I?VE GOT TWO TICKETS TO PARADISE–Pack my bags and leave in July! I know that?s not how the song goes, but I?m singing my own tune. The Choppers Only Show set for July 3rd is on and we?re going! After much debate, consideration and negotiations, the date is set, plane tickets been bought and a vacation waits. If anyone can get the time to go to Honolulu, HI for the July Fourth weekend, it?s the best time to double your pleasure for a tropical vacation AND attend a kick-ass bike show, Island style. If you?re thinking about going, you have to check out the Choppers Only website for bike shipping info, or bike rental from the one and only, Big Kahuna.

As for the gorgeous redhead above, her name is Christy Hemme and Bandit is in negotiations to do an article on her and her custom Dyna Lowrider for one of the magazines. I say he just brings her home to the Headquarters and we just look at her for a while. Yeah, just look? Alright, alright, there might be some touching but I think then we?d be up for a major ass-kicking cause she?s not only beautiful, she?s also WWE?s newest ?Diva?. I think we?ll just look and you can too if you subscribe to one or all of Primedia?s motorcycle titles, Hot Bike, Hot Rod Bike and Street Chopper. You don?t want to miss when they do the feature on Christy, do you?

Now for Bikernet. I dropped a couple more articles in yesterday, between last minute tax hassles and dropping off the Mikuni carb for the Sturgis Chop at Rivera Engineer. I still have more articles to post so keep checking ? I?m getting there. Layla
Enjoy the news?

CRAZY SUE MEMORIAL BENFIT–Hey, Just a reminder to those who’ve committed (and those who still have time to commit) 🙂 …. The Crazy Sue Memorial Benefit, hosted by the Monroe Iron Coffins Motorcycle Club, benefiting the Penrickton Center for Blind Children is coming up soon… April 30th…
Crazy Sue 2005 at Pirate’s Landing, last stop before the cemetery…We spoke of Crazy Sue, and all our fallen brothers, we spoke to the children at the Pentrickton Center, we talked about Southern Rock Allstars, who’ll be playing the event, and we asked for your support for the Silent Auction.
Some of you have responded positively, (however, we haven’t received the merchandise yet), others still have time to help us to help others.
Watched the Discovery Channel’s ULTIMATE CHOP the other night. What we wouldn’t have given to be there with ya’ll…. Looked like a G R E A T time. And the Indian Larry tribute… well, we were both in tears when Bambi heard that bike start up.
Well, if you’ve got a few, please take the time to send a wearable or two to the Coffins…
You can forward your donations to me, Hustler… at my home (the clubhouse mailbox isn’t very big and there’s no one there during the day to accept packages).
Hustler (Chuck Childress) and me, his wife, Barbara
6170 Leroux Road
Newport MI 48166-9509

LEE CHAPIN PROMOTED AT MIKUNI AMERICAN– Lee Chapin has been promoted to Vice President of the Aftermarket Business Division for Mikuni American Corporation, Northridge, California. Industry veteran Chapin formerly served as the Assistant Vice President of Marketing and Sales for the Aftermarket Carburetor Division at Mikuni. In his new expanded role Lee will now oversee all aspects of the Aftermarket Carburetor and related component business for Mikuni American. For more information visit http://www.mikuni.com or phone 818-885-1242.

DEVIL AND A REDHEAD–Check out the Blue leather seat thanks to Joe Noack!
Just goofing around as usual. . How is the building coming? Hope all is well.
Take care, The Devil

HOW TO MAKE MONEY–A city boy named Kenny, moved to the country and bought a donkey from an old farmer for $100. The farmer agreed to deliver the donkey to him the next day.
But the next day, the farmer drove up in his old truck and told Kenny, “Sorry, son, but I have some bad news, the donkey died.”
Kenny replied, “Well then, just give me my money back.”
The farmer said, “Can’t do that. I went and spent it already.”
Kenny said, “OK then, just bring me the donkey.”
The farmer asked, “What ya gonna do with a dead donkey?”
Kenny, “I’m going to raffle him off.”
The farmer said, “You can’t raffle off a dead donkey!”
Kenny said, “Sure I can. Watch me. I just won’t tell anybody he’s dead.”
A month later the farmer met up with Kenny and asked, “So, what happened with the dead donkey?”
Kenny said, “I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at $2 a piece and made a profit of $898.00.”
The farmer said, “Didn’t anyone complain?”
Kenny replied, “Just the guy who won, so I gave him his $2 back.”
Kenny grew up and eventually became the chairman of Enron.
Chris T.

