures in my head, but my left leg has a new rod in it and my right foot has lots of new pieces in it too. Can’t forget the chipped C5 in my neck which they fused with C6. Hell, in the police report the cop put down that he was going to a dead body, although for the first 3 days after the accident they didn’t know which way I was going, to ICU or the morgue. I’m not who I used to be, but I’m better of than I should be. Good luck to you and the rest of the team on the Salt Flats.
Thanks again, Jester. Your contribution, along with everyone else?s is making this effort possible. Your letter also points out why we need loud pipes.

VALERIE THOMPSON PROPS–It is great thing that you are doing with the Assalt Weapan. Bigger than you know and Valerie is the best choice for a Front person, she is a great woman. She can handle a motorcycle too, I have alot of respect for her. Keep it up Brother I will be watching.
Nitro Scott

CANTINA LOCKOUT–Hi Bandit ,Sin, I’ve got it sussed. If you look at the spelling of my first name Malcolm, You guys have only put one l in it. I can get in now, if I spell my name Malcom so no prob’s now.
Thanks for getting back to me.
Yours, Malcolm Tunnah
PS…I was named after Malcolm Canmore, once the King of Scotland
PPS, Thanks for a great E-mag in Bikernet. I enjoy all the travel articles as well as the pictures of the bikes and girls. Below is a picture of me and a buddy waiting for a ferry from Amsterdam to go back home to Scotland. You should recognize the bed roll on the front of my Wide Glide.

H-D MEMORABILIA FOR SALE–We have a HUGE lot of AMA Motorcycle pins- dating from the 1920 up to 1980’sThese pins are SUPER rare and extremely hard to find. Only serious collectors need to reply. Also we have Harley Davidson Literature dating back to the early 1900’s including HD leather bound enthusiasts- Almost the entire collection- ALL MINT condition. – Also available for sale Harley Davidson limited edition Pewter belt buckles- We have over 100 ! Antique HARLEY Tools.
If you are a Harley Collector YOU MUST SEE THIS !!!!!!!!
This is a lifetime of collecting – that was left to us by our grandfather-You must see this collection to believe it.Please reply to us by phone at 525-5911 to set up an appointment to see this unbelievable collection. it is truly amazing the amount of RARE HD Items!
Thank you
Dan and Laura Cobb

6-SPEED SPY PHONE CAM PHOTO–Support 6 LSD sneak peek.
–Nitro Bill

BREATH-TEST EVIDENCE THROWN OUT IN DUI CASES–By Jeff BurlewDemocrat staff writer A Leon County judge’s ruling to throw out blood-alcohol breath-test results in four DUI cases could have a big impact on others currently facing drinking-and-driving charges.On Tuesday, Judge Augustus D. Aikens Jr. ordered that breath tests be thrown out in DUI cases involving four men arrested in 2006. Their breath samples showed blood-alcohol readings above Florida’s legal limit of 0.08.
“At this point, it will potentially stop the prosecution of every DUI case in Leon County that has a breath-test result,” said Tallahassee defense attorney Lee Meadows, who is representing the men.
Meanwhile, State Attorney Willie Meggs said the ruling likely will be appealed.
In his ruling, Aikens found that breath-test results can vary depending on how long someone breathes into the device, called an Intoxilyzer 8000.
Aikens agreed with an earlier Bay County circuit-court ruling, which said, “Rules that permit a test operator to have the subject blow into the machine as long as he, in his undirected discretion wishes … is insufficient to create a scientifically reliable test.”
Meadows plans to file motions today seeking to adopt the ruling for 30-35 other clients he’s representing. He said he expects other local lawyers to do the same thing.
Meggs said he hadn’t seen the ruling, but he said it sounded “odd.” He said the State Attorney’s Office is appealing a number of other rulings by Aikens. Meggs defended the use of the Intoxilyzer.
“We’ve got the newest and best technology out there to determine a person’s blood-alcohol content,” Meggs said. “It’s been approved by FDLE and used all over the country.”

FORGE-TEC INTRODUCES THE SCALPEL FORGED WHEEL–Oxnard, CA- Advanced Metalforming Technologies, Inc. (AMT), an industry-leading manufacturer of high-end forged aluminum wheels and blanks supplier to many of the industry’s leading wheel manufacturers has recently introduced the scalpel, a universal bad ass design which looks good on a radical chopper as well as a stock Harley.
All processes are completed in-house, utilizing only state-of-the-art equipment and highly sophisticated process technologies. All Forge-Tec wheels are rotary forged utilizing one of their proprietary forge presses using only “virgin” aircraft grade 6061 aluminum?.there’s no recycled aluminum in their products.
Forge-Tec has 13 new styles, including the new Legacy (pictured) available in a wide variety of popular sizes and applications (including the new 23″ x 3.5″ front wheel and 20″ x 10.5″ rear wheel), with matching rotors, pulleys and sprockets. All wheels go out shipped with the rotors and pulley attached and torqued to OEM specs which eliminates a lot of guess work at the dealer level and ensures that wheels arrive to their customers in perfect condition. Watch for their exciting new For Harleys Only program which will be launched in 90 days.
For further information on complete wheels, please contact Forge-Tec Motorcycle directly at 888-367-4385. Forge-Tec Motorcycle Wheels and Accessories, 950 Richmond Ave., Oxnard, CA 93030. Dealer inquiries invited!
“Pictured here are the Scalpel and the Legacy”

Continued On Page 2