Another update… Yesterday was a complete bust. Valerie made a pass on the International track, she did 151, however a major storm blew threw and she was not able to make her back up pass. We hustled to get the tents down, tarps up, tables braced against the motorhome and the bike loaded in to the garage. All this happened in a matter of moments of rain starting, wind blowing and hail pelting us. Ah, the excitement of Bonneville.
The first few miles on the track, the Assalt Weapan was shooting salt about fifteen feet behind it. We're taking that as too much power and not enough traction. Today Keith and Berry decided to add some weight to the bike in the way of tent weights and dumbells duct taped in the rear, under the panels.
Today started out dark and cloudy, but all the local and nationwide weather channels said it would blow off and warm up and it did.
Wed. 2:30 – As I was typing this, Val made a pass that didn't look good, in fact it appears as if the bike died on the track.
More later…

Just a quick update. We arrived on Saturday, but couldn't get down to the salt as the track had been closed. Set up on Sunday and had to do some modifications per the tech inspection. We had to cut a chunk out of the side panel to uncover the rear brake caliper otherwise we were considered full streamline.

Mods done, Valerie took a test ride today, a few more modifications to her specification and as long as the rain and wind stay away, she may get an official pass today.
I'll do another update either tonight or tomorrow, stand by.