Continued From Page 1

TREASURE CHEST OF AMERICAN IRON HORSE FASTENERS DISCOVERED– My name is Harlan Hill and I work for a company called Lightning Components. We are a small distributor of all types of fasteners and hardware kits. At one point and time we supplied a company call American Ironhorse with chrome plated fasteners until the company went under. That left us with a huge surplus of parts from socket cap screws to washers.
The parts are worth over $50,000 and we are looking to pass the savings on to you. Attached is a list of all the parts and quantities we have in stock along with the average cost of the parts. We are looking for someone to buy the stock as a whole and not piece by piece.
If this sounds like something your company is interested in please let me know. Payment terms can be worked out if you are interested in making the purchase. This is a great opportunity to stock up on parts you need and save a great deal of money!
–Harlan Hill
Account Manager
Lightning Components Corp.
601 Westport Pkwy
Suite 100
Grapevine, TX 76051
PH. (817) 442-8990
FAX (817) 410-9590

IF YOU DON’T NEED FASTENERS, HOW ABOUT PASTIES–My name is Vicci and I am with, we are the largest online pastie store. You have an amazing site and we are looking for sites like yours to sell our signature line of pasties. They are a very high quality patch style pastie with lots of color!!
Pasties are becoming very popular. They would be great to sell in your store or at any rally. We are seeing that they are really going up scale and main stream. We drop ship, so don’t worry about inventory.
I have attached our product sheet, if you would like more information just let me know and I can send out a sample package! We feel this would be a great addition to your company!
–Vicci Sales Representative

FEMA’S 20th Anniversary– In 2008, FEMA celebrates 20 years of active representation in Brussels, promoting and defending motorcycling in Europe: A look at the past to better face new challenges.
FEMA is Europe’s motorcycle rights group. They are very well organized. Below is a portion of their study regarding motorcycle periodic inspections:
FEMA?s Position:
The need for a motorcycle to be in good condition and to comply with relevant technical regulations, so that it can be safely used on public roads, is not questioned. However, the need of adopting an EU harmonised inspection policy for motorcycles remains disputed. The Federation of European Motorcyclists? Associations (FEMA) believes that the decision to implement periodical inspections for motorcycles should remain at national level to adapt to the specific needs of the different fleets.
FEMA strongly underlines that:
? There is no link between the technical condition of vehicles and accidents: technical failure is the primary cause of motorcycle accidents in only 0.7% of all cases. Periodical inspections would not produce additional safety benefits
? It is in the interests of the motorcyclist to reduce any possible risk of accident and hence to care for the good maintenance of his vehicle
? Motorcycles travel less kilometres in their life cycle than cars or let alone Heavy Good Vehicles (HGVs), and mainly in weather conditions that are much less damaging to their technical condition
The limited amount of emissions produced by motorcycles compared to other motorised road users does not justify the inclusion of Powered Two-Wheelers (PTWs) in the Roadworthiness Directive.
? Methods to control emissions and fight against pollution already exist: Motorcycles have been subject to EU emissions limits since 1999 and now comply with the Euro 3 standards
? Motorcycles have major advantages compared to other motorised road transport means, especially on climate change, with less emission of greenhouse gas and lower fuel consumption. They should be regarded as a solution to several environmental issues faced by EU Member States, and not as a problem
Technical inspection is not the right solution to tackle the noise issue
? There is no evidence to show that customised vehicles are less safe than their standard counterparts. Many modifications are actually aimed at making the machine safer (brakes, lights, tyres, etc.)
? The differences between Powered Two-Wheelers and other vehicles would require specific testing methods and costly investments. These costs would affect both the motorcyclists and taxpayers.
The implementation of periodical inspections of motorcycles would only achieve marginal benefits, while the economic burden created would by far outweigh the positive aspects. FEMA hence rejects any proposal to harmonise periodical inspection in Europe.
The Bikernet staff will consider publishing the FEMA full report next week. They have some very interesting date and perspectives regarding testing and environmental issues.

