Continued From Page 2


NAPLES MAN ACCUSED OF MOTORCYCLE SCAM–A Naples business man is accused of selling motorcycles for classified advertising customers without paying them the money, the state attorney’s office announced today.
Christopher Copp Connolly, 5710 S.W. 10th Ave., operated Florida Custom Cycle at 3384 Mercantile Ave. in Naples. Victims in the fraud scheme placed motorcycles for sale in the classified section of a local newspaper.
They were contacted by Connolly and were told Florida Custom Cycle could sell them for top dollar, and many bike owners entered into consignment agreements with the business. The motorcycles were then sold, but the owners were not paid, prosecutors said.
In addition, some of the purchasers were never given a title and cannot register the motorcycles. The losses topped $145,000.
Copp was charged Tuesday with one count of organized fraud and five counts of communication fraud, authorities said. He is being held at Collier County Jail today.
The state attorney’s office economic crimes unit conducted the investigation.
–from Rogue

SHADOWLAND THEATRE PRESENTS THE WORLD PREMIERE OF “THE INDIAN LARRY MEMORIAL FIELD TRIBUTE”–Twenty months to the day after motorcycle legend Indian Larry died in August 2004 from injuries he sustained falling off a moving motorcycle at the Liquid Steel Classic and Custom Bike Series in North Carolina, Shadowland Theatre in Ellenville, NY, only 40 miles from the sleepy Hudson River town where Indian Larry Desmelt was born, will present the world premiere of “The Indian Larry Memorial Field Tribute”, a documentary by filmmaker Gary Planken and artist, illustrator and internationally-acclaimed field cutter Roger Baker, on Sunday, April 30, 2006 at 1:00pm.
What began as Roger Baker’s personal search for a tribute theme for his annual field cutting in upstate New York, focused initially on jazz legend John Coltrane, quickly evolved into a deeply felt emotional journey from the Catskill Mountain countryside to downtown New York City, Indian Larry’s home and Gasoline Alley, the custom motorcycle shop he founded.
Filmed in director Gary Planken’s up-close-and-personal style, the 85-minute documentary moves from initial meetings with Indian Larry’s widow, Bambi, and his mother, sister and close friends and colleagues over a six-month period, to the intricate process of creating the design and preparing the half-million square-foot field for cutting, as well as the emotional flyover for family and friends in open-cockpit biplanes to view the field tribute on the anniversary of Indian Larry’s death.
“I am not unique in believing this but Larry was arguably one of the greatest innovators in the world of custom motorcycles,” said Baker. “The 2005 field cutting turned into our personal tribute to Larry for the world to experience. The documentary itself is for his family, all his many friends and the legion of fans throughout the world. That we are holding this premiere only a couple of miles from the field where we lovingly immortalized Larry is simply an added personal joy.”
According to Brendan Burke, producing artistic director at Shadowland, “Roger and Gary are extending an invitation to Larry’s fans to drive their motorcycles, cars or trucks that Larry would appreciate to the premiere and as a gesture to Larry parking in front of the theatre up and down Canal Street.”
The premiere screening at 1:00 pm is being held as a benefit for Shadowland Theatre, located at 157 Canal Street in downtown Ellenville, NY. Signed copies of the DVD by Baker and Planken as well as still photos drawn from the event will be available for sale in the lobby. “Additional screenings will be offered at 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm based on demand,” said Burke. “We are honored that Roger, Gary and Under the Sun Films selected Shadowland to host their world premiere.”
Admission is $10.00. Ticket reservations can be made by contacting the Shadowland box office at 845-647-5511 or

SOMETHING FOR THE OLD FARTS–Grandpa and Grandma were visiting their married son overnight when Grandpa found a bottle of Viagra in his son’s medicine cabinet.
He asked his son about using one of the pills and the son said “I don’t think you should take one. They’re very strong and very expensive.”
“How much?” asked Grandpa.
“$10.00 a pill,” he answered.
“I don’t care,” said Grandpa, “I’d like to try one, and I’ll leave the money under your pillow as soon as I break this $50.00 bill.”
The next morning the son found $110.00 under his pillow.
He said to Grandpa, “I told you each pill was $10.00, not $110.00.”
“I know.” said Grandpa. “The hundred is from your mom.”
–from Art Friedman

SPECIAL HOG WILD REPORT FROM BEAUMONT TEXAS– Coming out of Florida I travel Interstate 10 on a regular basis. Over the years I have found many places I like to stop, sometimes it to eat, to stay a night or occasionally to stop and party with friends.
I was recently in Beaumont Texas covering the Cowboys On The Coast Rally, I knew many of the people working the event including Sonny Keeton, who owns Custom Motorcycles By Sonny in that city. He had a display set up at the rally. When the event was over myself, Charlie Brechtel, his band, Sonny and his crew all decided to visit the Hog Wild Bar.
I like stopping at the Hog Wild bar and restaurant on Crocket Street. It is in an older section of downtown that has been remodeled with a brick road that is only open to motorcycles and pedestrians.
The bar was having a Crawfish Boil that day and by the time we got there many of the local bikers were already present.

After some eating and drinking, Charlie and the band set up and also had some of the locals join them. We all had a great time and Art Hanson the owner said if you are ever in the area to stop in and he will try to make your stay as much fun as ours. Hey you ought to take him up on his offer if you get the chance.

