MOTORCYCLES NOT ALLOWED:Your message may be better suited to the TripAdvisor Forums

My message: Do not show up on a motorcycle because the WONT let you in. I drove from LA and am a moto-journalist doing a story…hell I didn't even know motorcycles are NOT ALLOWED!  Does this happen often I exclaimed… "All the time" the guard told me as he  pointed to the exit.

Thank you for taking the time to write to TripAdvisor. We try our best to limit our review section to first-hand traveler reviews. General commentary, bulletins, or questions for other reviewers, such as your message, may be better suited to the TripAdvisor Forums ( Forums are discussion boards in which members ask and answer as many travel-related questions as they like and get travel help from fellow members. Please feel free to post your message there instead.
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TripAdvisor Support Team
——original review——-
Subject: Seventeen Mile Drive
Location: Carmel, Monterey Peninsula, California, United States, North America
ID#: 137849960
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