Continued From Page 2

ZIPPER’S 2004-UP XL PUSHROD COVER CONVERSION KITS–Five speed Sportster? and Buell? engines require that you remove the cylinder heads and take off the one-piece pushrod covers to get to the pushrods, greatly complicating pushrod adjustments for tuning or maintenance when adjustable pushrods have been installed. This pushrod cover kit permits access to the pushrods using special billet adaptors that allow the use of telescoping pushrod covers. Includes twin billet aluminum bases with special seals for the front and rear cylinders that replace the factory pushrod tube lower retainers. A full telescoping pushrod cover kit is included. The twin bases can be purchased separately if desired.
See your favorite dealer or contact:
6655-A Amberton Drive
Elkridge, MD 21075
Phone 410.579.2828 Fax 410.579.2835

FLH AND V-ROD WIDE TIRE KITS NOW AT MC ADVANTAGES–MC Advantages’ impressive line of wide tire kits has gained even more girthwith the addition of a new 200mm Wide Tire Kit for FLH and a 240mm Wide TireKit for V-Rod?. Made by Fat Baggers, Inc., this bolt-on kit turns averagelooking FLH & V-Rod models into muscular monsters with road-hugging power.

Each 200mm FLH Wide Tire kit comes with chrome or black powdercoatedswingarm, rear axle and spacers, primed fiberglass fender, a Metzler 200mmtire, stainless steel brackets, transmission offset and installationhardware. Options for the kit include a 18.5″ x 5.5″ billet FBI wheel,detachable tourpack mounts, luggage rack filler strips, license plate mountand pre-’04, 1.125″ belt upgrade.
Each 240mm V-Rod wide tire kit comes with swingarm, front pivot axle, rearaxle and spacers, 18″ x 8.5″ rear wheel, a Metzler 240mm tire, frontsprocket hub, inner fender, license plate mount and hardware. Contact MCAdvantages for complete details at 800-726-9620 or research online
MC Advantages is a distributor of high-performance V-Twin parts based inGrimes, Iowa, serving dealers in the U.S. and abroad. MC Advantagesdistributes many brands including: S&S Cycle, Martin Bros., Spyke, Stampede,Prowler, Bulletpr?f, D&M Custom Cycle, Progressive Suspension, K&N, TFI,Rivera Engineering/Primo, Edelbrock, Russell, Platinum Air Suspension, MetalMotorsports, Nitrous Express and many more.
MC Advantages
BIKERNET READER REVIEW–m8 have a look at my sit and sine the bookyour site is f*#king shit.

Anarchy frame from Northside Choppers– ‘ANARCHY’, the new frame from Northside Choppers, is boldly styled and designed for a 330-series tire. Fabricated from 1-3/8in tube, the overall specification has a 7in stretch in the backbone, but with nothing in the downtube and a neck rake angle of 45-degrees. It also features a 2in dropseat. Rear axle is 1in diameter, behind covers for a ‘hidden’ arrangement. Installation will require a 1in offset sprocket for the transmission (to be ordered separately).
Anarchy is available in both rigid and Softail-style configurations. Softail-style frames are supplied with the pivot, spacer tube and all necessary hardware. Northside Choppers will soon be offering frames with the capacity for the latest 360-series tires.
Northlake, Illinois, USA
Tel: 708 345 8550
Fax: 708 410 0122

BIKERS ARE NEVER DOWN FOR LONG–Here’s me, and I had a broken back,,,HA HA nice little lady.Heres my new bike, love it.. My first WIGGLE motor.. damn nice…
–Skooter, S.D.
BIKERNET ASTROLOGY STUDY, WORLD MAY END– Watch for Mars, August 27. The Red Planet is about to be spectacular! This month and next, Earth is catching up with Mars in an encounter thatwill culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recordedhistory.
The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to theway Jupiter’s gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers canonly be certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last 5,000years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens again.
Theencounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to within34,649,589 miles of Earth, and will be next to the moon, the brightestobject in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and will appear25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification Mars will look aslarge as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars will beeasy to spot.
At the beginning of August it will rise in the east at 10p.m.and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m. By the end of August when the twoplanets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach its highestpoint in the sky at 12:30a.m. That’s pretty convenient to see somethingthat no human being has seen in recorded history.
So, mark your calendarat the beginning of August to see Mars grow progressively brighter andbrighter throughout the month. Share this with your children andgrandchildren. NO ONE ALIVE TODAY WILL EVER SEE THIS AGAIN
–from Ray Russell
BIKERNET READER NEEDS PARTS–In the following article; it shows adapters for the bushings to adapt the inner and outer primary covers from 89 to 93 to post 94. The items for the inner primary are #8 and #9 in picture For the outer primary it is #6 in
Who is the supplier of these? Can not find part numbers in any suppliers book.
Team Industrial Services
750 Davistown Road
Blackwood, NJ 08012
(856) 374-0403 Telephone
(206) 350-8956 Primary Fax

