I KNOW IT?S ONLY WEDNESDAY–But we?re outta here to Laughlin maybe tonight. We were thinking about heading out at the crack of dawn tomorrow, but I think we should drive all night so we can lounge by the pool with drink in hand tomorrow instead.
Sorry the news is short; we?ll make up for it on Sunday in the Post. ~~Layla

PM CONTOUR MID CONTROLS–We?re seeing more and more builders experimenting with mid mounted foot controls and it looks like the aftermarket may have noticed, as well! These absolutely gorgeous mid controls are a product of Performance Machine and the prolific mind of Roland Sands. The left side is designed to hang from PM?s Contour Belt Drive Primary, and the right side is available for both a traditional drive bike (control mounts off of PM?s clutch slave) or a totally integrated hydraulic clutch slave and rear brake assembly for right side drive bikes.
The detail on these parts is amazing and they are available with a rubber wrapped peg, as well as a trick knurled aluminum peg. PM says they?ll make then in Polished, Chrome or black anodized finish!.
For more information, call or write to:
Performance Machine, Inc.
6892 Marlin Circle,
La Palma, CA 90623

TO THOSE WHO SAY MOTORCYCLING IS DANGEROUS–“Everything is dangerous if you’re stupid.”
Nick Roberts

RON HOUNIET WINS FIRST SCREAMIN? EAGLE NITRO HARLEY EXHIBITION OF THE NHRA SEASON–LAS VEGAS, Nev. (April 18, 2005) ? There was a little luck behind Ron Houniet?s victory during the first Screamin? Eagle Nitro Harley event at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series. Houniet beat Greg Grove on a motorcycle owned by legendary rider, Ray Price, during the final round of the NHRA SummitRacing.com Nationals at The Strip at Las Vegas Motor Speedway.
Houniet qualified fourth in the eight-bike field with a 6.610-second run at 211.73 mph. He turned in a 7.680-second pass at 124.59 mph in the final race on Sunday against Grove, who fouled at the starting line, immediately handing the victory to Houniet.
“You never want to win on the red light, but sometimes it just happens that way,” Houniet said. “We had a couple of lucky breaks this weekend and it’s fitting we’re in Las Vegas of all places, but I think consistency was really the key for us. We kept making runs in the 6’s and it would have been nice to make bigger improvements along the way, but I’m real happy with the victory.”
The race was the first of three stops on the NHRA tour for the Nitro Harley-Davidsons. The top 10 Screamin’ Eagle Nitro riders from the AHDRA (All Harley-Davidson Racing Association) are invited to make the special appearance at the NHRA event. Houniet was more than happy to participate in an extra weekend of racing.
“Being here and being able to race with the likes of John Force, Larry Dixon and everyone else is just great,” Houniet said. “We love coming out here and it’s good exposure for the sport.”
The next stop on the NHRA tour for the Nitro Harley-Davidson motorcycles will be the O’Reilly NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals at Bristol Dragway in Bristol, Tenn., April 29- May 1. The final appearance will be at Route 66 Raceway in Joliet, Ill., Sept. 29- Oct. 2.

AMACC CAR SHOW–The Alvin-Manvel Area Chamber of Commerce Car Show Committee is currently planning the 4th Annual Classic Car and Bike Show (including swap meet and craft show) to be held on Saturday, May 21, 2005.
We would like to offer your company the opportunity to have promotional items in our participant goody bags. We will be putting together 200 goody bags on May 13, 2005. All items can be shipped to the address below.
If you are interested in a vendor booth or how to participate in the car show please see attached flyer. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for your time and support! Have a GREAT day!
Brandy Crain
Alvin Convention & Visitors Bureau
105 W. Willis
Alvin, Texas 77511
Phone: 281-585-3359
Fax: 281-585-8662

