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OPEN LETTER FROM ATHENA OF VAGABOND CHOPPERS– I know that you are the most newsworthy source that we all have out there, and I am writing this in hopes that you will read it and print it in your upcoming news.
I want to say that I am so proud to have been a part of the Pink Ribbon Chopper Build, it was an awesome Daytona and we were treated so well by everyone ( Donors, Builders on site, Daytona International Speedway and spectators alike) and again I am so thankful to everyone who helped make this happen.
A good friend Charlie Bretchel was at the build and taped the entire project. Last night I finally got to watch the DVD he sent to me and it was phenominal, I cried. ( That is the chick factor, hahaha )
I watched twice and the second time around I heard myself say something that really disturbed me. Even though it was in a jokingly lighthearted situation- I feel the need to correct my statement and explain what happened. So here goes-
Six of us were working under a 10×20 tent building a bike with media people and spectators all under the same roof- everything went smoothly once the build was underway- no sweat. When it came time to fire up the bike, one of the chicks put the seat on, okay things were moving so fast when I walked up to the chopper to start it up- It rolled over once, twice and smoke came from the seat area. I normally do not start a chopper in my shop on the lift with the seat on- I leave it off and start it with my meter attached so I can check the charging system. Anyway, I immediately, pulled the seat off and found a very dangerous situation. The battery was installed and the rubber pad underneath was all bunched up which made the battery post touch the frame rail, I grabbed the battery cable with my bare fingers as it was melting along with the battery post, and ripped it off- I had blisters for weeks- another two to three seconds and the battery would have blown up in our faces and surely the paramedics and fire department would have been needed.
So I yelled out we need a battery, got one (Thanks Eddie Trotta) and went at it again- the float in the bowl was stuck and we were getting no fuel- we handled it Kate and I dropped the bowl, wiggled the float and got it all back together- No one watching knew what had happened as we handled it in a professional manner and quickly moved through it.
It fired to life and runs great. When I watched the video- I saw myself turn off the key and begin saying thank you’s- then someone in the crowd yelled out you were sabotaged!!! That is when I made a joke and said- “Sabotage by S&S” and laughed- That was not at all funny in the after sight of it. I am and have always been an avid S&S Chick from the beginning of my motorcycle riding and building history in the early 80’s- I actually spent many times at the races with the crew and Mr. Jim McClure.

No one brought this to my attention, I don’t know how many people have seen the video on Charlie’s site or on YouTube, but I want everyone to know that I was just joking around, actually if it was not for the sticky float in that carb, (which I have not experienced in quite some time) the chopper would have roared to life and then blown up in our faces. So that carb actually saved us all from being hurt and humiliated.
Brett Smith and everyone at S&S are awesome people and I would never want anyone to mistake the fact that they put out GOOD QUALITY parts. I am actually dying to get one of the X Wedge motors for a build I have blue-printed in my brain. I want everyone to know that S&S offered to donate a motor package but Custom Chrome had already been kind enough to donate a Rev-Tech 110- so I used an Evo S&S “E” Shorty Carb body and manifold with an S&S Twin Cam Aircleaner Kit on the Rev Tech ( Thank You Brett Smith and Crew ) in place of the Mikuni, because I am an S&S chick and I can make that carb perform top-notch on any motor.
The build was fantastic- I started fabrication in my shop the Thursday before the actual assembly at Bike Week. We painted it (base coat) the night before we left. So it was extreme for sure and we Kicked Ass as I see it. The National Breast Cancer Foundation is so proud and ready to start using it in promotions and set up a raffle/auction for October which is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Well, thanks for letting me get that off my breast- excuse me I mean chest. SMILE!!
Thanks for being you, You Rock
All my love & respect
–Athena aka The Vagabond Chickie
Vagabond Chopper Co. & Chopper Chick Crew

25TH ANNIVERSARY SPORTSTER–This is my 25th Sportster I bought it new in Fargo, ND It has 6,177 miles on it and is still all original except for he sissy bar.

–Gary Miller
Cantonment, FL

THE PARTY THIS WEEKEND–This is a real Bar Hopper. The party’s on at Johnny Rotten’s every Sunday. Cool Bikes, Hot Babes.
Tinman John

