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THE LATEST FROM KUSTOM FAB IN HAWAII– Aloha, We just finished up one of our projects, and are already deep into another I think you will really enjoy. I will be sending you some photos soon?

With the constant changing motorcycle market, it is apparent that you have to be creative with your builds. What was Cool a couple years ago is out this year. The High End Customer is replaced with the more Budget strapped customer. This shop version of a Rat Bike, is called the Bar Hoppa. It is an easy riding, easy maintaining Hot Rod looking bike. The majority of this bike was assembled from used parts provided by Roger & myself. What better way to clean out the inventory, and get some fabrication done at the same time?

SPRING FLOOD RUN FLOODED OUT– As expected we were rained out this past Saturday for the Flood Run (imagine that), however we did have a few who just couldn’t resist the offering of Free Coffee & Donuts so it was nice to have some of you show up in your cages on Saturday morning.
In honor of James Simonelli – the healthiest guy I know – we may set up Fruit and Yogurt cups for the Fall Flood Run. I hate to see him suffer while everyone else is stuffing their faces with jelly filled death bombs. James, along with Scotty Merritt were the only two bad boyz that had stones enough to ride their bikes over for the gathering.
Thanks to NewsChannel 19 for thinking of coming by to cover what ended up being a non-event. Maybe Dan Breeden can coax the weather Gods to bring us better weather on the 3rd Saturday in Sept. when the Fall Flood run comes around! We’ll keep you posted.
Being the weather was so un-cooperative we’re going to keep the new T-Shirts at Flood Run pricing ($16 for Large & XL – $17.50 XXL) + Shipping for you out-of-towners, thru May 3rd so grab it up before they go up a few bucks!
Peace everyone!
–Doug Wozney
DOUGZ Custom Paint & Fabrication LLC
2323 Palace St. La Crosse, Wi. 54603
(608) 783-3684 /

At Brass Balls Bobbers we have something special for you, free wallpaper of Megan. To get one of our tasty pics to grace your computer then click here to download the good stuff. But Wait, There’s More
How about a FREE Brass Balls Bobber? No purchase necessary… We have all the details right here. Just exercise your mouse finger. Can’t Take it Anymore, Need a Bobber Now!
To have a custom Bobber or Chopper built for your business or personal ride, call Team Brass Balls Bobbers & Choppers at 405.285.0808.

ORANGE COUNTY NAME CHANGE–Since we are actually adding to, and not chopping from, the motorcycles we fabricate and assemble, we have made a decision to change our name to Orange County Adders, or “OCA”.
It is our sincere wish that this does not confuse the many fine corporate clients as well as the numerous private individuals who previously purchased motorcycles from us, possibly under the impression that these bikes were actually choppers, which, in the purest sense of the moniker, they were decidedly not.
After having conducted a long, and at times, rather intense internal debated on the subject matter, we finally arrived at a proper conclusion and decision regarding a name change which we feel to be more in line with our endeavors, and one which is more accurately representative of our company. We further reasoned that it would be the only honorable path to take towards reconciliation with an industry often hostile towards our efforts; an industry which we continue to hold very dear — and one which we do not wish to injure in any way.
We feel that it is of utmost importance, indeed crucial, to make clear the distinction between a custom motorcycle (which is what we produce) and an actual “chopper” or “bobber”, as the difference should be fully understood and disclosed.
As such, we wish to hereby unequivocally state that, we do not, except for on the rarest of occasions, build either “choppers” nor “bobbers”, and so, this clarification accompanied by our new name, will hopefully help guide the un-initiated prospective buyer in the right direction, as well as appease the many veteran and – true chopper and/or bobber – builders throughout our industry.
Going forward, we are very exited about the prospects of creating yet many more colorful and outrageous theme-bikes under this new and far more accurate company name and acronym.
–Paul Teutul Sr.
OCA (formerly OCC)

NEW ARTIST APPROACHES BIKERNET–Stephen’s photography caught my eye this weekend and per his response to my comments, he mentioned your name and having been a photographer under your editing.
I am a painter as you may see here in my slideshow

Here are my two latest works dealing with the biker theme I am currently excited about, soon to be professionally shot. Motorcycle Heaven is a local girl named Rachel, sitting on a new Harley near here. The other is one I took of a trike in Marble Falls, the dude who was walking by is now better dressed but otherwise the same.
Lorin Friesen
357 Crest Circle Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666

NEW BELT BUCKLES AVAILABLE– We got some new style BELTS and BUCKLES and you can see all of them at
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to inform us.
We will be more than happy to assist you.