BILLY LANE RIDES WITH RANGERS– Billy Lane Rides with returning Ranger?s out of Hunter Army Airfield
At Daytona Bike Week, Billy Lane worked on a bike that belonged to 1st Sgt. Mike Ferrusi during the Blood Sweat & Gears Tour. Mike?s wife wanted to surprise him while he was gone by adding a few parts to his bike, to do it right; she sent a letter to Billy Lane asking for parts advice. Billy chose to use that opportunity as a tool to thank service men overseas for what they do─ fight for our freedom. Billy brought Mike?s bike on stage daily and rebuilt it resulting in a unique Choppers Inc bike.
Following the build in Daytona, Billy promised to personally deliver the bike to Mike when he returned. Mike and his entire battalion returned last week to Savannah, GA. Over the past several weeks, Billy worked behind the scenes with the Hunter Army Airfield officials to be a part of their annual deployment ride. Attending the ride was Billy?s surprise for Mike and the whole crew at Hunter Army Airfield.

Thursday morning nearly one hundred riders saddled up for the 5th annual deployment ride. Billy rode up just before they left on 1st Sgt. Ferrusi?s bike and proudly handed it off with a heartfelt thank you adding; ?I?m here. I live a dream life. I ride motorcycles for a living and do what I love and these guys are out fighting for OUR freedom. I thought this would be the least I could do to thank them? said Lane.
Following the formal presentation of the bike, Billy and Ferrusi led the crowd on a 60 mile ride out of the Hunter Army Airfield.
?His generosity and support are unbelievable,? said 1st Sgt. Ferrusi. ?When I called home in March and learned that I was on the phone ?live? with Billy Lane at the Blood Sweat & Gears Tour in Daytona, I could not believe my ears. Then to see what he and the Choppers Inc crew had done to my bike via satellite, I was speechless. I thought that was the end and was so pleased, but it just kept coming, before I knew it, Billy was headed to Savannah riding my bike to present it to me in person. What a welcome home!? said Ferrusi.
Blood Sweat & Gears stops in Laughlin, NV next where a new bike project will begin. Billy will begin customizing a 2005 Heritage Springer provided by Carolina Harley-Davidson in Gastonia, NC. ?Some lucky person will be handed the keys to this bike when it is done.? said Lane, someone will get it just for coming to see us on the Tour?.
Following Laughlin, Blood Sweat & Gears will be at the Broken Spoke in Myrtle Beach, SC.
For Blood Sweat & Gears Tour sponsorship information, please contact Chrome Marketing Inc at 612-940-6115. Blood Sweat & Gears Tour is owned and copyrighted by Psycho Billy LLC, affiliated with Choppers Inc and Billy Lane. http://www.choppersinc.com