ANNOUNCING THE FIRST COOL BACKREST PLATES FROM IRON SPIRIT–Ironspirit owner, Jim Van Landingham, enjoys riding his 2005 Harley Road King around Ventura, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties enjoying the sweeping back roads and generous compliments from other Harley riders. What are the other riders complimenting Jim on? The cool Skull, Spade and Iron Cross backrest plates his company manufactures.
“I’ve owned a number of bikes”, states Van Landingham, “and after purchasing my Road King, I spent the next couple of months searching the web, scouring the parts catalogs and making a ton of phone calls looking for a suitable replacement for the ugly factory triangle backrest mounting plate.
I thought that if I have to put the backrest on when my girlfriend rides with me, I didn’t want it to take away from the looks of the bike. There is nothing attractive about the factory plate. And as with most business ventures, the need, or in this case my desire for something that didn’t exist created the birth of Ironspirit.”
According to Van Landingham, “Ironspirit products are designed to customize your stock Harley Davidson touring motorcycle or “Bagger” as most riders refer to them that will set you apart from the crowd. These custom polished & chrome plated mounting plates, seen at the 2007 V-Twin Expo, are an easy direct bolt-on replacement for the stock triangle plate the factory provides with their pads for the detachable sissy bar upright. And they are totally made in the United States.
Ironspirit currently manufactures three designs, Skull, Spade and Iron Cross with more designs on the table, including several targeted toward woman. “We ride and are constantly asking for input from other riders. A few of our upcoming designs are those that have been requested over and over. More women are riding “Baggers” and we have several designs we will be releasing for that portion of the market”, stated Van Landingham.
Ironspirit produces backrest mounting plates for Harley-Davidson touring motorcycle backrests, saddlebag latches as well as apparel and may be contacted at 805.433.5033 or info@ironspirit

BOOZE FIGHTER MEMBER RUNS BIKERNET SPIRIT BELL–Thanks for the interview and the hospitality yesterday at the Bikernet Headquarters. Attached is a couple of photos of my show bike, the Wino Willie Tribute Bike. I put the official spirit bell right on it! Hey, my new book (“American Biker”) is finished but I’m adding some sidebars to it before it goes to publication. Would you like to write a sidebar piece for it?

