Continued From Page 1

BIKERNET BONNEVILLE-BONNE BELLE-PROGRESS REPORT– We received a communique from none other than Fast Eddie Boomhower himself, regarding the Bonne Belle motor. The following documents are highly classified. This email will self destruct in 2 minutes, so read fast.

This is some kick ass info. You can post some of it on Bikernet if you wish, so the faithful readers can see how it was done BEFORE computers and CNC machines….In other news, I called Jim Leinweber’s shop to discuss the cams, but was informed that he was in a motorcycle accident, and will be on the mend until sometime in May (hopefully).
Godspeed on your recovery, Jim!!!! Now I’m gonna go rattle Justin’s cage about a Deal of the Week…

Keep It Greasy,
–Greg @ DBW

BEAR BUTTE, SOUTH DAKOTA TO SEE ANOTHER BIKER BAR–Another biker bar will live in the shadow of the sacred Bear Butte in the Northern Black Hills.With a vote of 5 to 0, the Meade County commissioners approved a malt beverage license April 4 for Jay Allen, owner of the soon-to-be Sturgis County Line campground and biker bar, which is located two and one-half miles north of Bear Butte.
More than 500 people, American Indians and supporters, gathered at Bear Butte to pray and offer support in opposition to the license. The group then assembled outside the courthouse where the hearing was held, but not all were able to enter the room in which the hearing was held.
Meade County is the largest county by area in the nation and property rights are nearly sacrosanct. Only two criteria are needed to acquire a malt beverage license: character of the applicant and location of the business.
Since there are other beer licenses within two and one-half miles of Bear Butte, the commissioners said they could not disapprove the application given the fact that Allen has a good record. Allen owns an existing biker bar, the Broken Spoke, which he boasts is one of the biggest such bars in the world – upwards of 500,000 bikers visit the area in the first two weeks of August.Other beer licenses nearby are located at campgrounds and businesses other than large or designated biker bars. Allen plans to construct a 35,000-seat amphitheatre, a campground, RV park and, eventually, a rodeo arena.
”I have a respect for the people [American Indians], but I have a right to do what I’m doing,” Allen said.He said even if the beer license was not approved, he would build the campground.
–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
ABATE MEMBERS RIDE TO FLORIDA CAPITOL —The roar of motorcycles could be heard outside the doors of the Florida Capitol Monday.Hundreds of motorcyclists from across Florida rode on the Capitol for their annual rally.In past years, American Bikers Aimed Toward Education (ABATE) used the lobbying day to call for the repeal of the mandatory helmet law.
While the law was repealed, lawmakers are now talking about requiring bikers to take a mandatory safety education course.The state currently requires a basic rider’s education coarse for any motorcyclist under the age of 21.ABATE of Florida says requiring adult motorcyclists to pay a fee and take a course while not require that of other drivers is unfair.
These bikers said the real issue is that people who drive cars don’t understand the needs of people who ride motorcycles.
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

AMA PRAISES IOWA’S NEW ‘JUSTICE FOR ALL’ LAW– The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) hasannounced that Iowa has enacted a law supporting the goals of the AMA’s”Justice for All” campaign, increasing penalties for drivers who injureor kill others as a result of traffic violations and adding motorcycle-and bicycle-awareness information to the state’s driver-trainingcurriculum.
AMA members joined ABATE of Iowa in lobbying for the law, which wassigned by Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack just a day after a similar law wassigned by West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin.
The Iowa law adds a fine of $500 or a driver’s-license suspension of upto 90 days, or both, for traffic violations that result in seriousinjury. If a driver causes a death, penalties increase to $1,000 or alicense suspension of up to 180 days, or both. These penalties can beimposed in addition to any other fines.
“This is exactly the kind of law the AMA aims to see passed in all 50states as part of Justice for All,” said AMA Legislative AffairsSpecialist Imre Szauter. “All Iowa motorcyclists who worked to get thislaw approved deserve a lot of credit for bringing justice and awarenessto their state.”
Responding to the disturbing nationwide trend of inadequate sentencesfor motorists who kill or seriously injure other motorists, the AMAlaunched Justice for All in 2004. The campaign’s goals includeincreasing each state’s penalties for violations that result in seriousinjury or death, as well as incorporating motorcycle-awareness modulesin driver-education classes.
Iowa and West Virginia join seven other states in passing legislationthat supports the goals of Justice for All: Arkansas, Maine, New York,North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington.
For more information about the AMA’s Justice for All campaign, visit –from Rogue BIKERNET WEEKLY PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–Rigid shot recently and minip’d to look like how it rides….some like it rough. Ride Hard,
Whiplash Biker Photog

These springs are great for adjustability when mounting to the frame. They can be mounted in front of, behind or on top of the frame rails. They measure 3.600 from center hole to center hole. and measure 4.250 total height. Width is 1.673 They are only sold in kits.
Rear kit (rear tabs and hardware) and full kit (front and rear tabs and hardware).