CHRIS CARR SIGNS WITH D&D PERFORMANCE ENTERPRISES– D&D Sponsors Chris Carr Racing in 2009 – Being a 7-Time AMA Pro Grand National Champion with 78 wins in the series can bring a lot of pressure to a rider. And starting the season with a new racebike and a new manufacturer can ratchet that pressure up further.
In 2009 Carr begins his singles program with a new high-performance 450cc Honda. D&D Performance Enterprises stepped in with sponsorship by building a series of special race-tuned exhaust systems for his motorbikes.

These pipes are designed to modify torque and horsepower at different parts of the powerband. That allows Kenny Tolbert, Crew Chief, to custom fit the racebike to the track conditions.
And that eases the pressure of Carr thinking about his racebike performance on more on his competitors.
For more on Chris Carr or D&D Performance Exhausts, pin the throttle on your mouse to”> >

CONCERT @ BRASS BALLS BOBBERS ? YOU ARE INVITED–Concert @ Brass Balls Bobbers – Jasmine Cain and her band belts out the Rock n? Roll on May 11, 2009 at Brass Balls Bobbers? World HQ Jasmine was raised on country music, tapped into bluegrass, had a love affair with the blues and R & B, and then discovered the power of rock?. She has a sound that is very unique.
Mark Your Calendar – May 11
But wait, there?s more? Custom backyard choppers from the Smoke Out jockeys, world?s largest burnout, good times and great people. It?s on a Monday night and it will rock! So leather up and ride!

BIKER’S CHOICE S&S? CARB, CAM AND PUSHROD HOT SET UPS FOR 88? AND 95? TWIN CAM ENGINES– Carb, cam and pushrod Hot Set Ups are the most economical and are the easiest to install. Intended for 88? and 95? engines with stock cylinder heads and valve springs.
Kits contain a Super E carburetor kit and S&S? pushrod kit. Available with 510C chain drive camshaft kit or 510G gear drive camshaft kit.
Pistons and valve springs are NOT included.
Includes S&S? high performance tappets.
For more information on this and other Hot Set Up?s, visit, or contact your local Biker?s Choice? Dealer.
–Happy Riding!!

Supreme Court Upholds 4th Amendment in Arizona v. Gant–
For many years, the Supreme Court has permitted police to search the passenger compartment of a vehicle any time an occupant of the car is arrested. These so-called “searches incident to arrest” were authorized in New York v. Belton (1981) based in large part on concerns about officer safety, namely that the suspect might dive for a weapon hidden in the car. As a result, police have grown accustomed to searching vehicles for “safety reasons” even after the suspect has been taken into custody. This doesn’t protect officers, but it certainly encourages police to make more arrests so they can do more searches.
Well, that’s finally going to change. The Supreme Court ruled today in Arizona v. Gant that vehicle searches following an arrest are legal only if the suspect has access to the vehicle or if officers reasonably believe the vehicle contains evidence related to that arrest. In other words, police are now required to have an actual reason to justify the vehicle search, instead of being allowed to do it automatically. This decision restores some much needed logic and common sense to the way many warrantless vehicle searches are analyzed under the 4th Amendment.
We’ve long been concerned about the ability of police to use arrests for minor crimes as a way of overriding a citizen’s refusal of consent. Since many states (and Supreme court precedent) allow officers to perform a full arrest for certain traffic offenses, we’ve often worried that police could sometimes strong-arm their way into a vehicle by arresting the driver for a traffic violation instead of just writing a ticket. Today’s ruling in Gant, however, creates an obstacle to these types of “pretext arrests,” because traffic violations are observed infractions for which relevant evidence will not be contained in the vehicle. In that sense, the ruling will likely result in some extra protection for citizens who exercise 4th Amendment rights during a traffic stop.
Beyond the basic legal issues at hand, the case has additional symbolic significance because it truly affects every officer on the street. Every cop is trained to search vehicles automatically after making an arrest, and now every officer will have to learn a new, more nuanced, policy on car searches that is designed to protect individual rights. With today’s ruling, the Supreme Court sends an important message to law enforcement that the 4th Amendment still means something in America.
By scottmorgan
–from Rogue

TREE RETURNS AFTER THREE DECADES–Back in the early ’70s we featured Tree’s chopper in Easyriders. He was a giant black rider from the toughest part of LA. We featured two of his bikes, but the reader never saw a photo of the rider.
As it turns out I recently ran into one of the guys who built bikes for Tree. We’re about to feature one of Ross Suderno bikes on Bikernet in the near future.
“These were taken in and around my two car garage at my condo in Port Hueneme,” said Ross. “Howard (Tree) drove up from LA almost every weekend for the build. He fell in love with my Bandit’s day roll, so I had to buy another one.”

