Continued From Page 3

JAMES’ ELASTOMERICLEAK FREE INSPECTION COVER SEAL–With the introduction of this revolutionary INSPECTION COVER OIL SEAL James Gaskets has once again set the standard for cutting edge engine and transmission sealing technology. Forget the paper gaskets of old; this is a true “Oil Seal”. Each James Seal features a precision cut, steel gasket molded in Elastomeric rubber with raised sealing beads around the entire inner and outer perimeter as well as each screw hole.
This configuration insures an oil tight, leak free seal while requiring less torque than paper style gaskets.
Designed specifically for stamped, billet, cast and custom clutch inspection covers on 1985-2004 FLT and FXR models each kit includes 1 Cover Seal and 4 Screw Seals. For the JAMES GASKETS dealer nearest you call 775-246-2220.

BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–Remember what it was like on your first road trip to a rally? The bikes, the partners, the wind, the sounds and the smells changed your soul forever. In your mind you couldn’t go back to reality.
Ride Hard
–Whiplash Biker Photog

RICK FAIRLESS AND THUNDER ROAD TEAM UP AGAIN FOR STURGIS 2007–Dallas, TX (April 13, 2007)- Rick Fairless will once again take over Thunder Road with his annual Strokers Sturgis set-up during the 2007 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Mimicking his dealership/bar & grill combination in Dallas, Strokers Sturgis will have plenty of Fairless’ famous “Bikes, Babes, and Beer” to last through the week.
The permanent fixture located inside the Thunderdome includes a stage with live music, a full bar, the Strokers Sturgis store, lots of picnic tables and chairs, beer tubs, and plenty of custom motorcycles to keep the crowds entertained all week.
Strokers Sturgis has called Thunder Road home for the past two years and it has been a great match for both parties. As the “Custom Capitol of Sturgis,” there is no better place for Rick Fairless to stake his claim than inside the Thunderdome. “We’ve been really happy with the set-up out there at Thunder Road and we’re glad to be back for another year. The bike shows they host always bring in a great crowd and the location is perfect for us.”
This year the Thunderdome will host several bike shows throughout the week. Sunday will kick off the week with the “Feel the Thunder” race bike show. Monday will continue with “The Horse, Backstreet Chopper Sturgis Invasion Bike Show” followed on Tuesday by the “5th Annual Metzeler Sturgis V-Twin Custom Bike Contest.” Wednesday will host the “Sculptures in Steel Bike Show” with the “Rat’s Hole Custom Bike Show” on Thursday. Friday will close out the week with “Trike Wars- the Power of Three Trike Show.” The Thunderdome has free parking and Glencoe campers enjoy free admission to all events. All non-campers will have to pay the $5 entry fee.
Rick Fairless also shares the Thunderdome with other Sturgis Bike Week favorites. Motorcycle photography legend, Michael Lichter, will set-up his Motorcycles-as-Art Exhibit “One World,” and Miss Sturgis will be on hand signing autographs and taking pictures all week. This year will also include appearances from the Seminole Hard Rock Caf? Celebrity Bike Tour.
For more information on Strokers Sturgis, please visit or

THE BIKER BLUES GOD PITCHES THE CHOPPER KING FOR HOLLISTER– I remember when you said Hugh KING was coming by for some ideas for the motorcycle mania show. Maybe he would be interested in filming Hollister at motorcycle show that I will be putting on for two days from 4-8pm. I will have a variety of guests blues musicians, builders etc. including you.
Which brings me to ask you if you would bring the Salt Shaker we could put it up on the stage and do a pretty cool thing when you come up during your song, and talking about the land speed record. Anyway I could really put on a cool show. And it is in the birth place of the American Biker where a lot of our history comes from. Let me know what you think?
— Charlie

NEW FROM TJ CARLINI–I loved your Salt Shaker!!!!!!!!! We need to hook up soon! Anyway, Here are the new risers patent pending(taiwan ted sux). Part # Piston150. Price is $200 and available direct at 714 432-9000.
MDA LAUNCHES WEB SITEFOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON EVENTS– MILWAUKEE – April 25, 2007- The Muscular Dystrophy Association recently launched
Designed to be a valuable resource for Harley-Davidson enthusiasts the site contains information riders need to take part in the dozens of dealer-sponsored events to support MDA.
Complete with photos, videos and news, the site also showcases how Harley Owners Group (HOG) volunteer efforts add to the magic of MDA summer camps for children with neuromuscular diseases. The site is also designed to recognize Harley-Davidson dealers and individual riders for special MDA support, such as the top fund-raisers and exceptional volunteers.
The site also explains where money raised for MDA goes, and will include photos and reports from some of the larger rides and events from across the country.
“MDA is very lucky to have the support of thousands of motorcyclists who are as passionate about helping my kids as they are about their Harleys,” said MDA National Chairman Jerry Lewis. “We hope they enjoy this web site that is just for them.”
Harley-Davidson, a leading producer of motorcycles worldwide, is celebrating its 27th year as an MDA national sponsor. The Harley-Davidson family of customers, dealers, suppliers and employees raise money for MDA year-round with fundraising rides and other motorcycle themed events like various Black-n-Blue Ball dinners.
The company began its partnership with MDA in 1980 with a program called Bikers Fight MD. Since 1980, Harley-Davidson’s family of dealers, customers, employees, suppliers and HOG chapters have raised more than $60 million for “Jerry’s kids.”
MDA is a voluntary health organization working to defeat more than 40 neuromuscular diseases through programs of worldwide research, comprehensive services and far-reaching professional and public health education. The Association’s programs are funded almost entirely by individual contributors.
That does is. Harley-Davidson won’t spend a dime Bikernet Advertising, but sends us press releases constantly. Now they’re involved with a charity web site that might just compete with Bikernet. What’s up with that? We took a vote and decided that our tip jar donation to the MDA will be withheld and poured into our Jack Daniels fund. I’m pissed.–Bandit