WORLDWIDE RETAIL SALES OF HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES INCREASE 6.9 PERCENT–Milwaukee, Wis., April 12, 2006 — Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE: HDI) today announced record revenue and earnings for its first quarter ended March 26, 2006. Revenue for the quarter was $1.29 billion compared with $1.24 billion in the year-ago quarter, a 4.0 percent increase. Net income for the quarter was $234.6 million compared to $227.2 million, an increase of 3.2 percent over the first quarter of 2005. First quarter diluted earnings per share (EPS) were $0.86, an 11.7 percent increase compared with last year’s $0.77.
“Harley-Davidson is off to an excellent start for 2006, having achieved record revenue and earnings,” said Jim Ziemer, President and Chief Executive Officer, Harley-Davidson, Inc. “In addition, our dealers continued their retail sales growth momentum from the second half of 2005 as motorcycle sales increased by approximately 7 percent worldwide in the first quarter. With the increased seasonality in our business, we are pleased with this retail sales performance,” said Ziemer.
Harley-Davidson’s second quarter shipment plan is 78,000 2006 model year motorcycles. Production in the second quarter will also include approximately 13,000 2007 models to prepare for the new model introduction in mid July; however, these 2007 motorcycles will not be shipped until the third quarter.
The Company’s wholesale shipment target for the calendar year 2006 remains between 348,000 and 352,000 Harley-Davidson? motorcycles. “We believe that the prospects for retail growth remain strong and support a wholesale unit growth rate in the range of 5 to 9 percent annually and an annual EPS growth rate of 11 to 17 percent,” said Ziemer.

NEW XB BOARDTRACKER–Good meeting you a few weeks back at Cincy. Anyway I wanted to get you a couple of pictures of our nearly completed XB Boardtracker-inspired bike. This was, as of last weekend, with just the oil line plumbing a couple of other odds and ends to take care of. Thought I would pass these along and see what you thought of it, since we talked about it briefly out there. I made the billet mid-controls (our first set ever) as well as the air cleaner, sprocket cover, axle covers and chain drive shift linkage system.
Check it out and let me know what you think!
Justin Schillling
Owner: Two-Bit Choppers
Phone: 970-587-5867
Cell: 970-301-0065

AMDRAGS Expands Outlaw Pro Stock Rules– The AMDRAGS American V-Twin motorcycle drag racing series has opened up its featured Outlaw Pro Stock class to allow nitrous oxide as well as small-displacement carbureted nitro-fueled machine.
“A lot of racers and manufacturer have suggested we expand the rules for the Outlaw Pro Stock,” said AMDRAGS race director Matt Polito. “We looked hard at these changes and got a lot of support across the board. This is going to be a real outlaw class and I think the racers and fans will really respond to it.”
The OPS class will now allow traditional Pro Dragster bikes and Pro Gas bikes with the exception of turbochargers.
“Turbocharged machines present such performance potential, they are a real problem for us,” continued Polito. “We felt it won’t be long before the turbo bikes would dominate the class. We decided not to allow them because it would be too difficult to maintain parity with the configurations that we do allow.”
The complete rules can be viewed at
AMDRAGS will compete a 3-race series in 2006 including stops in Rockingham, North Carolina, Maple Grove Raceway in Pennsylvania, and Maryland International Raceway in Budds Creek, Maryland. The events will feature professional and sportsman drag racing open to American V-twin motorcycles, the Thunder Alley Race School, and American Iron Showbike Association series.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THEDAYTONA BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT!RECEIVED 04/07/2006 09:30AM–My name is Detective Schlieper of the Daytona Beach Police Department. On 4/6/2006 Mr. Scott Yadro was arrested for committing an ORGANIZED SCHEME TO DEFRAUD OVER $50,000, a first degree felony. He used a bondsman shortly thereafter to post $50,000 bond. This case currently only represents 15 victims; I believe there may be more victims. If you believe you are an additional victim in this case please contact me in the following manner and provide the following information to me.
* STEP ONE: E-mail me a chronological narrative as to what happened to you. Please include at the least your telephone number, name, and address. My E-mail address is My contact information is included below as well. I prefer you use E-mail as this lets me print out your the narratives. You will probably get a faster response over E-mail as well.
* STEP TWO: Fax me, E-mail me, or snail mail me the evidence. This must be some form of proof that you paid Mr. Yadro money or that Mr. Yadro owes you money: an invoice, a check copy, a money order copy, a copy of the credit card statement, or similar item. Also include any written correspondence between you and Mr. Yadro that you can.
* STEP THREE: I will contact you by telephone to obtain a taped sworn statement. I will swear you in, establish your identity, and you will verbally tell me what had occurred.
I thank you for your understanding. This is still a very large case and it has taken me a very long time to complete it. If you don’t know where you stand in this matter, feel free to drop me an E-mail. Again, you will probably receive a quicker response over E-mail than over the telephone.
(You may contact the Daytona Beach Police Department directly to confirm the identity of the Detective.)
Daytona Beach Police Department
990 Orange Avenue
Daytona Beach, Florida 32114
Phone Number: (386) 671-5100 extension 5213
(386) 671-5213
FAX: (386) 671-5236
E-mail Address:

AEROMACH TECH FROM JOHNNY WHITE-We’re about to post a FLH gas cap replacement tech from Aeromach and Johnny White. Watch for it in the Bikernet Tech section.

STEALTH SHOP REPORT FROM CHARLOTTE–“The Meanest” and I rode to our first bike night of the season last night. It was a beautiful night. The air was cool and the stars were bright, in others words perfect! We saw a lot of Stealth Bike Works customers and I talked bikes and projects with a few. I really get into that part of the shop.
Here at the shop we have been pretty busy. We continue to attract new customers. Next week on Friday night, SBW will host our first “Biker Night.’ As the name implies it is about ‘BIKERS” and in a small way, our way of saying “Thanks’ to all who have supported Stealth Bike Works. You can come by just to hang out with us. We will have food and Biker Build Off’s will be on the T.V. I hope it turns into a time where we get together with our friends and customers and just kick back and talk bikes or whatever comes up.
One thing I wanted to mention is that “The Meanest” has decided she wants to learn to ride! Next weekend she is taking the riders course. I am proud of her! It was her idea and I did not talk her into it. One thing concerns me though, she keeps talking about taking one of my bikes for a ride????
Chopper John has been busy building a rigid frame for his S&S Sportster. It is coming along nicely and I should have some pictures next week. We got our paint back for our 71 Shovel project and I will also have pictures of that next week, so stay tuned.
All of us at Stealth Bike works would like to wish all of you a Happy Easter!
Until Next week, RIDE!

SCREAMIN’ EAGLE ARIZONA BIKE WEEK NATIONALS HEATS UP IN PHOENIX–More Than 300 Harley-Davidson Entries Vie for Top Honor.In 2005 Doug Vancil rode his Harley-Davidson Top Fuel entry to his first victory of the season at the fourth event of the AHDRA series. Vancil went on to finish second in the national Screamin’ Eagle championship chase.
Vancil is off to an even quicker start in 2006. Vancil led a host of winners Sunday at the Screamin’ Eagle Arizona Bike Week Nationals Presented by Arrowhead Harley-Davidson and Chandler Harley-Davidson at Firebird International Raceway.
Vancil beat Steve Dorn in the Top Fuel final – just the second event of the season and second of four events sponsored by Screamin’ Eagle. Vancil blasted down the quarter-mile track with a 6.629-second pass at 206.73 mph to earn his first victory of the season. Dorn went 6.641 at 207.30. Vancil started eliminations in the No. 4 spot, qualifying with a 6.569.
In the Destroyer category, Tripp Nobles earned the victory for Las Vegas Harley-Davidson by turning in a 9.399 pass at 140.87 over Daniel Harvey in the final when Harvey fouled at the starting line. Nobles also took the top honors in qualifying with a 9.409 pass.
KW Seneca took the holeshot victory over Dan DeGood in the SEP category, turning in a .051-second reaction time to beat DeGood’s .201 at the line. The quick start aided the slower but winning 11.603 pass. DeGood, riding his retirement season, rode to a 11.464. Seneca was 18th in qualifying with an 11.601 time.
Jeff Lange took the victory in the ET final round, beating Robert McConnell with a 11.062 second pass to McConnell’s 11.525.
The next AHDRA event is the Lonestar Nationals in Dallas, April 22-23.

THREE DISCOVERY BIKER BUILD-OFFS HEADED TOWARD STURGIS–Everything is cool. In fact three BBO builds are going to end up at Sturgis: Perewitz vs. Yaffe, Jason Hart vs. Brian Klock and Detroit Bros. vs. Jason Kangas. The rides will end up at three different locations. We are determining which three as we speak.
So I will see you there.
Hugh King
aka Chopper King

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