Bikers Inner Circle posts story on Gary Wetzel: is looking for vintage biker films–Our friends at Bikers Inner Circle are looking for vintage footage of old school style bikes and bikers. Word has it they have been approached by the History Channel. Anything Charlie does along these lines will be good for bikers. He?s one of us and tells our story through history and his songs. Below is the clip he sent out looking for old films. Also, on his Bikers Inner Circle web site, he has a great story about Gary Wetzel, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient. I?ve known Gary for many years, and knew a little about what he endured in Vietnam, but never the whole story. I found this information on the website for The Bunker, in Waterford, Wisconsin. Charlie put it up and the link is below. Check it out.
Bikers Inner Circle is looking for vintage biker film! If you have any we are interested in seeing it. Contact us to arrange shipping. Please ask around, this is very important to us!Thanks again for being part of the

TEXAS DRAGSTRIP CAMPOUT–Texas Scooter Times will host an All Bike Dragstrip Campout Saturday April 25th at Little River Dragway. Nestled along the banks of the Little River 9 miles south of Temple Texas, Little River Dragway is perfectly suited for motorcycle racers & bike enthusiasts of all types to enjoy drag racin? AND partyin? at IT?S BEST..
The gate at the tree shaded, fresh resurfaced last Winter, track will open at 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon and Racer Registration will start at 4 p.m. Bikes will start making Time Trials at 5 p.m. with Eliminations beginning at 8 p.m.
All 30 plus Texas Scooter Times Sportsman Trophy Classes will be contested along with a Harley Trophy E.T. Bracket and an Import Trophy E.T. Bracket. 2 Money E.T.
Bracket Races for any type of bike will be run (0-6.49, 6.50 & Up) and a $200 Bounty for Low E.T. of the Race will be paid.
Entry Fees for all Trophy Classes are $20 and Entrys for the Money E.T. Brackets are $40, with $30 of that (along with a bump from Texas Scooter Times) going directly back to the purse.
Racers are allowed and encouraged to run multiple classes and delay box equipped bikes will be run together in each class as long as possible. Pro Category Race Bikes wishing to run Time Trials for the $200 Low E.T. Bounty will not be charged a race fee.
Gravelwhip, one of Central Texas Hottest Rock Bands will fire up after all the Eleminatin? has been done on the dragstrip and folks settle for an evening of Bench Racin? & Kickin? Back. The World’s FIRST Lady Godiva Contest will fire up about Midnight when motorcycles cruize the track with Lady Passengers, each trying to entice members of the crowd out of their votes.
Don?t Miss It – Come Race – Party, Kick Back & Stay Awhile. Only $20 Adult Admission with Free Camping Allowed & Encouraged. Because of the support of the Dragstrip Campout given by Killeen’s brand new biker bar, Joker’s Ice house, there are no additional fees charged for motorhome & travel trailer parking or vendor booth space.
Saturday April 25 – Little River Dragway. For More Information Pull Up – “http://WWW.TEXASSCOOTER.COM/”

ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLE CLUB OF AMERICA HEADED TO OLEY, PENNYSLVANIA THIS WEEKEND–So many times, I’m asked how we come across these rare machines and projects, and how we know what we’re looking for. And the best answer I can give, is to make your way to any of the major Antique Motorcycle Club of America Swapmeets held each year.
With the swapmeet season starting in late February and early March, thousands of antique motorcycle enthusiasts make their way to Eustis, Florida for the first big AMCA event of the season. Held during the weekend before Daytona Bike Week, the Eustis Swapmeet brings together a great cross-section of entusiasts of both new and old, each looking for the right parts and piles to get them started for the new year. This year at Eustis, we found some incredible pieces for projects at the museum, many of which are well underway.

