Continued From Page 1

BURGESS ENDORSES REVTECH/NEW INDUSTRY LEADING 3 YEAR/30,000 MILE WARRANTY–Morgan Hill, CA. ? April, 6th, 2005. Custom Chrome announced today that Geoff Burgess, Senior Vice President/Chief Technical Officer and world-renowned V-Twin engine authority has fully endorsed the RevTech Gen. III engine lineup. The following are Geoff?s statements and reasons for his endorsement:
?I have been at Custom Chrome for several months and in this time have visited our Far East operation, suppliers and engine manufacturing facility. I found these vendors to be world class with the appropriate quality certification pedigree, ISO, QS and industry knowledge. I have made an in depth technical analysis of our RevTech line of power plant and driveline products and reviewed the RevTech warranty information that has been collected since the introduction of the initial RevTech Engines in October of 1999.
I have analyzed our RevTech products with the engineering team in terms of design, materials, specifications, properties and applications. I have found them to meet or exceed the V Twin industry standards for motorcycle, air cooled, over-head valve, engine and transmission design practices. The RevTech engine design has evolved over several years from conception and has seen progressive improvements particularly in the Gen III design. I have investigated the durability and reliability issues in all RevTech Engine designs, the corresponding engineering solutions and found them to be robust. These facts are reflected in the warranty data. There have been some recent oil system changes to the Gen III engine which have improved power output, drive-ability and decreased oil temperatures. In fact, continuous improvement will be our strategy to further enhance our power plant and overall performance while delivering increased value to the end user.
Therefore, based on the above information, it is my judgment that our 2005 catalog RevTech Gen III engine line up of 100? 4×4 and the 110? engine have a robust and solid design and are an industry standard product. I endorse the new 3 year/30,000 mile warranty on all Gen III RevTech engines. Future planned performance and competitive enhancements will prove that these engines can be further improved and continue to satisfy our market segment customers.?
The new warranty extends the current 4×4 Revtech 100? engine from 2 year/ 20,000 miles and the 110? from 1 year/10,000 miles to an industry leading 3 year/30,000 mile warranty.
Along with the extended engine warranty Custom Chrome also announces a RevTech oil system upgrade for all Gen III engines. This upgrade developed by the Custom Chrome in-house R&D staff offers lower operating temperatures and a slight increase in horsepower. The performance upgrade is now available for all Gen III RevTech engines from the 100? 4×4 to the ?2005 Engine of the Year? 110?. Call the Custom Chrome Tech line to obtain information.

THE NEW LIVING WILL–I, _________________________ (fill in the blank), being of sound mind and body, do not wish to be kept alive indefinitely by artificial means.
Under no circumstances should my fate be put in the hands of peckerwood politicians who couldn’t pass ninth-grade biology if their lives depended on it.
If a reasonable amount of time passes and I fail to sit up and ask for a cold beer, it should be presumed that I won’t ever get better.
When such a determination is reached, I hereby instruct my spouse, children and attending physicians to pull the plug, reel in the tubes and call it a day.
Under no circumstances shall the members of the Legislature enact a special law to keep me on life-support machinery. It is my wish that these boneheads mind their own damn business, and pay attention instead to the health, education and future of the millions of Americans who aren’t in a permanent coma.
Under no circumstances shall any politicians butt into this case .
I don’t care how many fundamentalist votes they’re trying to scrounge for their run for the presidency in 2008, it is my wish that they play politics with someone else’s life and leave me alone to die in peace.
I couldn’t care less if a hundred religious zealots send e-mails to legislators in which they pretend to care about me. I don’t know these people, and I certainly haven’t authorized them to preach and crusade on my behalf. They should mind their own business, too.
If any of my family goes against my wishes and turns my case into a political cause, I hereby promise to come back from the grave and make his or her existence a living hell.
HELP DEFEND SCOUTING–I have just signed the National Petition to Congress urging them to enact the Support Our Scouts Act of 2005. This legislation has been drafted by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and has been endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America.
There has never been a time when Scouting has been more important to our young men and to our nation than it is now. Yet, there has never been a time when Scouting has been under greater attack than now.
This bill will ensure that the federal government will continue to support Scouting and that the Scouts will be treated fairly and equally with all other youth groups. More background information is posted, along with the National Petition, is posted on the Scouting Legal Defense Fund’s Web site.
The homosexual activists and others who are attacking Scouting are organizing to defeat this bill, so it is essential that all of us willing to defend Scouting let Congress know that we support it.
I hope you will visit this site and sign the National Petition. It takes just a few minutes.