GOOD, BETTER, BEST– A Denver, Co policeman had a perfect spot to watch for speeders, but wasn’t getting many. Then, he discovered the problem – a 12-year-old boy was standing up the road with a hand painted sign, which read “RADAR TRAP AHEAD”.
The officer then found a young accomplice down the road with a sign reading “TIPS” and a bucket full of money. (And we used to just sell lemonade!)
BETTER A motorist was mailed a picture of his car speeding through an automated radar post in Vail, CO. A $40 speeding ticket was included. Being cute, he sent the police department a picture of $40. The police responded with another mailed shot of handcuffs.
BEST A young woman was pulled over for speeding. As the Colorado State Trooper walked to her car window, flipping open his ticket book, she said, “I bet you are going to sell me a ticket to the State Troopers Ball.”
He replied, “Colorado State Troopers Don’t Have Balls!”
There was a moment of silence while she smiled, and he realized what he’d just said. He then closed his book, got back in his patrol car and left. She was laughing too hard to start her car.
A WORD FROM ROGUE–This is Not a Good Bill. It was tried last year and defeated.It raises Money for the State but Does Nothing To Increase Penalties For Crashes, Injured or Killed People.Contact your Legislator and tell them not to pass without Loss Of License for Injury and Jail For Causing A Death.The State Does Not Need More Money and when you look at where the money goes it does not address the problem. ROGUE
Lawmakers back tough red-light penalties
By Sean Mussenden
Tallahassee bureau
TALLAHASSEE — As the parents of two young Orlando girls killed by a red-light runner watched stoically, the state House gave preliminary approval Tuesday to a law that would more than double fines for drivers who do not obey traffic signals.
The “Velez Memorial Traffic Safety Act” was named after 5-year-old Anjelica Velez and her sister, 2-year-old Victoria Velez, who were struck and killed by a sport utility vehicle that police said ran a red light on Goldenrod Road last fall.
The bill would increase the fine for running a red light from $60 to $125 and funnel the extra money to hospital trauma centers. It also would increase the number of license points from three to four as penalty for running a red light.
The girls’ father, Ivan Velez, said increasing the penalty for running a red light is a “good first step” toward preventing others from suffering as his family has.
Rep. Dean Cannon, a Winter Park Republican who sponsored the legislation, said he hopes the increased penalties will force drivers to think twice before going through an intersection after the light has changed.
“An enhanced penalty will impact behavior,” he said after the bill won approval without any debate.
State records show that in 2003, red-light runners caused 8,900 crashes that led to 115 deaths and about 13,000 injuries.
The legislation (HB 497) appears to have broad support in the House and is expected to gain final approval later this week.
A similar bill (SB 1264) is moving through the Senate.
As the House passed the measure Tuesday, Ivan and his wife, Yamilka Velez, looked on with approval from the visitors gallery. In October, Yamilka Velez was pushing Victoria in a stroller across Goldenrod in east Orange County.
Her other daughter was walking a few steps ahead when police say 22-year-old Ashley Elizabeth Townsend drove her SUV through a red light.
Townsend was charged with two counts of vehicular homicide last month. She has pleaded not guilty.
After the vote, Ivan Velez said he was happy lawmakers were moving to increase the penalty. “Florida has a major issue with people running red lights,” he said. “It’s a start. This is just the beginning of what’s needed.”
But the state Legislature has so far rejected the idea of passing a law to allow cameras at intersections to catch violators.
House Speaker Allan Bense said before the legislative session that he would block any legislation aimed at bringing red-light cameras to the state, calling it unnecessary “government intrusion.”
The devices are used in 19 states but are illegal in Florida. This year, efforts to introduce them to the state have stalled in both the House and Senate, something that has happened for years.
Proponents of the devices say it would help catch red-light runners and prevent hundreds of accidents per year. Opponents say it would invade drivers’ privacy.
Even Cannon, who pushed the bill in honor of the Velez children, said installing cameras at intersections would be going too far.
“I don’t like the idea of a mechanical device issuing a penalty, and a lot of people feel the same way,” he said.

FROM THE LAND OF OZ–The garage was finally clean and I knew there was no way left to avoid going to the grocery store (Mrs. Oz had put milk and bread on the list) a dangerous mission, but nevertheless a necessary one. Knowing the spandex wearing bicycle riders, PETA people, and other scum that I might encounter on the run, the choice of the proper sidearm was one not to be taken lightly.
As I approached the Oz Armory I considered my choices. The Desert Eagle .50 cal., loaded with the Speer Gold Dot Action Express 325 gr. soft point or the Magnaported S&W .44 sporting the Federal 180 gr. fmj. seemed slightly heavy for this trip. (Even the most aggressive spandex wearer generally won’t be found in an APC.) As I looked over my selection my eyes came to rest on the ever popular Browning Hi-Power 9mm, loaded with the 115 grain Parabellum round, but when you think of the Krishnas and the signature gatherers that might get between you and the dairy case you had better have a little more stopping power so I picked the crowd pleasing H&K USP Compact in .40 cal., sporting Speer 180 grain with a full metal jacket.
I slipped the H&K into its breakaway paddle holster and the rig into my waistband and headed out into the world knowing I was prepared. Just then a thought crossed my mind “Agent Who?”

TIME FOR A CUTIE BREAK–Hey man, just a few shots of some hunnies and a bike or two from the Laval, Quebec “Classic Bike and Tattoo” show.