The Legend Top 50 Custom Bike Show expands to Include a Women’s Division!–* Top 50 Rally Park, Independent Cycle Inc., and Legend Air-Suspensionpresent the 5th annual Legend Top 50 Custom Bike Show.
* The Legend Top 50 Custom Bike Show has hosted thousands of the world?sfinest builders as competitors. Those who place among the top of theirdivision are recognized on this world stage, receiving over $50,000 in cashand prizes, international media opportunities and most importantly, theright to be recognized as one of the industry?s best.
* With years of heated competition in Lowlife/Hardlife, Open/Custom, and OldSchool divisions, the Legend Top 50 Custom Bike Show expanded in 2007, toinclude Modified Harley Davidson Baggers, Modified Harley Davidson Softails,Metric Cruisers and Metric Sport Bike divisions.
* The 2008 show will expand once again, this time to include a divisionspecifically for world-class women builders!
* In addition to the INCREDIBLE one-off custom motorcycles on display, Top50 Rally Park fea?tures a full day of entertainment including music,give-a-ways, stunt riders including ?Superbikes? Jason Britton and the NoLimit Extreme Stunt Team, daily Icon leathers product show featuring theSuicide Girls, and hotrods and roadsters that will take you back to an eraof lucky strikes and pin-up girls.
Thursday, August 7th at the Top 50 Rally Park located between Sturgis andRapid City I-90, exit 46.
* 7-10am On-site registration
* 10am to 4pm Public viewing
* 5pm Awards
* Pre-Register online now at
–Tyna Bower
Top 50 Rally Park
Legend Air Suspension
o: 605-737-4200
f: 605-737-4207

SOUTH BAY BIKER PRODUCTIONS SHASTA SALUTE TO AMERICA MOTORCYCLE RALLY–Great News! South Bay Biker Productions has moved the Shasta Salute to America Motorcycle Rally just a tad over an hour away from the original venue to a new venue – the Tulelake Butte Valley Fairgrounds, 800 S. Main St., Tulelake, CA 96134. The dates are exactly the same – 8:00am Thursday, Aug 28th through 11:00am Monday, Sept 1st! The official announcement has been published on our website along with ticket, vendor & sponsorship sign-up information.
Our bands are 100% on board, the AVTT is still coming, along with “biker bull ‘bustin” & ‘ol school biker games (officiated by “Boogieman”). The Rally is now just 90 minutes away from Crater Lake – the riding is unbelievable! We’ll also have more RV spaces & more grassy areas for tent ‘campin.
Most important, we have assurances that bikers are welcome. So come on & enjoy your freedom at what is still destined to become the greatest motorcycle rally in the Western USA.

JIMS BIKERNET TOOL OF THE WEEK, TWIN CAM INNER CAM BEARING INSTALLER–This tool will install the two inner cam needle bearings on Twin Cam 88˙. Itperfectly aligns to the shaft bores for a precision press fit.
No.1278 -Use on all Twin Cam 88˙, 1999-06 FL, 1999-05 FXD, and 2000-06FXST.
Suggested Retail Price: $ 127.30

This multi-function tool will remove and replace front and rear camshaftsand the ball bearings in the new Twin Cam 88˙. It provides the precisionalignment of the camshaft to ensure a smooth press in and out of the supportplate.
No.1277 – Use on all Twin Cam 88˙ 1999 to early 2000 to remove and installcams and bearings. Use on Late 2000-06 FXST, FL and Late 2000 -05 FXD, toremove and install cams only.
Suggested Retail Price: $ 144.15
–JT Lepien

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