AUSTRALIAN PAINT JOB OF THE WEEK–Hi Bandithere’s a tank and a guard that I have recently done here in Oz. Just thought I?d show you to see what you think.
Looking to come to the States next year, do you think anyone would be interested??
Perry Mallet – Australia
email :

Associated Press
Posted on Tue, Apr. 05, 2005
SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) – The civil rights of Hells Angels members were violated when authorities searched their homes and seized their property, including their Harley Davidson motorcycles, according to a federal appeals court ruling.The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday upheld a district court ruling that seven San Jose police officers and one Santa Clara County Sheriff’s deputy violated the civil rights of a San Jose chapter of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.
The case began when a Hells Angels member was linked to a 1997 murder at a San Jose strip club.He was acquitted two years later, but the Hells Angels claimed that while investigators conducted searches of members’ homes in 1997 and 1998, they seized “truckloads” of property, killed three guard dogs and misled the courts about why they conducted the raids.
Members of the group filed a civil suit claiming authorities violated their Fourth Amendment right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures.The case weighed that constitutional right against the need for investigators to safely and effectively do their jobs, according to 9th Circuit Judge Richard A. Paez. He wrote that the judges concluded that the searches and seizures were unnecessarily intrusive and that “the intrusion was severe.”
The Hells Angels have asked for more than $250,000 in damages, but the court hasn’t disclosed whether the group will receive any money.

CARIBBEAN REPORT DELAY–Sorry, I could not do the news today, my friend Israel, the editor of BikerSpot magazine is in the hospital after a motorcycle accident and I’m helping him out on bringing the next issue to print. Yes my fingers are on fire, but hey, what are friends for.
Hope all is well
Take your time, Bikernet will still be here when you come back. We wish your friend a speedy recovery.

Houston man loses challenge to warrant based on use of canines
Houston Chronicle
Law enforcement’s authority to use drug-sniffing dogs was bolstered Monday when the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the appeal of a Houston case in which police brought dogs onto a man’s property and later obtained a search warrant for drugs.The decision upholds the 2002 conviction of David Gregory Smith, 41, a Bandidos motorcycle gang member serving a 40-year sentence for running a methamphetamines lab in his southeast Houston home.
Smith’s is the latest case to support police use of dogs while searching luggage, motor vehicles and homes for drugs. Smith’s attorney, Kent Schaffer, said it sets a potentially worrisome precedent.
“I find that just absurd and extremely troubling that the police could take a dog and go to the front door of anybody’s home, and if the dog scratches its tail or barks or winks or whatever, they can search your house,” Schaffer said Monday.
The search of Smith’s home near South Houston on Oct. 4, 2000, came after an 11-month law enforcement investigation into the gang. The dogs “alerted” when officers allowed them to sniff garage doors and house doors, and authorities used that information to obtain search warrants.
Cursory examination
At issue was whether the dogs’ sniffing constituted an illegal search of Smith’s home.Assistant District Attorney Sally Ring said easily accessible parts of a home’s exterior are subject to a cursory examination, such as a dog’s sniff.
“It’s akin to the Fed Ex guy or the flower delivery person; if they can go there, then law enforcement or anyone else can go there,” said Ring, who prosecuted Smith’s case in 2002.
The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals rejected Smith’s claim that the search by federal and local officials on the Harris County Organized Crime and Narcotics Task Force was illegal.The state court ruled that the dogs were not intrusive enough to invoke constitutional protection. It also said police did not unlawfully trespass because the garage door was along a walkway that visitors must pass to reach the front door. There is little legal dispute that an alert from a narcotics dog is reason to grant a warrant, said professor Herman Schwartz of the American University law school.
“It’s considered the equivalent of seeing something in plain view,” Schwartz said. “There is sort of an assumption that the dogs are infallible.”
Search tactics upheld
The U.S. Supreme Court has grown more accepting of police search tactics in recent years, and has repeatedly upheld the use of drug-sniffing dogs, Schwartz said.Schwartz pointed to a 1983 case in which a suspected drug smuggler traveling through New York’s LaGuardia airport was searched after a dog sniffed his luggage and alerted authorities to the presence of cocaine. The U.S. Supreme Court sided with police in that case.
The Harris County Sheriff’s Department currently has two narcotics-trained dogs used by its detective bureau. The Houston Police Department uses narcotics-trained dogs only at its airport security units, officials said.