BIKERNET STEALTH REPORT–I am writing this Tuesday night. I just got back from the town planning committee meeting for STEALTH BIKE WORKS and it was approved by all 10 members! That is the good news. Well there really isn’t any bad news, I have one more meeting to attend, the town council meeting, May 9th. The bad news is I can not get my business liicense until May 10th. You asked what is the difference between the town planning committee and the town council? That is a good question because I don’t know! They told me I was cool to sign the lease so I guess that is all that matters.
I have waited all my life for this so I guess a little set back with time won’t kill me. We still need another couple of weeks to get the building ready and equipment in place. This up coming weekend , the crew and I are planning on getting a lot done. You know when you decide to do something like this, you think of more things that need to be done each day. Right now the list consists of getting the power on, phones. security, insurance, equipment, signs, etc. These should go pretty smoothly since I have everything in place to make them happen.
Something else you go through when you decide to go out on your own are the ups and downs. Thankfully I have “THE MEANEST” to even them out. Like she always tells me “You know motorcycles and I know everything else!” Hey I bet a lot of you out there have a wife or girlfriend who tells you the same thing!
Another thing I am getting in place are our vendors. Right now we are getting hooked up with Custom Chrome, Drag Specialties, Kury-Akn, Teds V-Twin, Mid-USA, Gardner Westcott, S&S and Mustang just to name a few.
I don’t have our phone number as of now but I have the address:
14113 East Independence Blvd.
Matthews NC 28104
This Saturday I have been asked to judge a D.A.R.E bike show for the kids. I am honored to have the privilege and I am proud that I was asked. I think while I am there Saturday and the crew is hard at work, I will pass out a few SBW flyers. Hey, I think I like this boss thing! Ha! Ha! I think I will wear my BIKERNET t-shirt and hat to promote the best biker website out there!
Hey, you know life is good even though you go through some bad, some tough and even some tragic times it all has a way of balancing and sooner or later if you “keep pounding” you get to where you want to be. So keep punching! That is a wrap!
Until next time!

WELCOME THE NEWEST BIKERNET READER– Now I know I am getting old, I am now a grandfather. I almost forgot it`s a girl, “Brianna Elizabeth Lee”
Bob T

SAMSON SPONSORS THE AHDRA PRO MODIFIED– Samson Motorcycle Products is now sponsoring the AHDRA Pro Modified Class for the 2005-2006 National Points Series. Samson will design and coordinate special long-term promotions with Ray Price Racing to maximize exposure of our products and Ray Price Racing. ?The name Ray Price is synonymous with Harley Davidson drag racing and we are proud to be able to sponsor this race team,? said Kenny Price. As title sponsor to Ray Price Racing, we are able to show are support to the industry.
Sponsorship benefits include an official designation spot in prime, central location in Manufacturers? row with full samples and sales rights. All Class awards and trophies will read: ?Samson Pro Modified Winner or Runner Up?. Samson Motorcycle Products name and logo will be added to the Class sponsor section of website with a link to sponsors website. Samson will also have a ?-page full color ad or same value increments in the Speed magazine.
?SAMSON EXHAUST is the industry leader in motorcycle exhaust and Ray Price is the leader in drag racing,? said Nick Trumbo, SAMSON Sales and Marketing Manager. ?It is only natural that Kenny and Ray team up to put the Number 1 plate on Ray?s bike.?
SAMSON Motorcycle Products designs, manufactures, markets and sells premium quality motorcycle exhausts exclusively in Anaheim, California, USA. Every product has been thoroughly tested to improve performance, enhance appearance and give the sound customers are looking for. As the industry leader in aftermarket exhaust, every part is inspected for the highest quality standards. SAMSON Motorcycle Products markets products under the Samson Exhaust?, Caliber? High Performance Exhaust and Shogun? Exhaust brand names.

PRUNO MFG.–What Is It?Pruno Mfg. is a cutting-edge motorcycle parts and apparelcompany. We are based out of Terminal Island, California.Featured are our innovative cut out grips and folding pegsmachined from 6061-T6-billet aluminum and engineered withadded length for comfort. We offer these in 6 differentstyles (cross, diamond, star, spade, fireman, plain) and in3 different finishes (polished, chrome, black anodized).