BIKERNET WEBSITE OF THE WEEK–I wanted to let you know that I have a link to your web site on the motorcycle section of www.HURT911.org. You can find your link at: www.HURT911Biker.com.My name is Philip L. Franckel, Esq., and I’m the owner of www.HURT911Biker.com which is a part of www.HURT911.org, the first and most comprehensive Personal Injury research web site on the Internet with a substantial page rank, 60,000 page views per month, saved 100 times per day as a favorite web site and growth of nearly 250% per year. www.HURT911.org is used for research by people hurt in an accident, plaintiff and defense lawyers, insurance company claim representatives and doctors.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would link back to my site by inserting this short HTML code on your web site:
Philip L. Franckel, Esq.
1-800-HURT-911, Inc.
email: Phil@HURT911.org
42 Davis Lane
Roslyn, NY 11576
Phone: (516) 621-9399

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–As you might know and there’s no secret here, I spend as much time as possible and as work allows in Rincon. Yes I know that all of you know that shit already, but I have to start the line of thought somehow, and I guess that’s why it is what it is. Usually we just get on road 2 and hit the whole North coast ’till we reach Rincon (west). Well this time the waves were non existent, and having some time on my hands I decided to take the South route. I don’t know why, since it’s a bit longer, but I guess I wanted to try out if the highway (and higher speeds) would get me home quicker, then again, who cares. Believe it or not it’s been some time since I rode down that stretch of road, so we went for it. Yeah, I know, riding, surfing???? There’s something fishy there… Nope, that’s the cool thing about having the house there, leave the boards and bags and just head back home.
Since Rincon is the westernmost part of Puerto Rico all we did was whip around and head south. It?s a couple hours of riding, but in the late afternoon and with the sun falling right behind you it was a pretty cool trip. We started at the end of the central Mountain range, the flatlands that hug the fishing villages that have become towns and tourist attractions. The Caribbean sea to our right, home and roaming waters of those famous pirates of yesterday, the access to the West Indies and the infamous Windward Passage. Yes many piracy stories are based in areas around what I’m talking about, even the town of San German, known for the black market trading back then lays in front of us. As we gain miles, the mountains (to our left) keep getting near, the road winds around and takes us over them. The topography changes from arid flat land to lush mountain green. As you head upwards you can see some of the cays and small islands like Caja De Muerto (Coffin?s Island) and Boca del Infierno (Hell’s Mouth) a favorite hideout for the most famous local pirate, Roberto Kofresi. I remember in the old days as soon as you went up in the mountains you could see the huge tobacco plantations and the curing and storing shacks, once one of our main crops. Now we would be lucky if we catch a glimpse of a few plants.
Dusk settles in and sometimes there’s nothing like the view from atop the mountain towns down into the city. The flickering lights with that weird amber glow, which sometimes gets weirder when the fog sets in. We twist the throttle since the temperature up there gets a bit too cold for our Caribbean souls, but alas, we step on it bearing the crisp air, although making it a bit colder, but knowing that the quicker we get to the downhill, and closer to San Juan, the temps will go back to the balmy normal. The only thing that breaks my line of thought is the damn tolls, how I hate those fuckers……
It’s dark now, so we are hauling ass, big time, to make it back home before the Sunday drunks get in their cars and are out to really do some damage. Time and time again we let the throttle go and let those pans pop and rumble. If you have ever had the chance to ride an old bike with straight pipes you know what I’m talking about. Nothing like the deep tone of those 1 and 3/4’s decompressing.We haul ass, cutting lanes like actual madmen that we tend to be, fourth gear is whining, the stretch home is just a couple dozen miles, we are all safe and really fucking enjoying the ride. I’m sure everyone is totally absorbed by their own thoughts, we just grin, nod and fucking hit the gas even more. The brightness of the city welcomes us, we are home, and being home means that you do whatever you do when you get back to reality. What the fuck, another day in paradise, another cool weekend of surf, sun, babes and a ride to finish it off. Can’t fucking bitch. I would be an ingrate.
And now to some news…..
The last week end in May there’s an event going on, in the town of Lajas road 100, it’s a 3 day event and we have been invited over. So I guess we will spend the weekend there. We will stay at the fishing town of Parguera, world known for the phosphorescent bay, let’s see what happens.
I want to thank Von Zippers sunglasses for jumping in as my new sunglass sponsor, check their sight out, they got pretty cool shades…. If I can hook up with Vans…..anyone…anyone ???
The Biker Build Off of Ness vs Sands has been very well received here in PR, the phones at the shop are ringing off the hook. Sure there’s also some nay sayers, but those can fuck themselves. 99% has been very positive feedback and we hope that in the near future we can expose some more of PR to the world once more. Thanks to Original Productions for heading down this way….
Anyway guys…. See you next week, got a ton of stuff to do….
Jose ? Caribbean Reporter