SUPER MAX BELT DRIVES–When is the last time you?ve seen a pulley like this? If indeed you or any of your customers have experienced a worn out pulley such as this, you now can offer them a re-build from Super Max.
Super Max has been in the belt drive business for over 33 years and we have an excellent reputation for our long life belt drive. These over-lay pulleys can be installed over most aftermarket and all factory pulleys. These pulleys will go well over 100,00 miles and don?t emit the squealing sounds of pulleys of metallic construction.
These pulleys will also extend belt life considerably as they are constructed from similar materials as the ?Gates Poly Chain? belts that we have all grown to love. Questions? Call Super Max 10:00am to 5:00pm Mountain time. 406-755-8688.

Super Max has invented a method of removing the worn teeth and replacing them with a Super Max over-lay pulley that will last. The over-tension is not necessary, if indeed it is not ratcheting, it isn?t too loose.

BIKE STORAGE AT IT?S BEST–We at Triple D Storage, Inc. specialize exclusively in motorcycle storage, detailing, and trailering located in Randolph, New Jersey.
Our facility is climate controlled, insured, and fully secured. We use the latest technology in waterless detailing to limit the chance of discoloration of factory paint.
Our staff consists of knowledgeable employees using techniques that optimize showroom finishes.
Feel free to contact us,
Steven D’Arco

HOME FOR SALE IN STURGIS–Hey Bandit, the furnace is new, the hot water tank is 3 years old all the bedroom stuff is new. 6 month old king bed, Serta hardside super plush pillow top, the dressers are so new they still smell like fresh wood. There?s 3 bedrooms, got two new twin beds, lots of stand up closets. The sink and faucet are 3 months old and same for the dishwasher. The washer is commercial grade and the dryer is same. The recliners are great; the burgundy one is 2 months old. The end tables and coffee table are new… TV. is 32 in with surround sound and DVD player. There?s a outside camera and monitor, all is in perfect condition. Without all off the crap I?ll take $12,500 for the place, you keep the piano. $20,000 furnished. The reason I?m selling is my ol lady split and I?ve had it here. Need to get away and start over…so let me know… Skooter at

THAT’S A WRAP–Once more the lovely Layla pulled it off. TheBikernet News and all that’s fit to print in this wild industry completedwith class. In a sense you’ve got the inside track with Bikernet. You notonly get the hottest digger data weekly, but the inside track on three majormags in the industry. It’s like a back stage pass to biker heaven. Am Ipushin’ it?
Ah fuck it. Let’s see what I have to report. I’ll hit the magsfirst. We’re working with H-D on an exclusive for Hot Bike and perhapsWillie G. will hit the cover. I’m also working with Randy Simpson andSouthern Chops from the Discovery Channel and Matt Hotch will show class onthe August cover with his customized V-Rod. We’re making major changes tothe Hot Rod Bikes, but it’s a Corporate secret. Can’t give that up just yet.We’re even considering a new start-up mag. Another secret. We’re alsoworking with Billy Lane to Sponsor his Blood, Sweat and Gears. Watch for itin Laughlin.
I hope to spend the majority of this weekend chasing the lovely SinWu around the complex and working on the Sturgis Shovelhead. I’ll do mydamnest to post a report. If I’m lucky I’ll tear it down at the end of theweekend, finish the welds, grind the bastards and off to powder next week.That’s a rush.

Oh, there’s a surprise on the dusty horizon. Mike Lichter shot agroup of knock-out Hooters girls with a Hooter’s bike that deserves to endup on the cover of HOT BIKE. I’ll try to bring you a sample shot. Hang on.
Ride Forever,