NEW LINE OF KICKSTANDS–Camarillo, CA, August 15, 2005, Image Motorcycle Products has released a new line of Kickstands featuring a sleek, straight shaft with sculpted detailing at the kicker. IMP Kickstands are cast in aerospace quality stainless steel, heat treated and hardened to provide the best motorcycle accessories on the market. We offer a 100% money back guarantee against breakage for life. Kickstands fit Softail/ FL style frames 1936 to current.
For more information contact: Image Motorcycle Products, 918 Calle Portilla, Camarillo, CA 93010
(800) 304-5838,

PHOENIX SEAT MAKER DISCOVERED–I met you a while ago. I am from Arizona, I am a friend of Myron’s of the Billet Bar. I do kustom hand tooled leather seat. Like these pictures. I also did the seat and paint on these bikes
Mesa , Az
CELEBRITY EVENTS FOR NELLIS AFB–On Sept. 10th & 11th, 2005, Las Vegas Harley-Davidson and HendersonHarley-Davidson, in association with Nellis AFB, Station Casinos,Budweiser, the Las Vegas Hard Rock Cafe, Hawaiian Chopper Magazine, andother great sponsors will hold the 2nd Annual “Celebrity Events forNellis AFB” . (
We have amassed an impressive list of celebrities who are donating theirtime to say thanks to our men and women in uniform, and their familiesfor their sacrifice on behalf of a thankful nation. Some of thoseconfirmed are: Medal of Honor Recipient (Vietnam) Col. Roger Donlon,Actor/Musician (Renegade) Branscombe Richmond, Actor (Grizzly Adams) DanHaggerty, Monster Garage’s Big Schwag, Billboard Recording Artist,Guitarist Craig Chaquico, Actor (Total Recall) Michael Gregory, Actor(American Ninja) Michael Dudikoff, Actor (TV Series 4400) CharlesNapier, Actor (Third Watch, Taxi) Joe Lisi, Actor (Sex in City) DavidEigenberg, Actor (Air America) Gary Wood, Actor (Mask, Con Air) DennisBurkley, Custom Bike Builders (Discovery Channel’s Biker Build-Off) MattHotch, Cole Foster, Jose De Miguel, Hank Young, Scott Long, Mondo, The Count andShannon Aikau of Counts Kustoms, and others…
On Saturday, Sept. 10th,a red carpet event, and staging for the Celebrity Ride will be held atLas Vegas Harley-Davidson on Eastern Ave. Live music will be providedfor your entertainment. A ride fee of $30.00 (and $20.00 forpassengers) is required for the Celebrity Ride (all registered riderswill receive rider credentials and a special celebrity ride pin whilesupplies last). After the Saturday ride to and on Nellis AFB, a concertfeaturing Molly Hatchet will be held at the Sunset Station Hotel &Casino. Tickets are available at $15 each with 100% donated to thecause.
On Sunday, Sept. 11th, Henderson Harley-Davidson will be the place to befor a motorcycle rally. Scheduled are autograph sessions with thecelebrity builders, nine-time US National Motto Trails Champion GeoffAaron, live music, vendors, food & beverage booths, a custom motorcyclecontest (entry fee of $15.00 per bike)with a prize of $300.00 in Harleygift chips per category (judging will be conducted by the celebritybuilders on hand for the event), and other great events. By populardemand, we have added the Celebrity Poker Run on Sunday at our HendersonHarley-Davidson dealership. A registration fee of $25.00 per poker handwill be charged. Winners will be awarded Harley Bucks worth $3,000.00for best hand, $1,500.00 for 2nd best hand, and $500.00 for worst hand.Go to and visit the events page for registrationinformation. For more information, call Las Vegas Harley-Davidson at702-431-8500.
Continued On Page 4