Rider GT Tonglet leads Harley-Davidson into two round victories
BAYTOWN, Texas (April 11, 2005) ? GT Tonglet tried to make his 22nd birthday a special one by giving the Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson team its first victory of the season during Sunday’s O’Reilly NHRA Spring Nationals at Houston Raceway Park.
Tonglet and teammate Andrew Hines both came up short on that goal, but they aren’t short on motivation to get ready for the next race.
Tonglet earned two round victories before falling to eventual race winner Karen Stoffer in the semifinals. It was the first time Tonglet made a semifinal appearance since the fall event in Las Vegas (October 2004). Tonglet beat Matt Smith in the first round, recording a 7.196-second pass at 186.54 before winning his second-round matchup against Craig Treble, going 7.210 at 183.02. He posted a 7.266 run at 179.78 in the loss.
“Going to the semi is a big boost, especially since I haven’t been there for a while,” Tonglet said. “It’s a big step for me and I’m just trying to stay focused and get this Screamin’ Eagle team a victory as soon as possible. The Screamin? Eagle V-Rod is a great bike and it’s capable of going rounds and we’ll make it to a final round shortly.”
The team was more disappointed they were unable to continue the performance they started at the season-opening race in Gainesville in March. There, Hines recorded the first sub-seven-second run in NHRA history. Hines rode his Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines V-Rod to a 6.991 pass at 196.10 for the history-making marks.
The Screamin’ Eagle/Vance & Hines Pro Stock Motorcycle team is sponsored by Ford Truck, Dunlop, Matco Tools and S100.

LOS ANGELES CALENDAR SHOW JULY 16-17 2005–America’s premier custom and performance street bike event is excited to announce its affiliation with American Motorcycle Dealer magazine, the world’s leading dealer trade magazine for the American V-Twin market, as an official Affiliate Sponsor and Qualifying Round of the AMD Pro Show World Championship of Custom Bike Building sponsored by Custom Chrome.
The Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show is produced by Gianatsis Design Associates, a well-known and respected advertising design agency in the motorsports market, and producer of the world famous FastDates.com Motorcycle Calendars and Website. Agency Director Jim Gianatsis had this to say about the Show’s new affiliation with the AMD Pro Show series of events:
“We have been a strong supporter and friends with publisher Robin Bradley and his American Motorcycle Dealer magazine since he first began publishing it some 10 years ago. For our own advertising clients like Mikuni American and STD Performance, Robin’s AMD magazine is the most effective, affordable and attractive way of reaching dealers and distributors world-wide in the American V-Twin market.
Our affiliation as a Qualifying Round for AMD Pro Show’s World Championship of Custom Bike Building sponsored by Custom Chrome is a natural pairing. It brings together our LA Calendar Show, America’s premier custom and performance consumer street motorcycle event with its key industry manufacturers and retailers exhibiting their products here to the public, our international media attention from all the world’s top motorcycle magazines and TV shows, along with many of the world’s top custom bike builders showcasing their hottest newest machinery here, now joining together with AMD’s recently established World Championship of Custom Bike Building which will is poised to become the crown jewel in the professional bike building world.
For additional Spectator and Exhibitor information on the LA Calendar Motorcycle Showand AMD World Championship Qualifier in July go to http://www.FastDates.com/BIKESHOW.HTM
For additional information on the AMD World Final in November go tohttp://www.AMDProShow.com

High Style Companion Pad Coordinates with Hard-Ass? Solo Seat
Crime Scene Choppers announces the availability of the Polished Companion Pad, a passenger-pad styled to match their Hard-Ass solo seat. The seat is hand-formed from stainless steel and show polished. It comes standard with your choice of red, black or white leather inserts. The Polished Companion Pad is made in the USA.The Polished Companion Pad is shaped to fit radiused rear fenders as found on the current breed of fat tire choppers.

Quality and Style?Most p-pads available today? said Joe McGlynn, owner of Crime Scene Choppers. ?are just square blocks of foam and vinyl. We wanted to create a p-pad with serious style and the highest quality materials possible. This seat is styled to coordinate with the Hard-Ass solo seat.?
Hard-Ass AvailabilityThe Polished Companion Pad is available through http://www.CrimeSceneChoppers.com immediately. Special order upholstery is available. New products are being introduced every month, so check the website for the latest news.

