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MOTOHAAS DETACHABLE–Wall mount storage for all your detachables.?
The standard docking station comes with all the hardware necessary to store your Harley? detachable windshield and detachable passenger backrest.?
Should you prefer the backrest mount luggage rack for your ride, the backrest can easily be remounted to accommodate you with the addition of two docking points, into the pre-drilled holes.
Check out the website–
Rucker Performance is Delivering American Muscle Bikes
There is no thrill like being on your motorcycle and seeing Rocky Mountains lay out in front of you. As your gaze levels you can see the ribbon of asphalt wind down and then up to the next peak, your large-bore S&S engine provides reassuring power, and you have become one with the bike and the road.
Then tragedy strikes, a distracted motorist nails you head on and sends you forty feet in the air. After 21 days in the hospital you come out with your lower left leg removed-facing months of excruciating physical therapy.
What would you do if that happened to you? If you’re Bill Rucker, President of Rucker Performance, you grab your dream even tighter, pull your family and friends together and do what you do best? build cutting-edge motorcycles.
After the accident and during the recovery Bill’s daughter, Erin Rucker took control of the firm and kept production moving. By necessity she became highly efficient at putting out fires, resolving supplier and customer issues and making sure that the bikes were getting to the dealers. The accident occurred right after Sturgis in 2004. As of April 2005, Bill is fitted with a prosthesis and is up walking around on his own.
The accident slowed Bill down but hasn’t reduced his creative fire. Ever since Bill co-founded American IronHorse, he has been turning out inspired and innovative designs.
Since the entire team at Rucker Performance lives and breathes high-performance American Muscle Bikes, it is no surprise that the latest designs are cutting edge all the way.
Rucker’s latest design is the Predator; it is a long, lean American Muscle Bike that sports a high-output S&S 124 CI engine with metal skin. The technology advanced Assassin uses the new S&S closed-loop fuel injection system with carbon fiber tail section, belly pan and light housing. In addition, the rear suspension uses a cantilever Indy-style suspension that makes ride height adjustments a snap.
About Rucker Performance
Rucker Performance Motorcycle Company started production in 2004 and have quickly become a leading designer and manufacturer of custom American Muscle Bikes and Chopper motorcycles. Rucker Performance is known for ground-shaking performance with fit and finish that is comparable to one-off custom motorcycles.
Additional design queues include soft-style suspension, high-performance V-twin dual-cam 124 cubic inch engines, clean, sharp lines, 6-speed transmissions, stretch tanks and fat tires. Designing and manufacturing is performed at the company’s headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas.

S&S CYCLE RECEIVES TUV APPROVAL FOR 96″ ENGINE–GERMANY (April 19, 2005) S&S Cycle announces TUV approval for its popular 96″ high performance V-Twin engine. This is the second engine to receive TUV approval; the S&S 124″ engine was approved on March 20, 2005.
The European Community has strict guidelines regarding emissions and noise standards. The S&S 96″ engine has met the required criteria for EC regulations of emission (2002/51EC) and also passed the current noise limits (97/24EC Chapter 9) testing. The results of the testing on the S&S 96″ engine were in accordance to the strict requirements for TUV. Testing and approval of additional S&S engines is expected.
S&S is now able to deliver products in the European community without having to rely exclusively on the verification or certification of other dealers and distributors. These stringent TUV guidelines help establish standards for safety and quality for a variety of products sold in the European community, including Proven Performance S&S products.
Related to the 96″ and 124″ approvals, S&S received TUV verification on December 20, 2004 for their Quality Management System, used for producing complete assembled engines and frames, among other things. This verification was approved following a detailed audit performed (#20662508) at the S&S facilities in Viola and La Crosse , Wisconsin .
“This is great news,” said S&S president Brett Smith . “Our 96″ engine is extremely popular; having TUV approval of this engine, along with previous approval of our 124″ engine is another important step in strengthening our international distribution and showing our commitment to our European customers.”
TUV sets the standard for safety and quality for new and existing products, systems, and services for the European community, with Germany having the most stringent requirements. This TUV verification gives S&S Cycle even more credibility in the European market as business continues to expand internationally. S&S products are sold through their extensive international dealer network, including direct dealers and distributors across the globe. For more information visit the S&S web site at

COFFEE & DONUT DONATIONS NEEDED FOR ABATE HOSPITALITY BOOTH AT RFTW– ABATE Locals from throughout California will be hosting a Coffee and Donut Tent at the starting point of Run For The Wall on Wednesday May 18, 2005.
6-8 AM at the T/A Truck stop in Ontario, I-10 @ Milliken.
No cost. No politics. No recruiting. Just a nice thing to do for our nation?s heroes and their supporters. A stack of Bailing Wires will be on hand for riders to take along and my Biker Civics 101 column for the May issue talks about the ride.
Please contact Robert at 909-574-8909 or your Local ABATE President if you would like to donate money, donuts, coffee, supplies or time as a volunteer.
Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Small road items too, for instance, one generous donor contributed 400 tubes of lip balm and another donor contributed packets of Flavored Oatmeal for riders to eat or take along.