BIKERNET LINK REQUEST–Would you please accept this custom motorcycle builder specializing in Harleys, Trikes, and V Twin motorcycle parts. If so, I thank you in advance and please forward future correspondence to Rick Strand at

BCCOM WEEKLY FORUM–After some technical difficulties, the forum on the BCCOM website is back upand running again. Special thanks to our webmaster Dale Neufeld!! Pleasecheck it out by going to and clicking onthe “Forum” button.
If you or your club is putting on a motorcycle related event that you wouldlike to advertise you can post it on our website yourself by going and clicking on “events”. Please note that there are toomany events to list them all in these email updates so check out our websitefor more detailed information and more event listings.
APRIL 2007
April 28-29 – Motorcycle Extravaganza, Nelson, BC – (250) 399-4573
April 29 – Campbell River Swap Meet – (250) 337 2077 or (250) 286 3120
MAY 2007
May 3 – 18th Annual MLA Ride – (604) 580-0111 or 1-877-580-0111
May 5 – Sun FM / Oldies Spring Run Off Ride – Kelowna – 250-868-4750
May 6 – Trev Deeley Motorcycles 90th Anniversary Party/Deeley MotorcycleExhibition Grand Opening – (604) 291-2453 or
May 6 – Hog’s for Dog’s Poker Run – SPCA Charity Ride – Kelowna – (250)808-4766 or (250) 765-6666
May 11-13 – Slack Alice’s Show n’ Shine – Penticton, BC – (250) 492- 0188 orwww.slackalices.comMay 12 – WMRCPractice #2 –
May 13 -WMRC Race Round #2 –
May 19-20, 2007 – CMDRA All Bike Drags – Nl’akapxm Eagle Motorplex,Ashcroft, BC –
May 20 – JD Custom Cycle Show n’ Shine – Kelowna – (250)-762-5311 or
May 27 – 15th Annual Gord Heppler Memorial Run – or (604)888-8152

VIETNAM VETERANS WALL COMES TO WHICHAM PARK–The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall was escorted to Wickham Park in Melbourne Florida by an estimated 1400 motorcycles this past Sunday. The 288 foot replica will be on display through out the week at the largest grassroots veteran’s reunion in the country. It is about three-fifths the size of the wall in Washington D.C. and has 140 panels.

A full week of activities are scheduled including massing of the colors, “The Last Patrol”, Helicopter landings and a large group of entertainers including Confederate Railroad at 9:30 PM Saturday April 27th The entertainment will continue on Sunday April 28th with closing Ceremony’s at 7:00 PM
I hope to see you there
— Rogue

RMD BILLET WILD GRIPS– has aligned forces with Doug Keim, of Doug Keim Creative Cycles, for a new twist on grips. RMD teamed up to build multi-combination grip sets that give builders and owners several options and combinations of color and end cap styles. RMD sinks ’em in red, blue or black bright-dipped anodize and lets your individual style choose from 5 different ends to cap ’em off. And to match, the Doug Keim Edition foot and shift pegs will be coming soon.