BCCOM ROCKING EVEN FOR NEXT YEAR– Try this web site out. We, BCCOM & The WestCoast, Custom Motorcycle Show are putting this custom endeavor on again in 2007. I would like to invite anyone who has a bike to show, come on up to British Columbia. //
On the site now are a bunch of Pics. from last [this] yrs. Show. If you need names and phone #,s I will be happy to track them down
–Dave Clancy
BCCOM Rep. for The West Kootneys

BIKERNET SEXUAL MANNERS LESSON– A man was in a long line at the supermarket. As he got to the registerhe realized he had forgotten to get condoms, so he asked the checkoutgirl if she could have some brought up to the register.
She asked, “What size condoms?”
The customer replied that he didn’t know. She asked him todrop his pants. He did. She reached over the counter, grabbed hold ofhim and called over the intercom, “One box of large condoms, Register 5.”
The next man in line thought this was interesting, and Like most men,was up for a cheap thrill. When he got up to the register, he told thechecker that he too had forgotten to get condoms, and asked !if she couldhave some brought to the register for him.
She asked him what size, and hestated that he didn’t know. She asked him to drop his pants. He did. Shegave him a quick feel, picked up the intercom and said, “One box ofmedium-sized condoms, Register 5.”
A few customers back was this teenage boy. He thought what he had seenwas way too cool. He had never had any type of sexual contact with alive female, so he thought this was his chance. When he got to the registerhe told the checker he needed some condoms.
She asked him what size andhe said he didn’t know. She asked him to drop his pants and he did.
Shereached over the counter, gave him a quick squeeze, then picked up theintercom and said…
“Cleanup, Register 5”
–from Darcy B.
OHIO MOTORCYCLE SAFETY AND EDUCATION FUND UNDER THREAT!–The Motorcycle Safety and Education Fund, created to finance the Ohio Department of Public Safety motorcycle safety and education program, Motorcycle Ohio, may be raided of about $750,000 unless motorcyclists TAKE ACTION NOW!
Visit the AMA Rapid Response Center at, click on “StateWatch”, select “Ohio” from the drop-down menu and click “GO”, to read complete information and steps you can take to help preserve the Fund
After all, YOU pay into the fund each time you register or renew a motorcycle license plate. Six dollars ($6.00) of your registration fee goes directly into the Fund.Motorcycle Ohio is there to help you; now it needs your help. Preserve the Motorcycle Safety and Education Fund by taking a few minutes to contact the Ohio Controlling Board and your state representative and senator.We make it easy for you to show your support – do it NOW!
–from Rogue

SAN JOSE, CALIFA, MOTORCYCLE PARKING PETITION–Please click on the picture below to read and sign the “City of San Jose Motorcycle Parking” petition.If you can’t see the picture, simply visit: ~splatt CALIFORNIA FREEDOM AND MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS MONTH RALLY “CANCELED”–And just to keep everyone up to date…the California Freedom and Motorcycle Awareness Month Rally has been CANCELLED. The CHP expects upwards of 20,000 immigration protesters at the state capitol on May 1st and the city has refused to set aside and bag the parking meters for motorcycles only, as they have for the past 14 years. We are cooperating with the CHP on this one, please tell motorcyclists to stay clear of the capitol on May 1st. No re-schedule date has been discussed. If you’re Jones-ing for grass roots activism, the Assembly Transportation Committee will be hearing our lid law modification, AB2427, Canciamilla…on April 24th, 1:30 pm, Room 4202. It’s imperative that we PACK that hearing room, since we recently learned that packing the Senate Trans Committee earlier in the year was the ONLY thing that kept LANESHARING LEGAL. Yes, you heard that right. Lanesharing was going to be challenged, AGAIN, by a powerful committee chair…luckily, ABATE saved the day…this time. ~splatt STEALTH UNDERCOVER REPORT FROM NORTH CAROLINA–STEALTH BIKE WORKS was the featured shop last night at Kristopher’s restaurant and bar. We had a great time! I think some of the people there did not know what to think of us. We displayed our roller with the dished 5 gallon tanks. All night long we were asked why the tanks had dents in them??? Oh well I guess it will take some a little time to get used to our style. One thing I noticed all night was how the “NEW” riders would pull into the parking lot and pick their spot. They would approach their spot and proceed to back into the spot. They would crack the throttle for all it was worth while backing up. Hey, no matter how much you crack that throttle it won’t back up any faster! It is okay to kill the engine and then back up. Tomorrow night SBW will host our first “BIKER NIGHT.” That is right, a night for Bikers, a night to kick back, eat some food, drink a beer or two, watch some Biker T.V. and a time to tell a tall tale or two and to talk bikes. Sunday we are a stop on the Independent Bike Shop Poker run. The proceeds go to a needy family in the Charlotte area. We got our POW-MIA paint job back today and it came out real nice. Our two Shovel projects are nearing completion. I will have pictures real soon. “THE MEANEST” starts her Rider’s Edge class tonight. I know she will do great! She keeps telling us at SBW to start on her project bike but we still have not seen any money yet??? Well that is it for this week! Until next week, RIDE! –STEALTHMAN BIKERNET NOISE TESTING STUDY–Next week with the help of ABATE of California, Michael Hupy’s Offices, and the MRF (Motorcycle Riders Foundation). Bikernet will begin a series of noise testing and the Bikernet Interplanetary Headquarters in Wilmington, California. The testing procedure and results will be published in American Iron Magazine and of course on Bikernet. We will prove that motorcycle noise it transitory in overall noise issues and that like emergency vehicles, motorcycles need to make enough noise to be heard by motorists as a point of defense. Watch for initial study results as early as next week.
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