But don’t worry, just because the first big meet is in the books, you haven’t missed your chance at finding the right parts for your project. The season’s second meet is fastly approaching, and if you ask any old bike buff, this is the one to hit. Held in Oley, Pennsylvania, the AMCA Oley Swapmeet is one of the longest running and most well put together swapmeets in the country. Put on by the Perkiomen Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America, this swapmeet brings out some of the best classic American iron on the planet. This year’s theme is flathead Harleys, which is sure to attract some great ones.
What makes Oley so special? Well, if you asked a 100 people, you might get 100 different answers. One reason why I like Oley so much is that, geographically, it is and has been a sort of centerpoint for the motorcycle industry. Dating back to the earliest days of American motorcycling, countless motorcycle manufacturers were located in the North Eastern United States. Brands such as Indian, Flying Merkel, Reading Standard, and Pope (to name a few) have based their headquarters and production facilities in this historically rich region, and as you can imagine, held a dominant market position before eventually falling behind the more powerful, larger companies.
During the early days, these manufacturers thrived on a more local and regional customer base, loyal to their machines. But as time went by, the smaller companies’ shortcomings limited their lasting impact and brand loyalty, and soon they would become just another chapter in motorcycle history. Or would they?

RIVER RUN CHARDONNAY–Our first release of our River Run Chardonnaycomes from Mendocino County. This light, crispChard in fermented in Stainless Steel and is un-oaked.The result is a clean, crisp, fruit-forward wine that will pair well with any of your favorite foods. Best when served well chilled and shared with great friends.
Laughlin River Run, Laughlin, Nevada. A trip to Laughlin wouldn’t be complete without riding out to the Avi Casino & Hotel to sample some V-Twin Zin!

SUPPORT THE TROOPS, MAKE a $10 DONATION, GET A CHANCE FOR A $30,000 BOBBER– The Troops Raffle – Dar Holdsworth, Brass Balls Bobbers? BossMan, has something special for all the motorcycle enthusiasts? A chance to win a $30,000 custom Brass Balls Bobbers? sled for just $10. here to get your raffle ticket.
It is the least expensive way to put a custom motorcycle in your garage.
The Intrepid Fallen Heros Fund
Brass Balls is raffling off the Military Bobber with the proceeds going to the Intrepid Fallen Heros Fund. This fund is helping the returning veterans that have sustained head injuries. It is a way for you to support the troops and feel good at the same time.
Need not be present to win. Bobber will be given away at Daytona, Biketoberfest.

RENEGADE ?SAVANNAH?Kenji Nagai, one of the great V-Twin bike builders in Japan, and Renegade?s in house design team joined forces in developing the new Renegade Savannah.
This latest creation is available as a rugged and durable one piece wheel and can be ordered in diameters 16? to 23? and widths from 2.15? up to a massive 14? for the new 360 tires. All are available in Renegade?s flawless finishes including Chrome, Black Ebony and Black Powder Coat.
And get this, prices have actually dropped substantially and now start at just $1150.00 for specific one-piece chrome styles. For complete details call Renegade direct at 714-998-7241 and be sure to visit their awesome site at

EVIL SPIRIT LIGHTS OF THE WEEK–Michael Barragan of Evil Spirit Engineering is now producing some fine off parts for your build. This tail lamp is made out of billet aluminum with a LED bulb and a red lens.The tail lamp is available in brass also. Cost to you is $180.00 each. For more information on this tail lamp and to see all of Michael products, please go to

CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVISITED JOINS STELLER CHIP LINE-UP–BUFFALO CHIP CAMPGROUND, S.D. ? Creedence Clearwater Revisited will join George Thorogood and the Destoryers in a double-headline show at the Legendary Buffalo Chip Campground, Sunday, Aug. 2 during the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.Stu Cook and Doug “Cosmo” Clifford have ?revived? the amazing music of Creedence Clearwater Revival. Cook and Clifford are the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame rhythm section (bass and drums respectively) from the legendary group. And their live performances provide enthusiastic audiences with the rare opportunity to experience first hand, rock and roll greatness.
Few groups in rock history can lay claim to five bona fide hits. Cook and Clifford have had 22, including:”Porterville,” ?I Heard It Through the Grapevine,? ?Susie Q,? ?Sweet Hitch-Hiker,? ?Up Around the Bend,? ?Fortunate Sone,? and of course, ?Proud Mary.?
?What a night this one will be,? said Rod Woodruff, campground owner. ?Creedence Clearwater Revisited and George Thorogood and the Destroyers in one night. How do you define ?party? any better than that? This will be one of those nights at the Chip that people will talk about for years. We want our campers to have the times of their lives at the Buffalo Chip. These guys will help them do that.?

