Continued From Page 4

Thousands turn out for old bikes, good friends, and great weather!!!–Last Wednesday, Matt, Myron and I headed up to one of my favorite events of the season — the Antique Motorcycle Club of America Annual Swap Meet in Oley, PA. Each year, Oley is a “must do” event, as countless old relics surface from years of neglect and are brought to the Oley Community Fairgrounds for their first public appearances in decades. Hundreds of vendors gather to buy and sell parts, motorcycles and memorabilia, and share stories from their hunts and finds. I don’t know what it is about Oley that brings these machines out of the woodwork, but nonetheless, every year during the last weekend of April, the little Pennsylvania town glows with vintage iron.

This year’s Oley Swap Meet wouldn’t disappoint, and in fact, would be a bit different from years past, as the forecast read warm and sunny all weekend. As we headed out of Maggie Valley that Wednesday, we could all feel the excitement growing, each of us wondering what parts we’d find and if any “new” old motorcycle would be heading back to the mountains with us in the big black 40′ fifth-wheel. We drove straight through the night, and rolled into the fairgrounds just before the light of day.
Thursday morning, the action started early. Hundreds of vendors made their way to their spots and began setting up for what we all hoped would be a great weekend….

State Senator Fran Pavley
Sacramento, CA 95814
Dear Fran,
I read a report regarding discussions with your office over the motorcycle Smog testing bill. The author mentioned that there was no reasoning with staff, because they sought only equity. Interesting, if equity is the predominate reasoning, then soon we will regulate home barbecues, and we must regulate population growth, because with it comes increased emissions of all nature.
My argument is simple and I believe thought provoking. It revolves around freedom. We are on a bent in our society today to regulate, restrict and ban everything. Someday, we will wish there was a more balanced approach. For instance motorcycle testing. Long after you’re no longer in office, the motorcycle testing bureaucracy will have expanded, and there will be costly equity governing less than one percent of emissions.
But think about our impact on freedom in this country, as we regulate everything that moves. Already the crack of a motorcycle exhaust, alerts us that somewhere in our society, filled with look-alike silver cars, because the color black was banned, there is a modicum of freedom and artistic expression is supported.
I believe that somewhere down the road we will wish we had supported education over legislation, regulation, and more government bureaucracies. Think about equity and where it might lead, perhaps barbecue testing in your home, kitchen appliance testing or someone telling you how large your family can be.
We need to look for the serious culprits, such as the ships in our ports and focus on their emissions, while celebrating freedom wherever possible.
All the best,
K. Randall Ball
5-Ball Inc
200 Broad Ave.
Wilmington, CA 90744

JO’S BIKE IN HARLEY MUSEUM–I’m proud to say starting tomorrow my bike will be on display in the lobby of Harley-Davidson’s museum in Milw. It will be there from May 1st – 15th.
The Month of May has been declared Women Riders Month … how about that we get a whole month!
Tomorrow I lead a group of women riders to the museum for a celebration of women riders that HD is hosting. I’ll be riding a rental from City Limits Harley.
I’ll take a photo of her sitting in the museum and send it out this weekend.
I’m very excited and very proud. This honor goes back to my Harley Women magazine days and having been inducted into the Motorcycle Hall of Fame.
I hope all of you have a wonderful day … and please think Dry, Clear Weather for Friday, May 1st Ladies Ride!
–Jo . . .
“Jo” (Linda) Giovannoni . . .
1996 National Motorcycle Hall of Fame Inductee

CHEETAH TRIKE CORRECTION–I called yesterday and spoke with one of you about a photo of a 2005 “Cheetah Chopper” that you have posted with Oz Trikes on your site. The following URL is where the photo of the red 2005 “Cheetah Chopper” is about half way down the page, immediately under Oz Trikes. I need you to remove it immediately, as IT IS NOT AN OZ TRIKE.
I’ve attached a newer photo of our “Cheetah Chopper” with the registered brand name in the photo. I would appreciate you placing it under our “Cheetah Trikes” listing that is located about 1/4 way down that page.
–Tom Walters, Owner/Pres.
Cheetah Trikes Inc
108 Industrial Way
Charlestown IN 47111

IT’S A WRAP–for the minute. That’s the wild aspect of the world wide web. It never really ends. I’ll post another article tomorrow, or maybe two tomorrow. I have Greg Friend’s Little Big Twin Update, and Buckshot sent me a story on the Arlen Ness show, because he won in his class.

Tomorrow morning I’ll wake up to somebody wanting me to add some dire announcement to the news, or god forbid we published something out of context. Hugh King sent me a shot of the winner of the new pilot Chopper Wars show, only to pull it at the last minute. “Can’t run that yet,” he snapped. I always respect the “King,” so we yanked it. You’ll might be forced to wait for the show to air. Yeah right, someone will slip out the news beforehand, and it will be all over the internet.
Ah, that’s the nature of the beast. Everybody loves a scoop. In the meantime, I’m working on a factory racer update. I just received an Exile sprotor brake from Ray Wheeler. It’s a very well made and presented piece. You’ll see the mounting procedure, right here. Have a helluva weekend. Get ready, the Smoke Out is next weekend.
Ride Forever,