Run For The Wall (RFTW) was started in 1989 as an effort by a couple of Vietnam Veterans who traveled across the heartland of America on motorcycles, talking to local Radio, TV, and Newspapers about the fact that we have thousands of men and women still unaccounted for from all of our wars. We continue this tradition every May.
We don’t give political speeches or stage demonstrations. Run For The Wall gets its message across by traveling through the United States in a safe and orderly manner. We obey traffic laws and treat the citizens with respect.
But the issues of public awareness are only part of the benefit of Run For The Wall. We also give Vietnam Veterans the opportunity to get the welcome home they never got twenty years ago, and start their healing process.
Everyone who has fought, or has friends or loved ones who have fought in a war has their own issues from their experience. Everyone has something, be it the welcome home, the good-bye to buddies lost, the ability to finally help the young boys we watched every night on TV, or just trying to make up for coming home alive. Once you have participated in Run For The Wall you find that whatever you’ve been missing, can be found in the Run For The Wall family. You can finally start settling issues that have been put away for over twenty years.
There is no charge for participating in Run For The Wall, although you have to pay your own expenses. We have been very fortunate in the past in that we generally get a great deal of support from organizations and people along the way. Most night?s dinners are provided free or for a small donation by concerned citizens, as well as some breakfasts and lunches. We have generous groups who have paid for gas and lodging as well.
The trip takes ten days to reach the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, where our Run officially ends on the Friday evening before Memorial Day. Additionally, we have things scheduled for the weekend, ending with participation in the Rolling Thunder Parade in Washington DC, on Sunday. It is quite a sight to behold, 200,000 motorcycles all starting at once and parading through downtown Washington, ending at the Wall.
Along the way across the U.S. we make stops at Memorials, Veteran’s Hospitals, and we enjoy parades, escorts, and welcome home receptions from many of the patriotic towns.
The ages of the participants range from eight to eighty, there are mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers (who ride their own bikes!), veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, active military, supporters, and family. Everyone is welcome. The only rule is NO ATTITUDES.

Some people join Run For The Wall and think of it as just another vacation or motorcycle event. But after one or two days you realize this is something very special. It is unlike anything else you have experienced, and it becomes a mission! You become part of the Run For The Wall family, whose members come from all over the United States, Canada, and Australia. What could be more perfect than having fun, making new friends, and helping a very good cause, POW/MIA.
You don’t have to ride a motorcycle to participate, we have some members who drive chase trucks, some bring motor homes, or cars, one year there was even an 18 wheeler who joined us. The important thing is to join the cause!
Visit the Run For The Wall website:
Thank you for your support of this worthwhile endeavor, an opportunity for ABATE of California Members to say “Thank You” to our Nation’s Veterans and their Families.
~Richard “Splatt” Hall
Assistant State Director, ABATE of California

BIKERNET/HOT BIKE/STREET CHOPPER/HOT ROD BIKE RIDE TO STURGIS OPEN THE PUBLIC–Yep, it’s the third annual HOT BIKE,, Street Chopper and BikeWorks Charity Ride to Sturgis. I’ll give you a brief rundown: The charityefforts are to support the Crazy Horse Monument in the Black Hills. We leave from Phoenix on Wednesday the 3rd of August and ride alongwarm twisting highways, ducking interstates wherever possible to Durango,Colorado for the night. Then it’s up Thursday morn and down the terrificmountain roads into Aspen, Colorado for the night. Both these towns areknock-outs for terrific restaurants and nightlife. Friday morning we cut adusty trail north again into Cheyenne and we’re almost home. Saturday wemeander up killer roads into the Badlands and Deadwood, but we won’t stopuntil we reach the Full Throttle Saloon for our first party of the Rally.
It’s a chance to ride with the staffs of all three mags and thegirls of Bikernet to Sturgis. We’ve designed the ride to be comfortable andentertaining while supporting the Crazy Horse Monument. Each day will cover250-300 miles so we’ll roll into town in time to hang out by the pool, hitthe gym, shop in town then have a killer meal. We’re looking for IndustryCompanies to sponsor each evening meal, beginning in Durango, then Aspen andfinally in Cheyenne. We’ll handle all the arrangements, just pick up the taband support our Charity. Full Throttle will take care of our First RallyParty in Sturgis. That’s it, you cover the hotels and your expenses, we makeall the arrangements and you make a donation to Crazyhorse.
To get hooked up you need to contact Joerlene, our travel agent andline up hotels. She will have rooms booked from Phoenix to Cheyenne and ifyou’re not hooked up in Sturgis, she’ll try to help. Her email address is –
We can’t wait for the ride.
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