MOTORCYCLE CLUB CARD FOR ENGLISH RIDERS, NOW AVAILABLE–Motorcycle Club Card (or MCC UK for short) is a brand new card just beinglaunched this week. It is a 3 in one card for bikers for club, discounts andsafety.
First the card is a club membership card (if you are for example, part of anMCC) with your club name and logo on the front.
Next the card is a loyalty discount card. We contact all the major (and somesmaller) companies all the time throughout the UK and Europe and ask them tobe part of the MCC UK scheme. They then offer all card holders discounts ofup to 25% off real products (not just things that no one buys).
Last but not least, the card’s most important feature is the emergency card.The card has limited space so all your important information is printed onthe reverse such as 2 emergency names and numbers, medical history andallergies. This information can be vital to the emergency services if theworst should happen.
On top of this, each card has a unique ID number which can be used bydiscounters to make sure the card is genuine and also by the emergencyservices for additional information such as your doctors name and address,blood group and further emergency contact numbers. All information isvoluntary and all kept on a secure network. The card has been given thethumbs up by the Air Ambulance Authority and they said the MCC UK could playa vital part in saving a bikers life.
The price of the card is just ?12 and if you purchase through your bikeclub/group we will be donating ?2 from each card sale directly to the bikerscharity of choice, the Air Ambulance Authority.
More information can be found on our website at www.motorcycleclubcard.comincluding some of the discounters, example of the card layout and theapplication to purchase a card. You can also email us for furtherinformation or if you have any questions, or if you would like to be part ofthe loyalty discount scheme at
We would like to thank Motorbike Search Engine( for their support with the MotorcycleClub Card as one of our main sponsors.

LOOKIN? BACK with LICK?S HARD CORE MINI MIRRORS– Need a mirror but don’t really want one? No problem. Lick?s Cycles is now offering these very cool, bare bones mini mirrors that keep you covered without cluttering up your scooter. Measuring just 3? in diameter the mirrors are reminiscent of those found on early hard core choppers. Easily fit to stock lever mirror mount provisions, they are fully adjustable, both side to side and up and down.
Lick?s Hard Core Mini Mirrors are offered in chrome or black and priced right at just $19.99. So, if you?ve gotta have a mirror but hate stock and don?t want to spend a lot of dough, these are definitely the hot ticket. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BILLET BARGES.
For complete details call 413-663-9050 or visit Lick?s on line at

BIKERNET AMCA MEMBERSHIP DRIVE ESSAY CONTEST FOR VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE– The part for this weeks update was donated by my dad and I. It is a stainless steel handlebar lock plate. The piece in the pic is our first sample/ prototype. It is a perfect reproduction and will work well on the giveaway bike.
— Matt Olsen

WIND ‘EM UP–Damn, I’m pumped like a kid with his first motorcycle. I like getting up at the crack of dawn and escaping Los Angeles, as if we were prisoners running from the stockade. LA is like a no-man’s land during rush hour. We’ve got to slip outta sight and roll into Palm Springs before the gates are lined with compact driving, SUV wielding commuters.
Then we’re going to hook up with the notorious Chop and Grind Racing Gangsters in 12 Palms, California, on the edge of the Mojave for Breakfast. At least that’s what Bob T. told me. I’m always suspicious. There’s a lot of shallow graves in the sands beyond the city.
Next week we’ll bring you a report on the ride to Laughlin. We have a couple of killer bike features and Fatbob’s roller starting system tech. I know there’s more, but I gotta pack for the windy road to the Nevada border.
Ride Forever,
P.S. This just in. Dar, from Brass Balls Bobbers just announced that all of his bikes will be equipped with Baker transmissions, from this day forward (see photo of Brass Balls Bobber above). He’s made a concentrated effort to build top notch, American Made scooters. His entire drivelines are American made with D&D exhaust. His frames are hand made in America out of drag racing tubing. He’s running Fab Kevin and Crime Scene lights, Biltwell seat pans and Crazy Horse Engines. Not bad and his Model 1 bobber runs just $15,900. Hang on for more reports in the near future.