Basically, I’d like to get your ideas and thoughts as to what “the essence” of the American biker is. The length and focus would be totally up to you. Again, my thanks!
Bill Hayes I’ll do it Bill. Don’t know what I’m writing about, but never did.–Bandit Win A Custom a $649.95 Thunder Saddle of Your Tattoo!–This is what you have been waiting for. For the next 6 months Metric Thunder will be giving away a custom Thunder Saddle each month. These saddles are the most exclusive saddles and most comfortable saddles every made. They are very cool because each saddle represents your tattoo. The Tattoo Contest BANDIT of Bikernet will pick the best looking tattoo of the month and we will make a custom Thunder Saddle with the Tattoo embossed on the saddle. Each saddle comes equipped with Saddlemen’s Saddle Gel. Saddle Gel makes an incredibly comfortable seat and allows you to stay on your motorcycle for longer periods of enjoyable riding. How to Enter the Thunder Saddle Contest Entering is easy. Just send an email to: with your: It’s just that easy. Send a picture of yourself sporting your favorite tattoo and you could be riding around with it on your motorcycle. It is your exclusive seat that is a show stopper and conversation piece wherever you stop. For more details and rules clicking here. HARLEY OWNERS GROUP MEMBERS WILL RENDEZVOUS IN ADIRONDACKS THIS SEPTEMBER–MILWAUKEE, Wis. (April 23, 2007) – Adirondack Park in New York will become the playground of hundreds of Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) members as they ride hard and rest easy during Adirondack Rendezvous, a mind-clearing trek through the scenic landscape of upstate New York September 3-6, 2007. The rally site, and gateway to the six-million acres of “forever wild” Adirondack Park, is Lake Placid. Although known around the world as the host for the 1932 and 1980 Winter Olympics, it is soon to be known among H.O.G. members as the perfect place to unwind after exploring the maze of tree lined roads through the Adirondack Mountains. Ride into the northern reaches of the park on a 115-mile journey to North End Harley-Davidson in Plattsburgh. Riding through Wilmington Notch, the road squeezes between the AuSable River and a 2,000-foot cliff. The twisty mountain road continues past Whiteface Mountain, displaying a spectacular natural skyline. Heading north from Keesville, ride along the shores of Lake Champlain and take in the surrounding Adirondack vistas. From Plattsburgh, the mountains meet the river as the road winds through the Alder Brook Mountains along the Saranac River back to Lake Placid. The road heads west on the second day for a stop at Iron Block Harley-Davidson in Adams Center. Through the course of this 320-mile ride the road travels over four different scenic byways: the Adirondack Trail, the Central Adirondack Trail, the Black River Trail and the Olympic Trail, with landscapes as varied as the motorcycles traversing them. Historic, picturesque small towns along the route will entice riders to dismount and explore. Past Lake Champlain and beneath the Adirondack Mountains, the Lakes to Locks Passage waits to sweep participants south to Fort Ann and McDermott’s Harley-Davidson. With steep granite outcroppings flanking fjord-like rivers, this land feels more like Norway than New York. Trace the AuSable Chasm through Elizabethtown and Port Henry before rejoining the Adirondack Trail in Glens Falls. The Adirondack Trail heads north to Blue Mountain Lake where the Adirondack Museum offers the opportunity to learn about the history of the area. Head back to Lake Placid via Tupper Lake and the Adirondack Trail, a gentle, winding road through the mountains. Registration is open to all H.O.G. members beginning April 18. Event capacity is limited to 600 people. Cost is $175 plus $7 shipping and handling per person. To register for the H.O.G. Adirondack Rendezvous, members can visit LA CALENDAR MOTORCYCLE SHOW UPDATE–16th Annual 2007 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend July 14-15thNew! S&S Cycle World Record Dyno Horsepower Shootout and Engine Performance Seminars, This year S&S Cycle begins its sponsorship and production of the Calendar Motorcycle Show’s exclusive World Championship Horsepower Dyno Shootout, making this a perfect partnership to showcase the S&S Cycle performance image. Along with running the S&S Cycle World Championship Horsepower Dyno Shootout exclusively with a Super Flow Dyno, S&S Cycle president Brett Smith will be be on hand with his staff and a product display to answer attendee’s engine and performance questions. S&S Cycle will also be conducting V-Twin Performance Tuning Seminars both days at the Show in the Calendar Bike Builder Midway hosted by S&W President Brett Smith, marketing director Timm Fields and engineer Michael Read. If you want to improve the performance of your stock Harley or find out more about the hot new S&S ARB legal X-Wedge Engine this is your chance! Check the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show website for Calendar Bike Builder Seminar times. . BUDWEISER SIGNS ON AS 2007 PRESENTING SPONSOR OF KIDS & CHROME BENEFIT–Sturgis, S.D. (April, 2007) – Children’s Home Society and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame are excited to announce that Anheuser-Busch’s Budweiser brand has signed on as the presenting sponsor of the third annual Kids & Chrome benefit, also sponsored by This is the second consecutive year that Budweiser has lent it support to this remarkable event. Established to help children’s charities in the Black Hills, and preserve the history of motorcycling in Sturgis, this year’s Kids & Chrome fundraising event will take place during the 2007 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally on Aug. 8, at the Black Hills Convention Center near Sturgis in Spearfish, S.D. Tickets cost $177.50 and can be ordered by calling 605.490.3033. “Budweiser is honored to support this years Kids & Chrome benefit,” said Tony Jones, senior director of community outreach for Anheuser-Busch, Inc. “These are incredible children who have who have already survived so much adversity. Giving them hope through the stability of a wholesome family life is a worthy goal that we should all work diligently to achieve.” Participants will enjoy Budweiser beer, cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and a four-star dinner as they bid on a wide variety of silent auction items including high-end motorcycle components, vacation packages, one-of-a-kind autographed pieces and more. Performance Machines Ted Sands will wow the crowd one more time as the event emcee, and South Dakota Lt. Governor Dennis Daugaard will also be on hand to officially welcome the distinguished guests. Anheuser-Busch has a long history of reaching out to the communities in which they do business. Over the past decade, the company and its charitable foundation have donated more than $360 million to charitable organizations across the country, including those that support education, health care, the arts, cultural enrichment, social services and environmental conservation. “We are so pleased that Budweiser has generously signed on as the event’s presenting sponsor this year and continue to look forward to a long and mutually rewarding relationship with Anheuser-Busch,” said Pepper Massey, Kids & Chrome board member and Sturgis Motorcycle Museum director. “With the help of our 2007 sponsors we anticipate another successful year, enabling us to help some truly amazing kids have a better life, and offer an exciting educational experience to people interested in learning more about the history of motorcycles.” This year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which takes place Aug. 6 through 12, enters its 67th year as the premier motorcycling event in the country.For more information, visit –Pepper S. Massey BIKERNET READER’S LOSS–Last night one of my best friends, Lane O’Donoghue, lost his Dad, Tim, incircumstances that I cannot understand? The attached pic is one of fond memories from 1990 when I had just completedthe 1990 Melbourne Marathon (right) and then got on the piss with Tim and Lane. Bye Tim! –Ramon BONNEVILLE ASSALT WEAPAN SUGGESTIONS FROM READER– Bandit, I’ve been reading about your LSR bike and I remember something from back in the 90’s that BMW did for a prototype bike. They had a fully enclosed clamshell design though, But they were saying there was 1/5 the drag on the bike compared to just bike and rider. That’s why the small cc bike can get to such high speeds. As for as ground effects, I think you would have to get a lot of surface area very close to the ground, or force the air to be at a lower pressure like Ferrari uses to suck their cars to the ground with some kind of ducting. Just my own thoughts, hope it helps. –Clint
? Name
? Telephone number
? Picture of you and your tattoo
? Year and model of motorcycle
Executive Director, Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame
999 Main Street, Sturgis, SD 57785
fax 605.720.0632
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