The grips will fit single or dual cable throttles andinternal throttle models are available upon request. Mostcustom design requests can be accommodated.
We have also just released our new custom billet wheels.There are two designs, ?The Shank? (3 spokeconfiguration) and ?The Nickel Crew? (5 spokeconfiguration). They come in both a solid one-piece designas well as a three-piece design with various finishcombinations. In addition to the wheels, we will bereleasing custom one-off air cleaner covers.
We at Pruno are also proud to announce that we are now aKendall Johnson Customs Authorized Engine Distributor. Wefeel that KJC engines are the most reliable high horsepowerengines on the market today. We will be selling to bothdealers and end users all across the country. So if you areinterested in a KJC built S&S or Ultima El Bruto engine, wecan help you.
Not only do we have unique motorcycle parts but we offer asick clothing line as well. Our ?killer? looking logocombined with the concept of the company name is sure toturn some heads. ?Pruno? for those who don?t know isjailhouse wine generally made from a fruit, ketchup andsugar base. This vile and putrid beast is so potent thattwo gallons is said to be ?a virtual liquor store?enough to get about a dozen people mind-blowingly wasted.
Come check us out on the web at http://www.prunomfg.com

THE COMPU-FIRE POWER TEAM–The Compu-Fire Power Team Products areavailable for custom builders who will be required to use fuel injectionsystems to meet the new strict emissions regulations established by the EPAfor 2006. FI systems require more electrical energy than carbureted bikesand the controller boxes are sensitive to voltage drops caused by poorlyselected electrical components. Compu-Fire has the products ready to meetthe market’s needs.

The Compu-Fire Gen 3 Starter Motor produces 2kw of power while drawing onlyone half the energy from the battery compared to other starters availabletoday by using a more efficient motor design with six pole permanent magnetsin the field housing and lower ratio planetary reduction gearing. Thesefeatures allow the starter to draw less current, produce motor torque, andeliminate starter stall-out. The new 40 Amp 3 phase charging systems deliver25 amps at an idle and a constant 40 amps above 2800 RPM. The dynamicallybalanced rotor and the precision wound stator are designed to fit the narrowSoftail style primary cases used on most custom bikes and the 3 Phasevoltage regulator will attach to the frame in the standard mounting locationwithout frame mods. A large flanged seal spacer is supplied to giveadditional support to the rotor and vents in the rotor allow the stator torun cooler under heavy electrical load conditions.

For more information orfor a free catalog contact Compu-Fire at 909-598-5485.

BIKERNET/HOT BIKE/STREET CHOPPER/HOT ROD BIKE RIDE TO STURGIS OPEN THE THE PUBLIC–Yep, it’s the third annual HOT BIKE, Bikernet.com, Street Chopper and BikeWorks Charity Ride to Sturgis. I’ll give you a brief rundown: The charityefforts are to support the Crazy Horse Monument in the Black Hills. We leave from Phoenix on Wednesday the 3rd of August and ride alongwarm twisting highways, ducking interstates wherever possible to Durango,Colorado for the night. Then it’s up Thursday morn and down the terrificmountain roads into Aspen, Colorado for the night. Both these towns areknock-outs for terrific restaurants and nightlife. Friday morning we cut adusty trail north again into Cheyenne and we’re almost home. Saturday wemeander up killer roads into the Badlands and Deadwood, but we won’t stopuntil we reach the Full Throttle Saloon for our first party of the Rally.
It’s a chance to ride with the staffs of all three mags and thegirls of Bikernet to Sturgis. We’ve designed the ride to be comfortable andentertaining while supporting the Crazy Horse Monument. Each day will cover250-300 miles so we’ll roll into town in time to hang out by the pool, hitthe gym, shop in town then have a killer meal. We’re looking for IndustryCompanies to sponsor each evening meal, beginning in Durango, then Aspen andfinally in Cheyenne. We’ll handle all the arrangements, just pick up the taband support our Charity. Full Throttle will take care of our First RallyParty in Sturgis. That’s it, you cover the hotels and your expenses, we makeall the arrangements and you make a donation to Crazyhorse.
To get hooked up you need to contact Jorelene, our travel agent andline up hotels. She will have rooms booked from Phoenix to Cheyenne and ifyou’re not hooked up in Sturgis, she’ll try to help. Her email address is – carefreetours@hawaii.rr.com.
We can’t wait for the ride.
HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND–And we?ll be back in a couple of days.