MONTGOMERY GENTRY TO HOST THE 2ND ANNUAL ACADEMY OF COUNTRY MUSIC CELEBRITY MOTORCYCLE RIDE– Dierks Bentley, Lonestar, The Warren Brothers, Ira Dean of Trick Pony, Shelly Fairchild, Trent Willmon & James Otto Will Join Montgomery Gentry On The 2nd Annual Ride. Proceeds To Benefit Newly Created Academy Of Country Music Charitable Foundation Today the Academy of Country Music announced its 2nd Annual Academy of Country Music Celebrity Motorcycle Ride, a star-studded daylong trek through the Nevada desert that will benefit the newly established Academy of Country Music Charitable Foundation, an in-house organization designed to raise support, and embrace programs dedicated to the awareness, growth, and education of music.
As part of the festivities surrounding the 40th ANNUAL ACADEMY OF COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS, the Academy will host this scenic, half-day excursion beginning at the world’s largest Harley-Davidson dealership, LAS VEGAS HARLEY-DAVIDSON. The 2nd Annual Academy of Country Music Celebrity Motorcycle Ride will take place on Sunday, May 15th, 2005. [Anyone interested in signing up for the ride should contact Brandi Brammer at (818) 842-8400 x.214 or visit the Academy’s website athttp://www.acmcountry.com.]
“Last year the Charitable Ride raised money for the Academy’s Charitable Foundation by letting artists and fans get together and ride their bikes through the beautiful landscape that only Nevada has to offer,” said Rod Essig, Vice President of the Academy of Country Music. “This year guarantees to be better than last year! I urge you all to sign-up and come join us.”
The Academy of Country Music was founded in 1964 with a mission to support, promote and enhance the advancement of the country music industry worldwide. The Academy is best known for presenting its annual ACADEMY OF COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS, which are televised, live on CBS and honor excellence among the industry’s brightest stars. The Academy, which is comprised of 3,800+ professional members and a newly established Associate Membership, is headquartered in Burbank, CA.
ACADEMY OF COUNTRY MUSIC CHARITABLE FOUNDATION With a heartfelt commitment to the welfare of music and its community, the Academy of Country Music Charitable Foundation will endeavor to support and embrace programs dedicated to the awareness, growth, and education of music.
The ACADEMY OF COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS will be broadcast LIVE from the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas on May 17th, 2005 at 8:00 PM ET/PT on The CBS Television Network.
LAS VEGAS HARLEY-DAVIDSON, the world’s largest Harley-Davidson dealership, located at 2605 S. Eastern Avenue, Las Vegas, NV, has been serving Southern Nevada since 1995. Winner of the Gold Bar & Shield Circle of Excellence Award and Humanitarian Awards, Las Vegas Harley-Davidson holds several events each year that support the sport of riding and benefit the community. The dealership is also the recipient of multiple Promoter of the Year Awards.

WEST COAST THUNDER VI ? MEMORIAL WEEKEND BASH– Expands To 3 Days Adds “Chrome Build-Off” & More Motorcycle enthusiasts can choose from two big Memorial Day events — the East Coast has the “Ride To The Wall” and the West Coast has West Coast Thunder.
West Coast Thunder VI, the sixth annual event commemorating Memorial Day Weekend at Skip Fordyce Harley-Davidson in Riverside, CA expands to a full three-day motorcycle festival May 28-30, 2005 with live entertainment, great food, fun, bike games, a poker run, a “Chrome Build-Off” competition, prizes and a parade of more than 4,000 motorcycles to Riverside National Cemetery to honor our national heroes.
Festival activities will take place at Skip Fordyce Harley-Davidson, 7688 Indiana Ave., in Riverside, CA and motorcycle enthusiasts can either pre-register or sign up at the dealership starting Fri., May 27th.
Registration is $20 before May 23rd and $25 after. Registration includes an official ride pin, Sunday poker run, continental breakfast and parade entry on Memorial Day and lunch following the memorial service — and one ticket for a chance to win a 2005 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy. A portion of all proceeds throughout the weekend event will benefit War Memorial construction funds at Riverside National Cemetery.
The “Chrome Build-Off” is a new competition at West Coast Thunder. Two pre-registered participants will be selected to compete in this “Chrome Build-Off”. Each competitor will begin with identical Harley-Davidson motorcycles, which contestants will enhance by adding Genuine Harley-Davidson Chrome Parts and Accessories.
Everybody attending the event will have an opportunity to cast their vote for the “Chrome Build-Off” bike they like the best. Both customized motorcycles will be for sale at Skip Fordyce Harley-Davidson following the event.
Live entertainment, vendors and bike games will keep the festival rockin’ throughout Memorial Day weekend. Festival activity builds to a Memorial Day parade on Monday to Riverside National Cemetery to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. The parade begins at 9:11 a.m. sharp.
To register for the event visit www.skipfordyce.com or call 951-785-00100 and ask for the West Coast Thunder coordinator.

FIFTEEN DAYS–Fifteen days ago, I read that smoking can kill you; The nextday I stopped smoking.
Twelve days ago, I read that too much red meat can kill you; The next day I stopped eating red meat..
Eight days ago, I read that drinking can kill you; The next day I stopped drinking.
Yesterday, I read that having sex can kill you; This morning I stopped reading.
Continued On Page 2