Check out RMD Billet online at or Creative Cycles at

THE SMITHS COME TO BIKERNET PHOTOG FOR HELP–The Smiths were unable to conceive children and decided to use asurrogate father to start their family. On the day the proxy fatherwas to arrive, Mr. Smith kissed his wife goodbye and said, “Well,I’m off now the man should be here soon.”
Half an hour later, just by chance, a door-to-door babyphotographer happened to ring the doorbell, hoping to make a sale.
Good morning, Ma’am”, he said, “I’ve come to…”
” Oh, no need to explain,” Mrs. Smith cut in, embarrassed, “I’vebeen expecting you.”
“Have you really?” said the photographer. “Well, that’s good. Didyou know babies are my specialty?”
“Well that’s what my husband and I had hoped. Please come in andhave a seat.” After a moment she asked, blushing, “Well, where do westart?”
“Leave everything to me. I usually try two in the bathtub, one onthe couch, and perhaps a couple on the bed. And sometimes the livingroom floor is fun. You can really spread out there.”
“Bathtub, living room floor? No wonder it didn’t work out for Harryand me!”
“Well, Ma’am, none of us can guarantee a good one every time. Butif we try several different positions and I shoot from six or sevenangles, I’m sure you’ll be pleased with the results.”
“My, that’s a lot!” gasped Mrs. Smith.
“Ma’am, in my line of work a man has to take his time. I’d love tobe in and out in five minutes, but I’m sure you’d be disappointed withthat.”
“Don’t I know it,” said Mrs. Smith quietly.
The photographer opened his briefcase and pulled out a portfolio ofhis baby pictures. “This was done on the top of a bus,” he said.
“Oh my God!” Mrs. Smith exclaimed, grasping at her throat.
“And these twins turned out exceptionally well – when you considertheir mother was so difficult to work with.”
“She was difficult?” asked Mrs. Smith.
“Yes, I’m afraid so I finally had to take her to the park to getthe job done right. People were crowding around four and five deep toget a good look”
“Four and five deep?” said Mrs. Smith, her eyes wide withamazement.
“Yes”, the photographer replied. “And for more than three hours,too.The mother was constantly squealing and yelling – I could hardlyconcentrate, and when darkness approached I had to rush my shots.Finally, when the squirrels began nibbling on my equipment, I justhad to pack it all in.”
Mrs. Smith leaned forward. “Do you mean they actually chewed onyour, uh…equipment?”
“It’s true, Ma’am, yes.. Well, if you’re ready, I’ll set-up mytripod and we can get to work right away.”
“Oh yes, Ma’am I need to use a tripod to rest my Canon on. It’smuch too big to be held in the hand very long.”
Mrs. Smith fainted.
–from Big Dave Hansen
ASK FOR HB155 IN MISSOURI TO BE HEARD ON THESENATE FLOOR–Missouri HB155: Requires only operators or riders of motorcycles andmotortricycles who are younger than 21 years of age to wear protectiveheadgear
Main people on this are [Senate President Pro Tem] Senator Gibbons (friendlybut a probable NO vote) 573-751-2853.
And get hold of Senator Shields (he was a problem last year) 573-751-9476.
Remember to be POLITE and get your point across but let’s not piss them off.
The Senate is adjourned until 2:00pm Monday so you’ll probably get an aide.These folks plan the Senators schedule and do lots of the work. Be nice andask what YOU can do for them to push the bills.
CALL your Senators and check to be sure they will vote your way. Let meknow what you find out!!!
Lets get all the people we know involved in Missouri and all those aroundus.
–Tony Shepherd []
ABATE for Missouri

HARLEY-DAVIDSON SWEEPSTAKES WINNERS RECEIVE PLASMA TELEVISIONS–During the winter regional promotion hosted by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company, potential customers in certain regions were given incentives to visit their local H-D dealerships and check out new products. Incentives, which varied in different markets, included: a Wilson football with Harley-Davidson logo offered in January in conjunction with the Super Bowl; a $20 H-D gift certificate during the Valentine’s Day holiday; or two “Wild Hogs” movie tickets during the time of the movie’s premiere.
All potential customers who visited a participating dealership during the time of the promotion not only received the free gift offered, but were also given the chance to enter a drawing for a 42 inch Plasma Television. Three winners were chosen: Bruce Marenke who entered at McGuire Harley-Davidson in Walnut Creek, Calif.; Helena Gatto-Supino who visited TSI Harley-Davidson in Ellington, Conn., and Roger J. Guth who entered at Zylstra Harley-Davidson in Carpentersville, Ill.

JOSH PLACA DISCOVERED IN JUNK YARD–Yes, the former editor of Cruising Rider magazine was discovered with his Lucky Devil customized Victory Vegas, in a Sedona, Arizona junk yard. We are following him to Laughlin to find out what the hell is going on?

IT’S HAPPY HOUR HERE AT BIKERNET–The news is wrapped and we can kick back for a couple of minutes. This weekend the Hamsters are running for Paso Robles and the rest of Southern California is on a run to Laughlin on the Colorado River.
Just so you don’t think we’re slacking, here’s what’s on my plate for this weekend. For the Assalt Weapan, my plans include installing the neck bearings and measuring the neck height for Leo. I need to cut and manufacture the quarter inch steel belly pan, design and make a removable kickstand, mount the rear fender, create the sheet metal for the rear fender, the fake oil bag, mount the gas tank and start to work on the modifications and start to work on the seat pan.

So you don’t feel left out, here’s the content list for the Cantina and Bikernet: I need to launch RFR’s new GOB, Ranell. She’s sweet. We have a tech on the new X-Wedge engine. Marylin Bragg sent in a bike feature with shots of just one side of the bike. We have another life and times from Crazy Horse and of course the Sunday Post will sizzle with skin and action. Hell, we might see a couple of shots from Laughlin. Next week you can judge whether I accomplished all I set out to do. I’ll post the next Bonneville report. Have a helluva weekend.

Wait, there’s more. Here’s a couple of shots inside the Paughco Headquarters. This is just a taste of Ron’s collection of bikes including an 8-valve racer, a silent Gray fellow and the first Knuckle ever made, number 0001.

In the near future we’ll bring you some helpful techs from the minds of Ron Paugh (right), his son Bob on the left, and not shown, Steve Massicotte and Jason Rickman. Hang On.

Ride Forever,